Arbitration; Waiver of Jury Trial Sample Clauses

Arbitration; Waiver of Jury Trial. READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY BECAUSE IT REQUIRES THE PARTIES TO ARBITRATE THEIR DISPUTES. In the unlikely event that Broadvoice has not been able to resolve a dispute it has regarding Subscriber’s Equipment or Services arising out of or relating to use of the Equipment or Services after 60 days, any claim, dispute, or controversy (excluding any Broadvoice claims for injunctive or other equitable relief), whether based in contract, tort, statute or otherwise arising out of or in connection with or relating to this Agreement, the Equipment, the Services, or the breach or alleged breach of this Agreement (collectively, “Claims”), shall be decided by binding arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. This agreement to arbitrate is intended to be given the broadest possible meaning under Applicable Laws. The initiation of an arbitration dispute shall not otherwise prevent Broadvoice or Subscriber from terminating services in accordance with this Agreement. Disputes about the arbitrability of any claims and/or the scope, enforceability, or validity of this arbitration agreement shall be decided by an arbitrator. If an agreement to resolve the dispute is not reached, an arbitration proceeding may be commenced by downloading or copying a form from the AAA website (xxxx:// The amount of any settlement offer made by Subscriber or Broadvoice shall not be disclosed to the arbitrator. Each party will be responsible for its own costs incurred in the arbitration, including arbitration filing fees and attorneys’ or expert witness fees. The arbitrator’s costs and expenses shall be shared equally between the parties. The arbitration will be conducted in Los Angeles County, California. Each party will be responsible for paying any filing, administrative and arbitrator fees in accordance with the Arbitrator’s rules. The award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. Nothing in this Section shall be deemed as preventing Broadvoice from seeking injunctive or other equitable relief from the courts as necessary to protect any of Broadvoice’s proprietary interests. Subscriber and Broadvoice agree that, by entering into this agreement, Subscriber and Broadvoice are waiving the right to a trial by jury. ALL CLAIMS MUST BE BROUGHT IN THE PARTIES’ INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS ACTION, COLLECTIVE ACTION, PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL AC...
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Arbitration; Waiver of Jury Trial. In consideration of Executive’s employment with the Company, the Company and Executive agree that any and all controversies, claims, or disputes with anyone (including the Company, Executive and any executive, officer, director, shareholder or benefit plan of the Company in their capacity as such or otherwise) arising out of, relating to, or resulting from Executive’s employment with the Company or the termination of Executive’s employment with the Company, including any relating to this Agreement, will be subject to binding arbitration. Disputes which Executive and Company hereby agree to arbitrate,
Arbitration; Waiver of Jury Trial. Any dispute or controversy arising under, out of, or in connection with or in relation to this Agreement shall be finally determined and settled by arbitration in New York, New York in accordance with the Commercial Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. Within 20 days of the conclusion of the arbitration hearing, the arbitrator shall prepare written findings of fact and conclusions of law. It is mutually agreed that the written decision of the arbitrator shall be valid, binding, final and non-appealable; provided, however, that the parties hereto agree that the arbitrator shall not be empowered to award punitive damages against any party to such arbitration. To the extent permitted by law, the arbitrator’s fees and expenses will be borne equally by each party. In the event that an action is brought to enforce the provisions of this Agreement pursuant to this Section 22, each party shall pay its own attorney’s fees and expenses regardless of whether in the opinion of the court or arbitrator deciding such action there is a prevailing party. EACH OF THE PARTIES HERETO HEREBY IRREVOCABLY WAIVES ALL RIGHT TO TRIAL, INCLUDING TRIAL BY JURY, IN ANY ACTION, PROCEEDING OR COUNTERCLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT.
Arbitration; Waiver of Jury Trial. The Parties hereby agree to submit any claim or dispute between Employee and the Company or any of the Company Releasees, including any dispute arising out of or relating to the terms of this Agreement, Employee’s employment or the termination thereof to binding arbitration by a single neutral arbitrator experienced in employment law. Subject to the terms of this Section, the arbitration proceedings shall be governed by the rules of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services (“JAMS”) applicable to employment disputes as they may be in effect from time to time, and shall take place in Orange County, California. The arbitrator shall be appointed by agreement of the Parties hereto or, if no agreement can be reached, by JAMS pursuant to its rules. The decision of the arbitrator shall be rendered in writing and be final and binding on all Parties to this Agreement, and judgment thereon may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. All fees and costs payable to the Arbitrator or JAMS shall be paid by the Parties in accordance with JAMS rules; provided, however, that Employee shall not be required to pay any amount to the Arbitrator or JAMS that would be unique to arbitration or exceed the costs Employee would incur in pursuing the same claim(s) and action(s) in a court of competent jurisdiction. Any shortfall shall be paid by the Company. Each party shall bear his or its own attorneys’ fees, expert witness fees, witness expenses and other costs; provided, however, that the Arbitrator may award such costs, fees or expenses in accordance with applicable law. This arbitration procedure is intended to be the sole and exclusive method of resolving any dispute between Employee, the Company and/or the Company Releasees, including without limitation any claim for breach of this Agreement or otherwise arising out of or relating to this Agreement or Employee’s employment, and the Parties hereby waive any rights to a jury trial.
