Route Selection. School bus aides will be allowed to bid on routes by seniority. Circumstances may preclude the assignment to specific routes as determined by the site administrator and pursuant to State Board Rule 6A-3.0121.
Route Selection. During the month of August a route selection meeting will be held. The drivers will select routes on the basis of seniority, with the most senior driver selecting first and continuing through the seniority list until all routes are selected. The drivers may discuss with the Employer the estimated daily time of each route and the estimated number of stops on each route prior to route selection. In those cases where a route or routes change significantly, the Employer will make known to employees its estimate both as to length of time to run the route(s) and number of stops on the route(s).
Route Selection. Annually all routes will be selected by Date of 38 Hire. 39 40 c. VACANT ROUTE ASSIGNMENTS: 41 42 The Supervisor of Transportation or his/her designee will post a notice of 43 Vacant Route Assignments in a public place for 3 working days. The 44 notice will indicate the times of the route and total hours of the vacant 45 route. Drivers can sign up if they are interested in the vacant route posting 46 at the end of the 3 working days. The driver with the most seniority who 47 has opted to move to the vacant route assignment will be given the vacant 48 route assignment.
Route Selection. 1. Each school year, drivers shall drive the general route they drove during the preceding school year subject to the provisions of Article VII, B3 (Midday Runs). For clarification purposes - paragraph 1 of this section is intended to mean that bus drivers will drive those routes which will include the same general geographic route assignments subject to changes as a result of student population, road repair or other good and just cause for change.
Route Selection. The City Council may designate the streets and roads to be used by the franchisee in providing service and may reroute where traffic conditions, the public convenience or public welfare so require.
Route Selection. Drivers will select routes no later than the end of the third week in August. If a driver is not present for route selection process the absent driver must designate in writing another district employee who consents to do so to make his/her selection. The driver need not give prior notification to the district as to his/her choice of designee or his/her choice of route. The school district may waive the requirement for written notification of a driver's designee only in an emergency that could not have been planned or anticipated in advance of trip selection day. In such instance, oral notification from the driver or the designee is all that is necessary. The oral authorization may be verified by management representatives. The order in which drivers select routes is based upon length of continuous service. The driver with the greatest length of continuous service chooses first and the process continues in this manner down the line until all drivers have made their selections. There shall be at least four (4) Special Education, four (4) kindergarten and four (4) regular education copies of routing books made available for drivers. Routes shall be listed as five-hour, as mid-day (kindergarten and/or shuttle), or as other categories. A driver may select any combination of available routes, except that the routes must be compatible as to time of day, no combination may total more than forty (40) hours per week, and 39 week/8 hour drivers shall work forty (40) hours per week. Kindergarten routes, shuttles, or any other category are available only to drivers who are committed to AM and PM routes. Routes which become available after the initial selection period, which ends on the day before school starts, shall be posted and selected as above, except that they may be assigned to 39 week/8 hour drivers who have not yet been assigned forty (40) hours per week. Once a driver has selected a route or a kindergarten route, the driver may not change that selection until (21) calendar days after the start of the school year. Following this thirty (21) day period, the driver may change each selection one time for the duration of the school year. If no route is available for selection, involuntary assignment as a substitute driver will not constitute a driver’s one-time election. Drivers may elect to change shuttles one time per year. At the time of selection, the administration may designate five (5) 5-hour routes and three (3) mid-day routes (kindergarten and/or shuttle...
Route Selection a. Routes for the new school year shall be available to drivers for a review 48 hours prior to selection. The bidding shall take place one (1) week prior to opening day of school.
Route Selection. Each year, all routes will be selected by seniority on the third Monday in August. The Supervisor of Transportation or designee will publish all regular education routes for ten (10) days prior to the selection day and will mail a copy of the route to all drivers ten (10) calendar days prior to route selection. All available shuttle data will also be included. Students requiring aides or special consideration will be noted on the route at the time of route selection. In the event a situation occurs which is beyond the control of the Supervisor of Transportation, prohibiting the publishing and notification ten (10) days prior to route selection, it will be the responsibility of the Supervisor of Transportation to contact the Association Board. Any driver desiring to pick up route selection data from the Transportation Office, is responsible for contacting the Supervisor of Transportation prior to ten (10) days before route selection.
Route Selection. The route chosen for the transportation of cargo shall be determined in the sole and unfettered discretion of the Carrier unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties or established as part of a Customers load tender process. Any costs associated with changes required by the Customer to the route shall be borne by the Customer themselves.
Route Selection. ROUTE SELECTION (Regular Education) – If regular education home-to-school transportation is offered, route selection will continue to be done by seniority allowing the bus drivers to "package" their own routes by placing together the basic group (a.m. and p.m.) and a mid-day run and/or activity run(s) with a bus of their choice which meets the requirements of passenger needs and vehicle economy. Any Regular Education segment packaged by a driver must connect to a segment on the same side of the District. Interstate 15 serves as the divider for each side of the District. ROUTE SELECTION (Special Education) – Route selection will continue to be done by seniority, allowing school bus drivers to select routes that have been packaged by the District (a.m., p.m., mid-day), and the bus assigned by the District to best meet the needs of these routes. With ten (10) days notice, each route segment may be changed to accommodate routing requirements by up to ninety (90) minutes (unless the driver agrees to a greater amount of time) within the time window of 5:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. The route a.m. start or p.m. end time shall not change by more than thirty (30) minutes. Route selection will occur once each year to be effective October 1. Transportation procedures will be modified to require that a route be posted for bidding if it increases by thirty (30) minutes or more cumulatively or if it results in an increased level of fringe benefits. During the driver’s individual bid time, a driver may request that a PSEA Representative be present during their bid selection appointment. The requested Unit member representative will not be compensated for their involvement, and the request shall not delay the pre-scheduled bidding appointments. Once the actual bidding appointments have begun, no changes will be made to posted routes or activity runs until the completion of the bid. The District reserves the right to reassign equipment to a route to meet the needs of students and for route efficiency.