Reasonable Expense definition

Reasonable Expense means any ex- pense incurred due to repair of a war- ranty failure caused by a non-original equipment certified part, including, but not limited to, all charges in any expense categories that would be con- sidered payable by the involved vehicle manufacturer to its authorized dealer under a similar warranty situation where an original equipment part was the cause of the failure. Included in ‘‘reasonable expense’’ are any addi- tional costs incurred specifically due to the processing of a claim involving a certified aftermarket part or parts as covered in these regulations. The di- rect parts and labor expenses of car- rying out repairs is immediately chargeable to the part manufacturer. All charges beyond the actual parts and labor repair expenses must be am- ortized over the number of claims and/ or over a number of years in a manner that would be considered consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. These expense categories shall include but are not limited to the cost of labor, materials, record keep- ing, special handling, and billing as a result of replacement of a certified aftermarket part.
Reasonable Expense means a cost incurred reflecting the action that a prudent person would have taken under the circumstances prevailing at the time the decision to incur the cost was made. Major considerations involved in the determination of the reasonableness of a cost are: whether the cost is of a type generally recognized as necessary and appropriate for the operation of the institution or the performance of the sponsored agreement. (Reference: OMB Circular and Guidance A-21, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions (
Reasonable Expense means an expense that demonstrate prudence, good judgement, moderation and is defensible to an impartial observer or citizen of Calgary;

Examples of Reasonable Expense in a sentence

  • Reasonable expense incurred by the INSURED for that part of an audit or examination required by any governmental regulatory authority or self-regulatory organization and actually conducted by such authority, organization or their appointee by reason of the discovery of loss sustained by the INSURED and covered by this bond.

  • Reasonable expense incurred by the Purchaser when returning defective Products will be refunded to the Purchaser when the Purchaser submits to the Distributor or Cattani evidence of payment by the Purchaser.

  • Reasonable expense incurred in preparation of this Agreement shall be paid by the Company.

  • Pediatric Specialty Care Benefit – We will pay the Usual and Reasonable expenses incurred for pediatric specialty care, including mental health care by a Physician, as defined in this contract, with recognized expertise in specialty pediatrics to insureds requiring such services.Prosthetic Devices Benefit- We will pay the Usual and Reasonable expense incurred for Prosthetic Devices and repairs under the same terms and conditions that apply to other durable medical equipment covered under the Policy.

  • Reasonable expense incurred by the INSURED for an audit or examination required by any governmental regulatory authority or self-regulatory organization and conducted by such authority, organization or their appointee because of the discovery of loss sustained by the INSURED and covered by this bond but only for the part of the audit or examination caused by said loss.

