THE CARD ACCOUNT. 3-1 The Company will maintain a Card Account for each Principal Cardholder and will charge to such Card Account the amounts of all goods and services (“purchases”) and of cash withdrawals obtained by use of the Card including all applicable fees and charges as governed by the Company’s Services and Fees Guide declaration form and any other amount charged to the company arising from the use of the Card.
THE CARD ACCOUNT. 3.1 The Bank shall open and maintain a separate Card Account for each Purchasing Card. 3.2 The Bank shall debit each Card Account with the Total Indebtedness of its respective Cardholder. The Purchasing Cardmember alone shall be liable to pay to the Bank all Total Indebtedness so debited whether or not a transaction voucher is signed by a Cardholder. 3.3 The Bank will implement such Daily Spending Limit, Transaction Limit, Credit Limit, Department Limit and/or Merchant Category Code Check in relation to Card Accounts as the Purchasing Cardmember may determine and notify the Bank from time to time. Notwithstanding any limits that may be imposed, the Bank may in its absolute discretion approve any proposed Card Transaction and allow the Indebtedness to exceed any limits that may be imposed even in the absence of any request from the Purchasing Cardmember provided always that the Purchasing Cardmember must forthwith pay such amount in excess of any limits that may be imposed. Notwithstanding any applicable Merchant Category Code Check, the Bank may in its absolute discretion approve any Card Transaction which may infringe the then applicable Merchant Category Code Check even in the absence of any request from the Purchasing Cardmember. 3.4 In calculating whether any Daily Spending Limit, Credit Limit and/or Department Limit has been exceeded, the Bank may take into account the amount of any Card Transaction not yet debited to the Card Account and of any authorisation given by the Bank to a merchant or any other third party in respect of a prospective Card Transaction. 3.5 The amount of any Card Transaction if denominated in a currency other than Singapore Dollars shall be converted to Singapore Dollars at such time and rate of exchange as the bank in its absolute discretion determines in accordance with its usual practice before the amount of the Card Transaction is debited to the Card Account. All overseas transactions will be subjected to a Bank charge of 1.5% (or such other rate as determined by us from time to time) plus any other fees levied by Visa/ MasterCard/JCB International. All MasterCard card transactions effected in Singapore dollars and processed overseas are levied an additional fee of 0.8% by MasterCard International Incorporated. 3.6 The Bank will in the normal course send a monthly consolidated Statement to the Purchasing Cardmember which will show the balance outstanding in each Card Account and a monthly statement to the Cardholder which w...
THE CARD ACCOUNT i. The Bank may debit the Card Account with the amounts of Card transactions, any other liabilities of the Cardholder inclusive of any legal fee and all other administrative costs incurred by the Bank, and any loss incurred by the Bank arising from the use of the Card. The Principal Cardholder will be liable to pay the Bank all amounts so debited whether or not a sale or cash advance voucher is signed by the Cardholder. ii. The Bank will normally send a monthly Statement of Account to the Card Holder who shall pay to the Bank the amount shown as the minimum due on or before the ‘Due Date’ stated. However, he may pay the full amount due or any amount above the minimum amount at his discretion. When the last date for payment falls on a Bank non-working day payment shall be made on the preceding working day. iii. Subject to any limitation imposed by statutes all amounts due under this Agreement will be immediately payable in full on the commission of an act of bankruptcy by or on the death of the Principal Cardholder or at the Bank’s discretion, if there is any breach of this Agreement by the Cardholder. iv. Any Payment to the Bank will only take effect when received at the address notified by the Bank and credited to the Card Account. The Principal Cardholder shall ensure that funds are available to meet any cheque given to the Bank in respect of the Cardholder’s obligations under this Agreement. v. Annual fee will be debited to the Credit Card Account on the date of card issuance.
THE CARD ACCOUNT. 4.1 The Bank will debit the Card Account with the amounts of all Card Transactions and charges and any other liabilities of the Cardholder arising from the use of the Card. The Principal Cardholder will pay to the Bank all amounts so debited. 4.2 Where a credit card is issued to an Organisation, it will be the responsibility of the Organisation to set spending limits for individual card or employee issued with card. The Organisation may seek the support of the Bank to set the limits or other business restrictions as per the Organisation’s policy. 4.3 The Organisation shall be liable for all amounts due under the corporate credit card and shall remain responsible for the repayment of the corporate credit card balances.
THE CARD ACCOUNT. 3.1 The Bank may debit the Card Account with the amounts of all Card Transactions, any other liabilities of the Cardholder inclusive of any legal fee and all other administrative costs incurred by the Bank and any loss incurred by the Bank, arising from the use of the Card. 3.2 The Cardholder will be liable to pay to the Bank all amounts so debited whether or not a sale or cash advance voucher is signed by the Cardholder. 3.3 The Bank will send a monthly Statement of Accounts to the Principal Cardholder, to the address given in the Application or to any other address duly notified in writing to the Card Centre at least fourteen (14) days before the payment due date. 3.4 The Cardholder shall pay at least the Minimum Payment on or before the Payment Due Date. The Minimum Payment would be 5% of the total outstanding amount shown in the Cardholder’s monthly statement or the stipulated minimum amount as per the statement. Where, the total outstanding as at the Statement date exceeds the Credit Limit, the minimum payment would be the sum of the excess amount over the Credit Limit plus 5% of the outstanding balance. 3.5 All amounts due under this Agreement will be immediately payable in full on the commission of an act of bankruptcy by or upon the death of, the Principal Cardholder or, at the Bank’s discretion if there is any breach of this Agreement by the Cardholder. 3.6 Any payment made to the Bank will only take effect when received and credited to the Card Account.
