Credit Card. If you choose to pay by credit card, you will be prompted to provide your credit card information and will be presented with a screen that reflects the amount of your subscription, the amount of fees that would be charged by the credit card issuer for the transaction and the total amount payable.
Credit Card. Lessor is hereby appointed as Renter’s attorney in fact and Lessor is irrevocably authorized and instructed to debit all such unpaid amounts, as indicated in paragraph 7 of this Rental Contract, against any credit cards used by Renter for any initial payment or deposit to Lessor or used as a credit reference. All charges are subject to final audit or revision by Lessor.
Credit Card. The District shall provide the Superintendent with a District Credit Card to be used solely for business expenses incurred in connection with the execution of his duties as Superintendent.
Credit Card. If rent is paid by Credit Card rent must include a credit card convenience fee of 4% of what is charged.
Credit Card. When enrolled in a credit card payment processing method, you authorize us to charge your credit card, as designated by you in our payment portal, for any payments due under the Quote. For each credit card transaction, we reserve the right to add a convenience fee to the applicable invoice which will not exceed the actual costs we incur to accept your credit card.
Credit Card. Xxxxxx is hereby appointed as Xxxxxx’s attorney in fact and Xxxxxx is irrevocably authorized and instructed to debit all such unpaid amounts, as indicated in paragraph 7 of this Rental Contract, against any credit cards used by Renter for any initial payments or deposits to Lessor or used as credit reference. All charges are subject to final audit or revision by Xxxxxx.
Credit Card. Regarding payments made by credit card, CenturyLink reserves the right to only accept certain card providers and may modify the list of such providers, including no longer accepting any credit card payments of any kind from any card providers, at any time without prior notice to you. If you provide CenturyLink your credit card information, you authorize CenturyLink to automatically charge your provided credit card for all charges on your account, and CenturyLink will automatically charge your credit card for all such charges on the applicable billing due date shown on your billing statement, to the extent possible. No chargebacks are available or permitted.
Credit Card. We have issued or will send you a credit card for your use. You are not permitted to allow anyone else to use your credit card, but if you do, you will be responsible for such use. You will destroy all the credit card(s) issued on your account if we ask you to do so.
Credit Card. Lessor is hereby irrevocably authorized to debit all such unpaid amounts, as indicated in paragraph 7 of this Contract, against any credit cards used by You for any initial payments or deposits to Lessor or used as credit references. All charges are subject to final audit or revision by Xxxxxx.
Credit Card. If a credit card was used to add value to Dining Dollars the refund can be posted to the same credit card if: 1. the add value was performed within the last 6 months and 2. refund amount is less than last add value transaction.