Arbitration; Waiver of Jury Trial. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or pursuant to the Plan, this Agreement, any other agreement entered into pursuant to the Plan or any undertakings, covenants and agreements incorporated by reference into the Plan or this Agreement shall be submitted to and finally determined by binding arbitration to be held in New York, New York at the American Arbitration Association, before one arbitrator under an in accordance with the American Arbitration Association’s Commercial Rules, with each party to be responsible for its own attorney’s fees and costs incurred in connection therewith. In the event that this arbitration provision is determined by a court with appropriate jurisdiction to be unenforceable, the Company and the Employee each hereby waives the right, if any, to a trial by jury of any claim that would have been subject to arbitration under this Section 7(d). Each party (i) certifies that no representative, agent or attorney of any other party has represented, expressly or otherwise, that such other party would not, in the event of litigation, seek to enforce the foregoing waiver and (ii) acknowledges that it and the other parties have been induced to enter into the Agreement by, among other things, the mutual waivers and certifications in this Section 7(d).
Arbitration; Waiver of Jury Trial. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, any controversy between the parties arising out of or related to this Agreement or the parties’ obligations hereunder (including, without limitation, disputes arising out of any public policy or any federal, state or local laws, regulations or statutes prohibiting employment discrimination or harassment) shall be resolved through binding arbitration before the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. (“JAMS”) in Chicago, Illinois pursuant to the terms of the Federal Arbitration Act. The costs of the arbitration, including any JAMS administration fee, the arbitrator’s fee, and costs for the use of facilities during the hearings, shall be borne equally by the parties to the arbitration. THE PARTIES UNDERSTAND THAT BY AGREEING TO SUCH BINDING ARBITRATION THEY ARE HEREBY WAIVING THEIR RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL AND THE PARTIES HERETO HEREBY WAIVE, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY RIGHT THEY MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY LEGAL PROCEEDING DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, ANY LOAN DOCUMENT OR THE TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED HEREBY (WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT OR ANY OTHER THEORY). EACH PARTY HERETO (A) CERTIFIES THAT NO REPRESENTATIVE, AGENT OR ATTORNEY OF ANY OTHER PARTY HAS REPRESENTED, EXPRESSLY OR OTHERWISE, THAT SUCH OTHER PARTY WOULD NOT, IN THE EVENT OF LITIGATION, SEEK TO ENFORCE THE FOREGOING WAIVER AND (B) ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT AND THE OTHER PARTIES HERETO HAVE BEEN INDUCED TO ENTER INTO THIS AGREEMENT BY, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THE MUTUAL WAIVERS AND CERTIFICATIONS IN THIS SECTION 11.9. The arbitrator shall not have any power to alter, amend, modify or change any of the terms of this Agreement nor to grant any remedy which is either prohibited by the terms of this Agreement, or not available in a court of law. The arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the rules of JAMS streamlined arbitration except that the arbitrator shall be mutually acceptable to both parties, both parties shall be entitled to conduct discovery pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and the hearing on the arbitration must occur by no later than one hundred twenty (120) days after the demand for arbitration is filed, unless otherwise agreed by the parties or ordered by the arbitrator. Each party will pay for the fees and expenses of its own attorneys, experts, witnesses, transcripts and other expenses related to such claims unless the party prevails ...