THE CARD ACCOUNT. 4.1. The Bank shall be entitled to claim and receive from the Cardmember any Charges and Liabilities and any other costs or expenses incurred or payable by the Cardmember including Supplementary Cardmember under these Terms and Conditions and according to rates stipulated in the Schedule of Charges . The Cardmember shall be liable to pay to the Bank all such amounts regardless of the manner in which the Card Transaction is conducted or instructions are issued by the Cardmember in relation thereto. In addition, the Bank shall be entitled to claim and receive all losses or damages incurred or sustained by the Bank arising from or relating to the unauthorized use of the Card (or any indemnity herein or otherwise be given) or any breach of these Terms and Conditions by the Cardmember and Supplementary Cardmember. In case the Cardmember including a Supplementary Cardmember is holding an account with the Bank, the Bank shall be entitled, in its absolute 18 19 discretion, to debit that account and also to recover any amount that may be due to the Bank under this Article or under any other Term or Condition. 4.2. All foreign transactions made or incurred by the Cardmember in any country except Pakistan on their Card will be converted from the base currency (i.e currency of that particular country as allowed by the Bank from time to time) to U.S dollars on the international exchange rate applied after which same shall again be converted into Pakistani Rupees for the purpose of reimbursement from the Cardmember. To settle your foreign spend the Bank will purchase U.S. dollars from the open market at the prevailing open market (authorized money changers) rate and will debit Cardmember’s account in Pak Rupees using that rate plus a premium. Foreign transactions may also include Foreign Airline Tickets bought on Cardmember’s Card. 4.3. The Cardmember shall be severally or exclusively liable to pay all amounts debited to the Card Account by the Bank as more particularly specified in clauses herein below. 4.4. The Cardmember hereby irrevocably authorizes and empowers the Bank to open Rupee account as the Bank may deem appropriate and the Cardmember agrees, with respect to any Rupee account opened by the Bank on his or her behalf, that: (i) The Cardmember shall upon receipt of the first Statement of Account deposit such initial account opening balance in Pakistani Rupees as may be prescribed by the Bank from time to time. (ii) No cheque books will be issued in respect the...
THE CARD ACCOUNT. 2.1. The Card is a Visa debit card granted to Suy Sing grocers who have accumulated at least one hundred (100) rewards points from purchasing Suy Sing grocery items. The rewards are credited by Suy Sing and the earned rewards can be used in Suy Sing’s establishment, any Merchant that uses Visa and Bancnet POS, and for online ecommerce purchases with a point conversion of one (1) point = One Philippine Pesos (Php 1.00) 2.2. The Cardholder is responsible for all obligations arising out of the ownership and maintenance of the Account. The Cardholder shall bear all losses arising from the breach of any obligation, representation or warranty made to the Bank or under applicable law, and the costs incurred to enforce the rights or to collect any sum the Cardholder owes the Bank, including reasonable attorney's fees.
THE CARD ACCOUNT. 5.1 In the case of Charge Cards: at the end of each calendar month, the Issuer shall debit the Card Account with the amounts of all Card Transactions and Charges and any other liabilities of the Cardholder arising from the use or misuse of the Card. 5.2 In the case of Debit Cards: during the month, the Issuer shall debit the Card Account with the amounts of all Card Transactions and Charges and any other liabilities of the Cardholder arising from the use or misuse of the Card. 5.3 The Issuer shall be entitled to treat: (a) Any sales draft transaction record, credit voucher, cash disbursement record and/or other charge record bearing the imprint or other reproduction of embossed information contained on the Card as duly completed; and/or (b) The Issuer's record of any cash advances or of any other Transaction effected via mail or via telephone as evidence of a Charge properly incurred by the Cardholder, to be debited to the Card Account. 5.4 In the case of Corporate Cards: the Issuer may draw down the monies due to it in respect of Charges on the Cardholder’s Account under any guarantee on which the Bank is relying as Security. 5.5 The Issuer shall debit the Card Account with the amounts of all Card Transactions and Charges and any other liabilities of the Cardholder arising from the use or misuse of the Card and shall credit the Card Account with all or any pre-payments and other sums that may be paid to the Issuer for the benefit of the Cardholder and be creditable to the Cardholder arising from the use of the Card. 5.6 The Issuer shall be entitled to treat: (a) Any Card Transaction recorded on or charged to the Instant Account and Virtual Card Account as duly completed and binding on the Cardholder; and (b) The Issuer’s record of any Card Transaction as conclusive evidence of a Charge properly incurred by the Cardholder to be debited to the Card Account. 5.7 The Cardholder is liable for all Charges incurred on the Instant Account and Virtual Card Account.


