Elected Office. An employee elected to full-time Union office will be granted leave of absence without pay and will continue to accumulate service for vacation entitlement and seniority and any other benefit referable to length of service.
Elected Office. An elected or appointed officer who willfully violates the provisions of the constitution and by-laws or any SOP enacted by the Board may be removed from office by a petition signed by three-fourths (3/4) of the voting membership. Any allegations of misconduct, misappropriation of funds, or of an officer consistently not serving in the best interest of the Boosters, must be submitted in writing and signed by the voting member making the allegations. This must be presented to the Board, via certified mail, and a copy forwarded to the said officer. A majority vote by the General Membership shall constitute retention or removal of the officer from the Board by secret, written ballot and tallied by the staff. No proxy voting is allowed. Any officer absenting themselves for more than three successive meetings shall be automatically suspended from office. Serious illness and excused absences accepted.
Elected Office. A certified employee may be granted a maximum of ten (10) days temporary leave in the event the certified employee is elected or appointed to a local, state, or national governmental office, or is elected or appointed to a state or national office in a professional educational organization, the duties of which office require periodic absences to attend statewide, regional (within or outside the state), or national meetings; provided, however, in the event the certified employee receives compensation from his/her elected or appointed office, the cost of a substitute shall be deducted from a certified employee's salary. The total amount deducted, however, shall not exceed the total amount received from such office. Additional days may be approved by the Superintendent of Schools, but only at full deduction of salary.
Elected Office. A leave of absence without pay may be granted to serve in elected public office where the duties of such office require full-time participation of the incumbent and preclude continuance of normal teaching duties in the district. Such leave shall be granted annually and be renewed annually for the length of the term of office. In addition, a reasonable period of time, to be mutually determined by the Superintendent and member of the bargaining unit concerned, may be granted without pay to a member of the bargaining unit for the purpose of campaigning for public office.
Elected Office. A7.11 An employee who is elected to a full time paid position with the Institute shall be granted leave of absence without pay for the term of office. It is the responsibility of the employee to maintain professional qualifications during the period of leave.
Elected Office. An elected office is the patent office of a PCT member state which has been elected to receive the International Preliminary Examination Report under PCT Chapter II. The applicant must initiate national phase entry within 30 months of the priority date.
Elected Office. A leave of one (1) or two (2) years may be granted for service as an elected officer of a professional organization, or to campaign for or to serve if elected to a public office.
Elected Office. A leave of absence may be granted to allow a faculty member to serve in some elected or appointed capacity in local, state, or national government. A faculty member who is appointed or elected to a political office which requires a full‐time commitment may be granted an unpaid leave for not more than one (1) elected term to be served in such office.
Elected Office a. Should an employee, covered by this bargaining unit, be elected to the position of President, Vice-President or Executive 1st Vice-President of the New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association, they shall be placed on administrative leave.
Elected Office. Subject to the prior approval of the Director a teacher may be granted a maximum of ten (10) days temporary leave in the event the teacher is elected or appointed to a local, state, or national governmental office, or is elected or appointed to a state or national office in a professional educational organization, the duties of which office require periodic absences to attend, statewide, regional (within or outside the state), or national meetings; provided, however, in the event the teacher received compensation from his/her elected or appointed office, the cost of a substitute shall be deducted from a teacher’s salary. The total amount deducted however, shall not exceed the total amount received from such office. Additional days may be approved by the Director, but only at full deduction of salary. ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: At the beginning of each school year SKACD. - N.E.A. shall be entitled to ten (10) days of paid leave to be used by officers, state delegates, or members of the Association’s negotiating team; provided, however, that no one individual may use more than two (2) such days, except that the President may use three (3) such days. Any days in excess of the maximum number of days allowed hereunder shall be granted only with full deduction in pay. All such leave shall be requested at least five (5) school days in advance of the leave, and must be approved in advance by the President of SKACD.- N.E.A., and the building principal, and the Director. JURY DUTY OR SUBPOENA: If a professional employee is subpoenaed to appear in court or is to serve on jury duty, there will be no deduction in salary or sick leave. EMERGENCY LEAVE: Leave of an emergency nature, other than sickness or injury as previously defined, may be granted to the professional employee if it is unavoidable that the employee be absent from his/her school duties. The leave request shall be made at least two (2) days in advance, if at all possible. The requested leave must be approved in advance by the Director to constitute an excused absence. The circumstances of the situation shall be the determining factor as to whether or not full deduction of salary, substitute pay, or no deductions shall be made due to the absence. If the Director approves the requested leave, he/she shall, upon such approval, inform the professional employee of his/her determination of salary deduction, if any.