More Definitions of Reasonable Expense

Reasonable Expense means the reasonable and customary fee or charge for the services rendered and the supplies furnished in the area where rendered or furnished; provided such services and supplies are recommended and approved by a Physician.
Reasonable Expense means an expense that demonstrates prudence, good judgement, moderation and is defensible to an impartial observer or citizen of Calgary. 3.0 Payment for Employee Business Expenses 3.1 The City will only pay for business expenses that are approved (see Section 4.0 of these procedures) and are supported by adequate supporting documentation (see Section 6.0 of these procedures). 3.2 City employees may not receive personal financial benefits, such as reward program points or rebates, from City-paid business expenses. Refer to the Conflict of Interest Policy. 3.3 The City’s preferred method of payment for Employee Business Expenses is the Corporate Credit Card. 3.4 Employee Business Expenses paid directly by Corporate Credit Card must also follow the Supporting Procedures for Corporate Credit Card. 3.5 Under limited situations an Expense Report (X-76) may be used. 3.5.1 In order to submit a claim for an expense reimbursement by Expense Report, the employee must submit an approved Expense Report Form (X 76). 3.6 Under exceptional circumstances, reimbursement requests may also be made using a Request for Reimbursement from Petty Cash form (X 91). 3.6.1 Reimbursements from Petty Cash may only be claimed for expenses of$100 or less, including GST. 3.6.2 In order to submit a claim for an expense reimbursement from Petty Cash, the employee must submit a completed and approved Request for Reimbursement from Petty Cash form (X 91).3.7 Expense reimbursements shall be issued only in Canadian dollars. 4.0 Types of Business Expenses 4.1 Business expenses include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Meal and hosting expenses, including those from meetings, events and corporate functions; b. Business travel expenses, including accommodation, transportation and out-of- town meals; c. Employee development expenses, including courses, conferences, seminars, education and training (see also the HR Guidelines for External Learning Activity Support); d. Subscriptions to technical, trade and other business-related publications; and e. Certain employee recognition expenses incurred as a part of The City’s Corporate Recognition Program are subject to the Corporate Recognition Program Policy (HR-035). 5.0 Dept ID Owner Responsibilities 5.1 Dept ID Owners are responsible for ensuring that their staff are aware of and adhere to this and all other applicable City policies and procedures when incurring expenses. 5.2 Dept ID Owners shall ensure that expenses are reasonable, have ade...
Reasonable Expense means an expense that demonstrates prudence, good judgement, moderation and is defensible to an impartial observer or citizen of Calgary. 3.0 Lost or Stolen Corporate Credit Cards 3.1 Cardholders are to take all reasonable measures to secure the CCC, including the card number, expiry date, Card Verification Code (CVC) and personal identification number (PIN), in order to safeguard it from loss, theft, or unauthorized use. 3.2 Cardholders shall not write down or share their card number, expiry date, CVC code or PIN. 3.3 If a CCC is lost or stolen, Cardholders must immediately contact BMO Financial Group to cancel the card. Cardholders shall also inform their Credit Card Administrator of their lost card by emailing 4.0 Dispute of Transactions 4.1 In the event of a discrepancy, Cardholders are responsible for disputing the transaction with the merchant or BMO Financial Group. 4.1.1. If the dispute is related to price or quantity on a known transaction, the Cardholder shall contact the merchant to resolve the dispute. 4.1.2 If there is a transaction the Cardholder does not recognize, the Cardholder must contact BMO Financial Group immediately to report the incident. 4.2 Cardholders are responsible for documenting and following up on any disputed transactions immediately to ensure all applicable credits are applied to their accounts. 5.0 Suspension or Cancellation of Corporate Credit Cards 5.1 A CCC must be cancelled by contacting Accounts Payable if it is no longer required, if the Cardholder moves to a position in another business unit, or if the Cardholder is no longer employed by The City; refer to the City’s Employee Departure/Transfer Checklist. 5.2 A new application is required when an employee moves to a new position within the same business unit. If the CCC is no longer required in their new position, then the CCC must be cancelled. 5.3 A CCC must be suspended by contacting Accounts Payable if the Cardholder is suspended, takes an extended leave of absence or is temporarily seconded to a position in another business unit or to a position that does not require the use of the CCC. 5.4 Accounts Payable is authorized to cancel any CCC at any time in the case of misuse or non-compliance with City policies. 5.5 Upon card cancellation or suspension, the Cardholder must surrender their CCC to their Approver. The Approver would be required to shred the card and dispose of it at their location or send it to Accounts Payable. 6.0 Changes to C...
Reasonable Expense means expenditure that can withstand a public disclosure test, therefore the cardholder will have no hesitation about disclosing the expenditure, being able to defend both its purpose and amounts while highlighting the benefits to the organisation.
Reasonable Expense means the usual and customary fee or charge for a given service or supplies by a Licensed Physician to a majority of the Licensed Physician’s patients and the customary fee charged by the majority of the Licensed Physicians within a community for the same services and supplies.
Reasonable Expense means an expense that demonstrates prudence, good judgement, moderation and is defensible to an impartial observer.
Reasonable Expense means the reasonable and customary fee or charge for the services rendered and the supplies furnished in the area where rendered or