IN PORT Sample Clauses

IN PORT. Any crew member required to get a vessel ready for refit, after the vessel is in port, or required to get the vessel ready for sailing the refit shall be paid for performing such duties at the following rates: Learner Deckhand 2nd Engineer Xxxx Xxxxx Mate Chief Engineer When getting vessel ready for refit while home on last trip prior to refit, crew members who are required to perform work related to the refit shall receive a flat rate one payment of When gear must be removed for purposes in port rate will be paid to each crew member required to perform the work. When it is required to move a vessel while in Port, it shall normally be done by shore personnel, assisted by the Engineer when necessary, except in case of emergency or inclement weather when it may be deemed necessary by the Company that other crew members move the vessel. Other crew members will be paid for such work in accordance with the provision ofArticle For putting on warps supplied marked, the Company will pay a Mate and/or Boson an Engineer and the necessary additional crew members up to a maximum of fifty (50) man hours at the appropriate rates above. If a sailing time has been scheduled and the vessel is not ready to sail at the scheduled sailing time and the sailing time is delayed in excess of two (2) hours for mechanical, electronic, crew or delayed icing reasons (refits excepted) the Company will, for the crew members on board, pay four (4) hours work in port at the rates specified in After the two (2) hours delay the Company shall pay work in port for crew members to stand by or re-schedule the sailing time. New sailing time shall be written in the log book and signed by the Captain and the Union Delegate. Crew members must sail on such delayed trips at the rescheduled sailing time to for the compensation as above. All compensation will be added to the settlement of such delayed trip. When a vessel returns to port before completion of her normal voyage because of mechanical problems, for longer than two (2) hours the Company will, for the crew members who signed on the said trip and remained to complete the said trip, pay the crew on the same basis as outlined above. After the three days, where it appears there will be an extended delay, the Company will attempt to place the crew members on other Company vessels. When on stand-by at other than home port, all meals shall be paid for by the Company at the average cost of food per day calculated the provision costs of the most recen...
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IN PORT. $40.00 per night provided the employee does not remain aboard the vessel and NOAA has not made other accommodations. The lodging allowance may be reimbursed up to the General Services Administration (GSA) Lodging Rate for the locality if receipts are submitted. Payment for such accommodations shall be made via the ships imprest fund.
IN PORT. When a vessel is tied up i n the home port for repairs or overhaul watches may be broken provided reasonable notice is given, and Officers may be assigned to day work on the basis of seven and one half hours per day. Three (3) shifts shall be permitted and shall be compensated for in the following manner: Eight hours pay for and one hours work. For on the afternoon or graveyard shifts a seven percent (7%) differential not paid over and above the basic rate of wages. As a rule repair work or overhauls be carried out on Saturday or Sunday. I N PORT ) Any worked by Officer after seven and one hours on Monday to inclusive, or during any part of Saturday or Sunday any holiday, shall be for a t the rate. The of pay for an Officer required €or overhaul work shall not be less his hourly rate. When a vessel is away from the home port, watches shall not be broken and the Sections (a) and shall not apply. notwithstanding the above, watches may be broken a t the discretion of the Master on Foreign Going and Home Trade Class I and X I voyages accordance with the fore- going. In the above instances Section (a), and shall not apply. Chief Engineers desirous of participating in refits shall so indicate by registering their names with their employers. The Company shall ensure that a Chief Engineer w i l l work by the first main engine refit a to ment regular posting to that vessel. This require- be waived where the Chief Engineer has been previously on a vessel with similar engine or where the company has an alternative training program available for engineers to upgrade their skills i n procedures of propulsion or auxiliary machinery When an engineer assigned to a Vessel does not work by during repairs or overhaul, he shall be supplied, prior to sailing, with a list of the repairs made. The Company shall ensure that a competent person, who is familiar with the work done, shall confer with said engineer prior to sailing. Where an engineer works by, and the time between sailings is than twenty- four (24) hours, he shall on ships One master normally assigned to the vessel shall in attendance during steamship inspection of life saving and fighting CLOTHING If an Officer to wear a uniform the Company will supply, and clean such The w i l l provide any protective clothing equipment required and approved Compensation Regulations for the handling of specific cargo The Company w i l l provide quality without cost to Officers. The Officer headsets or earplugs the the necessary prot...
IN PORT. A vessel shall be considered to be “in port" when secured at a scheduled berth or anchorage for the purpose of embarking or disembarking passengers. APPENDIX 1 UNIFORM/WORKING CLOTHING ALLOWANCES In order to determine the appropriate rate of clothing allowance consistent with both the amount of livery/working gear items supplied by FMSB and the extent of uniform and working clothing required to be worn by individuals, the following groups have been established. Clothing Allowance Group I Employees required to purchase complete uniform blues/whites, etc, and basic-working gear. Group II Employees are required to purchase only basic working gear and/or basic uniform items. £150 pa £60 pa NOTES