  • Debit Card If approved, you may use your Visa® card to purchase goods and services from participating merchants. However, you may not use your card to initiate any type of gambling transaction. If you wish to pay for goods or services over the Internet, you may be required to provide card number security information before you will be permitted to complete the transaction. You agree that you will not use your card for any transaction that is illegal under applicable federal, state, or local law. Funds to cover your card purchases will be deducted from your share draft account. For ATM and one-time debit card transactions, you must consent to the Credit Union’s overdraft protection plan in order for the transaction amount to be covered under the plan. Without your consent, the Credit Union may not authorize and pay an overdraft resulting from these types of transactions. Services and fees for overdrafts are shown in the document the Credit Union uses to capture the member’s opt-in choice for overdraft protection and the Schedule of Fees and Charges.

  • TERMINATION OF CARD ACCOUNT 10.1 Your option to terminate (a) give us notice of termination; and (b) return to us the card cut in half; and (c) pay us the total outstanding balance in full (including the amount of any card transaction which you have carried out but which has not been debited to your card account before we receive your card), provided that such termination will only take effect after our receipt of the card and full payment of the total outstanding balance including any Collected Amount, interest, charges and fees due or funds required to be made by Law or Regulation. 10.2 Our right of termination (a) immediately return to us the card cut in half; and (b) pay the total outstanding balance in full (including such card transaction which you have carried out but which has not been debited to your card account before we receive your card).

  • Change of card account number (a) We may at your request or at any time without incurring any liability or giving any reason, and upon giving you notice, change your card account number; and issue a replacement card; and transfer the total outstanding balance and all credits (if any) from your original card account to the new card account. After we have given you such notice, you must immediately return to us the card cut in half. (b) Your obligations and liabilities under this agreement will not be affected or prejudiced by such change of your card account and this agreement. You may be required to re-establish your direct debit authorizations/GIRO instructions by providing your new card account number to the relevant billing organization and/or by providing updated instructions to us as we may require. In such instances, Citibank will not be liable for any damage, loss, claims which may arise from your failure to do the above.

  • Credit Card Payments If You pay for the APEX Service using a credit card (to the extent available), then: (a) You authorize Dell to periodically charge Your credit card for the APEX Service fees; (b) You will be subject to any additional terms presented to You by the third-party credit card payment processor (which will be the merchant of record for that transaction); and (c) You are responsible for keeping Your credit card information up to date. You agree that Dell may request that Your credit card payment issuer pre-authorize and hold an amount equal to the next recurring fee (or an estimate if the fee is variable) for the APEX Service in advance of its due date.

  • Visa Debit Card If approved, you may use your Visa® card to purchase goods and services from participating merchants. However, you may not use your card to initiate any type of gambling transaction. If you wish to pay for goods or services over the Internet, you may be required to provide card number security information before you will be permitted to complete the transaction. You agree that you will not use your card for any transaction that is illegal under applicable federal, state, or local law. Funds to cover your card purchases will be deducted from your share draft account. For ATM and one-time debit card transactions, you must consent to the Credit Union’s overdraft protection plan in order for the transaction amount to be covered under the plan. Without your consent, the Credit Union may not authorize and pay an overdraft resulting from these types of transactions. Services and fees for overdrafts are shown in the document the Credit Union uses to capture the member’s opt-in choice for overdraft protection and the Schedule of Fees and Charges.