Arbitration; Waiver of Jury Trial. With the exception of equitable relief as noted in Section 8 hereof, any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach thereof (including, without limitation, as to arbitrability and any disputes with respect to Employee’s employment with the Company or the termination of such employment, including, without limitation, any claim for alleged discrimination, harassment or retaliation on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, sexual orientation, age, religion, creed, marital status, veteran status, alienage, citizenship, disability or handicap, or any other legally protected status, and any alleged violation of any federal, state, or other governmental law, statute or regulation, including, but not limited to, claims arising under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, other civil rights statutes including, without limitation, 42 U.S.C. § 1981, 42 U.S.C. § 1982, and 42 U.S.C. § 1985, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Immigration Reform and Control Act, or any state or local law, as amended), shall be settled by individual arbitration (as opposed to class or collective arbitration) administered before JAMS (the “Arbitrator”) under the common rules then pertaining. The arbitration hearing shall commence within ninety (90) calendar days after the Arbitrator is selected, unless the Company and the Employee mutually agree to extend this time period. The arbitration shall take place in the State of Idaho. The Arbitrator will have full power to give directions and make such orders as the Arbitrator deems just, and to award all remedies that would be available in court. Nonetheless, the Arbitrator explicitly shall not have the authority, power, or right to alter, change, amend, modify, add, or subtract from any provision of this Agreement, except pursuant to Section 12(a). The Arbitrator shall issue a written decision that sets forth the essential findings and conclusions upon which the Arbitrator’s award or decision is based within thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the arbitration hearing. The award rendered by the Arbitrator shall be final and binding (absent fraud or manifest error), and any arbitration award may be enforced by judgment entered or vacated in any court of competent jurisdictio...
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Arbitration; Waiver of Jury Trial. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or pursuant to this Agreement, or any undertakings, covenants and agreements incorporated by reference into this Agreement shall be adjudicated as provided in Section 5 of the Plan (even though this grant is not made under the Plan).
Arbitration; Waiver of Jury Trial. The Company and the Employee agree to the resolution by binding arbitration of all claims, demands, causes of action, disputes, controversies or other matters in question (“claims”) whether or not arising out of this Agreement, whether sounding in contract, tort or otherwise and whether provided by statute or common law, that the Company may have against the Employee or that the Employee may have against the Company or its parents, subsidiaries and affiliates, and each of the foregoing entities’ respective officers, directors, employees or agents in their capacity as such or otherwise; except that this agreement to arbitrate shall not limit the Company’s right to seek equitable relief, including injunctive relief and specific performance, and damages in a court of competent jurisdiction. The Company and the Employee agree that any arbitration shall be in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”) and, to the extent an issue is not addressed by the FAA, with the then-current National Rules for the Resolution of Employment Disputes of the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) or such other rules of the AAA as applicable to the claims being arbitrated. If a party refuses to honor its obligations under this agreement to arbitrate, the other party may compel arbitration in either federal or state court. The arbitrator shall apply the substantive law of the State of Texas (excluding Texas choice-of-law principles that might call for the application of some other state’s law), or federal law, or both as applicable to the claims asserted. The arbitrator shall have exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability or formation of this agreement to arbitrate, including any claim that all or part of this Agreement is void or voidable and any claim that an issue is not subject to arbitration. The parties agree that venue for arbitration will be in Houston, Texas, and that any arbitration commenced in any other venue will be transferred to Houston, Texas, upon the written request of any party to this Agreement. In the event that an arbitration is actually conducted pursuant to this Section 10(m), the party in whose favor the arbitrator renders the award shall be entitled to have and recover from the other party all costs and expenses incurred, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, expert witness fees, and costs actually incurred. Any and all of the arbitrator’s orders, decisions and awards may be enforc...
Arbitration; Waiver of Jury Trial. (i) Except as provided in Section 12(n)(ii) below, any dispute, claim or controversy arising under, out of, or in connection with or in relation to this Agreement or the Plan, or any breach, termination or validity thereof, shall be finally determined and settled by arbitration in New York, New York in accordance with the applicable rules of the American Arbitration Association in effect at the time of arbitration, and judgment upon the award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof or having jurisdiction over the parties or their assets. Any review by an arbitrator pursuant to this Section 12(n) shall be de novo. Within 20 days of the conclusion of the arbitration hearing, the arbitrator shall prepare written findings of fact and conclusions of law. It is mutually agreed that the written decision of the arbitrator shall be valid, binding, final and non-appealable; provided, however, that the parties hereto agree that the arbitrator shall not be empowered to award punitive damages against any party to such arbitration. Unless and only to the extent prohibited by applicable law, the parties agree to maintain all aspects of any arbitration proceedings, findings and decisions (whether by arbitrator or court) strictly confidential. To the extent permitted by law, the arbitrator’s fees and expenses will be borne equally by each party. In the event that an action is brought to enforce the provisions of this Agreement or the Plan pursuant to this Section 12(n)(i), each party shall pay its own attorneys’ fees and expenses regardless of whether there is a prevailing party in the opinion of the arbitrator deciding such action or the court in which any such arbitration award is entered, provided, that the arbitrator may in its discretion award costs to the Grantee if it determines that to be appropriate.
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