Medical Appointments. Medical appointments may be charged to sick leave. The employee must notify the supervisor of a medical appointment at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance except in case of emergency.
Medical Appointments. Approved time off for an employee to attend a dentist, doctor or other medical appointment will not be deducted from the employee's sick leave entitlement unless it exceeds two (2) hours per appointment or occurs on a "very frequent basis".
Medical Appointments. To the extent possible, employees should schedule dental, optical or medical appointments during off duty hours. However, when this is not possible and in the judgment of the Chief an employee can be spared from work, the employee shall be given the time off and, at the employee's discretion, either from accumulated compensatory time off or sick leave credits charged therefore.
Medical Appointments. An Employee must obtain prior approval from the Appointing Authority for the purpose of medical, dental, or optical examination or treatment, when such examination or treatment cannot be scheduled other than during working hours. Such absence on paid sick leave shall be approved only when the Employee has made a diligent effort to have such examination or treatment prior to his or her normal working hours, after work, or on a day off.
Medical Appointments. An employee on light duty who is working full time is encouraged to schedule doctor's appointments during off hours. If an employee is unable to schedule injury related medical appointments during non-work hours, the employee shall be released from work for no more than two (2) hours per week, including travel time, for one (1) year from the date of the original injury. The employee shall not be charged leave for those two (2) hours per week. The employee shall return to work for the remainder of the shift following the medical appointment.
Medical Appointments. Employees who have sick leave in their bank may use sick leave for their own medical appointments at the start or end of the workday. Employees must pre-schedule these appointments with their supervisor, and work the balance of the day.
Medical Appointments. Sick leave may be used for doctor's or dentist's appointments that cannot be reasonably arranged for after working hours, provided that prior approval for the specific time is received from the employee's supervisor.
Medical Appointments. Teachers may leave their place of employment for the purpose of an appointment with a dentist or a doctor up to thirty (30) minutes before their normal departure time. Principals may require that the teacher leaving early present proof of the time and date of the appointment.
Medical Appointments. (a) Employees will schedule medical appointments outside of regular working hours whenever possible.
Medical Appointments. Employees will be expected to schedule medical appointments and/or treatments during non-working hours. Paid release time will be allowed for medical/dental appointments and/or treatments an employee is unable to schedule during non-work hours. Up to four (4) hours per calendar year may be included as release time, to be paid only when a minimum of three (3) days’ advance notice is received and the absence is approved by management. Release time for medical/dental appointments is subject to supervisory approval based upon patient care considerations and departmental needs. Medical appointment time will be taken in at least fifteen (15) minute blocks of time, up to a total of four (4) hours per year. These four (4) hours will not be considered toward attendance purposes.