  • Credit Cards About 93% of graduating students report they have at least one credit card, including 29% who say they have two or more. Among those students who have credit cards, about 79% report they pay off their balance each month and, as such, their current credit card balance is zero; however, when asked what their current credit card balance is, just 37% say it is zero. Among those with an unpaid balance, the average credit card debt students have is $2,771. None 7% 8% 7% 7% 6% One 64% 65% 62% 66% 66% Two 21% 19% 22% 20% 22% Three or more 8% 7% 8% 7% 6% Yes 79% 70% 81% 80% 78% Zero 37% 34% 37% 38% 38% $500 or less 14% 14% 13% 14% 12% $501 to $1,000 6% 6% 6% 7% 7% Over $1,000 10% 14% 8% 10% 11% Don't know 33% 32% 36% 31% 32% Average (those with credit card) $792 $1,176 $655 $753 $899 Average (those with unpaid balance) $2,771 $3,366 $2,395 $2,745 $3,089 * Total credit card balance and payment of the balance were asked of those who had at least one credit card.

  • Credit Card If you choose to pay by credit card, you will be prompted to provide your credit card information and will be presented with a screen that reflects the amount of your subscription, the amount of fees that would be charged by the credit card issuer for the transaction and the total amount payable.

  • New Accounts Contractor may ask State Agencies and other Authorized Users to provide information in order to facilitate the opening of a customer account, including documentation of eligibility to use New York State Contracts, agency code, name, address, and contact person. State Agencies shall not be required to provide credit references.

  • The Card (a) The Card shall be used by the Cardholder and any additional Card shall be used by the Authorized Cardholder exclusively and always within the limits of the balance available in the Card Account and/or the credit limit approved by the Bank and notified to the Cardholder and/or the holder of the Card Account from time to time in a manner the Bank deems appropriate, subject to the provisions of paragraph 15. It is understood that the initial limit will be notified to the Cardholder upon delivery of the Card. In case the Cardholder wishes to have a lower limit or a higher limit he should notify the Bank accordingly. (b) The Cardholder and, where applicable, the Authorized Cardholder is not entitled to use the Card or the additional Card, respectively, in excess of the limit which is mentioned above. If, however, for any reason the Cardholder and/or the Authorized Cardholder exceeds such limits, the Cardholder and/or the holder of the Card Account and/or the Authorized Cardholder undertakes to settle the unauthorized overdraft plus interest and/or any other charges, immediately upon the Bank's request, subject to the provisions of any applicable law and in accordance with the operating terms of the abovementioned Card Account and the Cards Terms and Conditions. (c) The Card is the property of the Bank. The Cardholder must return his Card and any additional Card to the Bank on demand. The Bank may from time to time issue new Cards of a type different to the one the Cardholder applied for, in parallel and/or to replace the existing ones. The signature of the application form and of this Agreement for the issuance of a Card shall be deemed as an application of the Cardholder for the issuance of any new Cards to the Cardholder and the Authorized Cardholder, where applicable, as explained above. If the type of Card changes, the number of the Card and, where applicable, the number of the Card Account may also change. If the Cardholder and/or the holder of the Card Account does not agree with such change, the Agreement may be terminated according to paragraph 11 below, without any charge. (d) The Cardholder and/or the Authorized Cardholder should use the Card and/or the additional Card, respectively, only during the validity period shown on it. (e) Unless otherwise provided in these Cards Terms and Conditions, the Cardholder and/or the holder of the Card Account are liable to the Bank for all Transactions that incur from the use of the Card and irrevocably authorize the Bank to settle all Transactions by debiting the Card Account. Where applicable, and in accordance to any applicable law, the Authorized Cardholder may also be liable for his acts and omissions. (f) In the context of offering a better quality of service to the Bank’s customers, the Contactless Payments service is provided, in order to render Transactions faster and easier. During the use of this service, the Card does not come into direct contact with the terminal. For Transactions below a certain amount, which remains in restricted levels for security purposes, there is no need to enter a PIN or signature. (g) The Card must not be used to obtain goods, tickets or services for resale in the course of a business or return for cash. (h) When using the Card, the Cardholder and the Authorized Cardholder must comply with all applicable laws. (i) The Card must not be used for illegal purposes.

  • Designated Accounts The Collection Account, the Note Distribution Account and the Reserve Account, collectively. Determination Date: The tenth day of each calendar month, or if such tenth day is not a Business Day, the next succeeding Business Day. Discount Rate: 0.00% per annum.