Examples of In the state in a sentence
In the state other than Punjab, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh, Railway freight from Ludhiana to nearest Railhead and Road transportation cost from such railhead to depot will be added in the quoted price to arrive at the sale price.
In the state fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, the power to grant and pay money to the talent investment fund established under section 8a, to provide $100,000,000.00 to the talent investment fund.
In the state there are 3 National Parks and 11 Sanctuaries spread over an area of0.29 million ha.
In the state of Assam, the Assam State Road Board (ASRB) is implementing the PMGSY through the Program Implementation Units (PIUs) established at the district level.
In the state of Tennessee, state-licensed healthcare professionals authorized to write medical prescriptions include medical doctors, osteopathic physicians, advanced practice nurses, physician’s assistants, dentists, podiatrists, optometrists, and veterinarians.
In the state GSDP of manufacturing sector (18.61%) contributed maximum share followed by agriculture (12.99 %), mining (10.63%), construction (9.62%), banking& insurance (9.80%), trade, hotel & restaurants (8.96%), electricity gas and water supply (6.41%), forestry & logging (3.90 %), transport (3.09%), community and personal services (2.54%), fishing (1.03%), communication.
In the state of Maharashtra, the Bank has 1100+ branch offices, the largest network of branches by any Public Sector Bank in a state.
In the state of Texas, we use the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for our standards; state law prohibits Texas public schools from using the Common Core Standards.
In the state of nature, where everything is common, I owe nothing to him whom I have promised nothing; I recognise as belonging to others only what is of no use to me.
In the state historical museum provided for by K.S.A. 76-2036, and amendments thereto, on the surrounding premises and in any other building on such premises, as authorized by rules and regulations of the state historical society.