GeV Sample Clauses

GeV. The source will be sited in Catalun˜a, in the region of El Xxxxx`s. The total investment for construction and equipment amounts to 120 million euros and will be carried out during the period 2003–2007. The operating budget, as from the year 2008, will be 12 million euros per year. Both budgets will be shared on a 50% basis between the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Generalitat of Catalun˜a (Catalan Government). With the approval of this latest third-generation source, Europe is certainly catching up in the state-of-the-art provision for synchrotron radiation. The construction of SOLEiL, the French 2.75 GeV source near Orsay, and DiAMOND, the UK³s 3 GeV source near Oxford, is also expected to be completed at about the same time. Progress on the Australian Light Source The 3 GeV Australian National Synchrotron Light Source to be constructed at the University of Monash in Melbourne, Australia, has appointed interim Project Director Xxx Xxxxx and Technical Director Xxxx Xxxxxxxx. The Australian source, Boomerang, will provide up to ten iD beamlines and 20 dipole stations. it is a 12-cell 200 m lattice with < 20 nm rad emittance. it is anticipated that Boomerang will become operational in 2007. in the initial phase, up to 200 mA beam current is expected to be achieved with a complement of three undulators, one wiggler and five dipole beamlines. DIAMOND company is launched The UK Government and the Wellcome Trust have sealed their partnership to build and operate the DiAMOND synchrotron. A joint venture company, Diamond Light Source Ltd (DLSL), has been established to run the project. The joint venture company was offi- cially launched after the signature of legal agreements on 27 March 2002. The shareholders of the company are the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils (CCLRC), who hold 86% of the shares on behalf of the UK Government, and the Well- come Trust, who hold the remaining 14%. The joint venture was officially launched after the signature of legal agreements by Dr Xxxx Xxxxxx, Director General of the Research Councils, on behalf of the UK Government, Dr Xxxx Xxxxxx, Director of the Wellcome Trust, and Professor Xxxx Xxxx, Chief Executive of the CCLRC. The agreement signifies an important step in the DiAMOND project by establishing a separate legal entity charged with delivering the project successfully. The shareholders, CCLRC and the Wellcome Trust, will be contributing to the L235 million construction cost in propor...
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GeV. To understand this result let us compare HNL production from Bc with pro- duction from 2-body B+ decay. Decay widths for both cases are given by (see Eq. (A.1.4)) G2 f 2m m2 Br(h → lαN ) ≈ F h N |V CKM|2|Uα|2K(mN /mh), (3.1.3) 8πΓh h where we take mN ml and K is a kinematic suppression. Neglecting kinematic factor, the ratio for the numbers of HNLs is HNL c N (B → lN ) ≈
GeV. Using the couplings to quarks and gluons, one can draw the diagrams of DIS productions, see Fig. 6.1. X p G χ φ χ¯ p
GeV. GEV" means GEV Real Estate, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and its successors and permitted assigns (if any).
GeV. 11 ● The fraction of energy in the EM layers is EM energy fraction: Because the development of EM and 67 hadronic showers are substantially different, shower shape infor- 68 mation can be used to differentiate between electrons, photons, 69 and hadrons. Electrons and photons deposit almost all their energy 70 in the EM section of the calorimeter while hadrons are typically 71 much more penetrating. EM clusters typically have a large EM 72 fraction, f EM (Eq. (1)). The requirement of large values of f EM is 73 very efficient for rejecting hadrons, but also removes electrons 74 pointing to the module boundaries (in ϕ) of the central EM 75 calorimeter, since they deposit a considerable fraction of their 76 energy in the hadronic calorimeter. 77 EM
GeV. The microscope consists of a packed rectangular array of 2x2 mm2 scintillating fibers whose axes are aligned with the post-bremsstrahlung electron trajectories. Each energy bin is subtended by a column of 5 fibers, each connected through a clear light guide to an individual photon sensor whose 5 signals whose amplified sum is fed to a discriminator to produce the tagging signal for that bin. Individual fibers can in each column can be included or excluded from the sum, in order to optimize the tagging ratio in the collimated photon beam.
GeV. Due to the spill structure through the filling of the stretcher ring, the macroscopic duty factor depends on the rate of beam extraction and typically is around 80%. The beam is used for hadron physics experiments and for detector tests. In two different beamlines the electron beam is converted into energy tagged (optionally polarised) photon beams with the highest available energy for such beams in Europe. Two major experiments are set up for hadron physics research: CBELSA/TAPS (CB) and BGO-OpenDipole (BGO-OD). Double polarisation experiments using a spin-polarised target are a domain of the CB setup, which combines central (Crystal Barrel) and forward (TAPS) electromagnetic calorimeters to almost 4π acceptance, optimised to detect multi-photon final states and ideal to study photo-production of (multiple) neutral mesons. BGO-OD also uses a central calorimeter, the BGO “rugby ball” of INFN (formerly used at the GRAAL experiment at ESRF, Grenoble), combined with a magnetic spectrometer (Open Dipole) in forward directions. This setup covers almost 4π acceptance as well, complementary to CB with full charged particle tracking and thus ideal for final states of both charged and neutral mesons, in particular involving strange particles. Cyclotron: The Bonn Isochronous Cyclotron of the Helmholtz Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik (HISKP) accelerates protons and light nuclei to energies up to 14 MeV per nucleon. It offers several irradiation areas. The beam is mainly used for material investigations and detector tests, in particular tests of radiation hardness. A special application is the production of different types of (short-lived) calibration sources. One example is 83Kr for the Katrin neutrino mass experiment at Karlsruhe. In addition, neutron beams are available of kinetic energies up to 11 MeV and intensities of 7.5 #108 s–1. Services currently offered by the infrastructure: All services described in the previous section are intended to be offered for transnational access. The ongoing activities, mainly at the XXXX experiments and test beam, are pursued by approximately 200 physicists. There is significant international co-operation with groups from France, Italy, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, UK, and US. The test beam is also exploited by international collaborations preparing detectors for future experiments at CERN and elsewhere. Description of work and role of partners WP6 - TA4-Transnational Access to FTD/XXXX (XXXX) [Months: 1-48] UBO Descriptio...
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GeV. The results show full hit detection efficiency after neutron irradiation of 1E15 neq/cm2 [9]. Three pixel design variations were considered based on the modified TowerJazz 180 nm CMOS process. The first version and the two variants of the second version. The first version of the modified TJ 180 CMOS process is referred to as continuous n- layer design for each pixel. The second version of the process modification consists of two variants and introduced with the aim of improving charge collection at the pixel edges. The first variant has an extra deep implant of p-type silicon which expected to shape the electric field so the charge carriers produced are steered more directly towards the collection electrode in the pixel centre [9]. The second variant has a gap in the n- layer which is expected to have a similar effect on the electric field profile. As presented in Fig. 9 (a) the Mini-MALTA pixel response is asymmetric and extended in one direction. A double column structure is visible as two adjacent columns of pixels appear mirrored. The asymmetric pixel shape is due to the shape of the deep p-well cut-out. This region between collection electrode and the p-well does not contain p-type silicon. The shape of deep p-well is shown as an overlay, with the n-type collection electrode as the pink dot in the centre. In regions with less p-well coverage, i.e. a larger gap, a higher pixel response is observed. A larger gap causes a larger potential difference with respect to the collection electrode. The layouts of the p-well are mirrored in double columns which explains the double column pixel structure [9].

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  • Povinnosti Site and Institution’s personnel, including Study Staff shall not Místo provádění klinického hodnocení a zaměstnanci Zdravotnického zařízení, a to včetně Studijního personálu, nebudou

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