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  • Wire Unbundled DS1 Digital Loop This is a designed 4-wire Loop that is provisioned according to industry standards for DS1 or Primary Rate ISDN services and will come standard with a test point, OC, and a DLR. A DS1 Loop may be provisioned over a variety of loop transmission technologies including copper, HDSL-based technology or fiber optic transport systems. It will include a 4-Wire DS1 Network Interface at the End User’s location.


  • Spring Semester Cancellation of this contract, for any reason, more than (5) five business days after receiving a room assignment will result in a Liquidated Fee of $500 to be placed on the student’s account.

  • Einwilligung Zur Verwendung Von Daten A. Analysedaten. Wenn du dich entscheidest, die Sammlung von Analysedaten zuzulassen, erklärst du dein Einverständnis damit, dass Apple, seine Tochtergesellschaften und Auftragnehmer Diagnosedaten sowie technische, nutzungsrelevante und zugehörige Informationen, einschließlich insbesondere eindeutige System- oder Hardwarekennungen, Informationen über deinen Computer, deine Systemsoftware und Softwareprogramme sowie deine Peripheriegeräte sammeln, verwalten, verarbeiten und verwenden dürfen. Diese Informationen werden regelmäßig gesammelt, um Produkte und Dienste von Apple bereitzustellen und zu verbessern, die Bereitstellung von Softwareaktualisierungen, Produktsupport und anderen Diensten für dich (sofern vorhanden) in Verbindung mit der Apple-Software zu vereinfachen und um die Einhaltung der Bestimmungen dieses Lizenzvertrags zu überprüfen. Du kannst deine Einstellungen für die Analyse jederzeit ändern, indem du auf deinem Computer zur Einstellung „Analyse“ navigierst und das Markierungsfeld deaktivierst. Die Einstellung „Analyse“ befindet sich in der Systemeinstellung „Sicherheit“ im Bereich „Privatsphäre“. Apple ist berechtigt, diese Informationen zu nutzen, sofern diese für die oben beschriebenen Zwecke in einer Form gesammelt werden, die keinerlei Rückschlüsse auf deine Person zulässt. Damit Partner und Fremdentwickler von Apple die Möglichkeit erhalten, ihre für die Nutzung mit Apple-Produkten ausgelegte(n) Software, Hardware und Dienste zu optimieren, stellt Apple solchen Partnern oder Fremdentwicklern möglicherweise einen Teil seiner Diagnoseinformationen bereit, der für die Software, Hardware und/oder Dienste dieses Partners oder Entwicklers relevant ist, vorausgesetzt, diese Informationen werden in einer Form verwendet, die keinerlei Rückschlüsse auf deine Person zulässt.

  • SBC-12STATE 47.1.1 The terms contained in this Agreement and any Appendices, Attachments, Exhibits, Schedules, and Addenda constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding all prior understandings, proposals and other communications, oral or written between the Parties during the negotiations of this Agreement and through the execution and/or Effective Date of this Agreement. This Agreement shall not operate as or constitute a novation of any agreement or contract between the Parties that predates the execution and/or Effective Date of this Agreement.

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