Selection Procedure. Internal applicants shall be defined as all applicants with seniority in accordance with Article 12.5. In filling a posted vacancy, first consideration shall be given to internal applicants who meet the stated qualifications. All Faculty members who meet the stated qualifications for the posted vacancy shall be interviewed by the Selection Committee. Past service and evaluations shall be considered by the Committee. The best qualified candidate shall be recommended for appointment to the position. Where the qualifications of two or more of the applicants are relatively equal, the applicant with the greatest seniority shall be recommended for appointment to the position. In establishing the qualifications, and in evaluating the qualifications and past performance of the applicants, the committee shall act in good faith, in a fair and reasonable manner, and shall not act in an arbitrary or discriminatory fashion. Following the interviews, the committee will submit its recommendations containing a list of qualified candidates in order of preference, through the appropriate Xxxx to the President or delegate. New faculty members shall be appointed only when there are no qualified internal applicants. If there are no qualified internal applicants, the selection committee may consider external applications, in accordance with the procedure outlined above. Internal applicants will be advised as soon as possible of the selection committee's decision that the committee will be considering external applications in accordance with Article
Selection Procedure. Selection of the successful candidate for a job posting shall be made within ten (10) calendar days following the closing date. If the Employer finds it necessary to delay selection for more than ten (10) calendar days after date of closing then the Union shall be informed in writing giving reasons for the delay.
Selection Procedure. (a) The Committee and the Xxxx shall examine all applications and supporting documents submitted to the Office of the Director of Human Resources (treating same as confidential material), and together they shall develop a short list of applicants to be interviewed.
(b) The Committee Chair, in collaboration with the Office of the Director of Human Resources shall arrange for the applicants’ interviews.
(c) The Committee shall make a recommendation, with supporting rationale, in writing, that a specific applicant(s) is (are) suitable for the appointment and if in its view, more than one applicant is recommended, shall list them in order of priority. The Committee may recommend that none of the short listed applicants be appointed. If the Committee recommends the appointment of an applicant(s), the Committee may also suggest salary scale level, and any special conditions for the appointment.
(d) If the Xxxx disagrees with the Committee’s recommendation and proposes to hire another applicant, she/he shall meet with the Committee to discuss the matter. If following that meeting, the Xxxx still disagrees with the Committee’s recommendation, he/she shall decide which applicant is to be hired and inform the Committee of his/her decision together with a written rationale for it.
Selection Procedure. The parties to an arbitration proceeding will make a good faith effort to mutually agree to the selection of the Chairman. If they cannot, each party shall nominate two candidates from the panel established by Company and Union, Subsection C. If the parties are still unable to agree upon the selection of a Chairman, then the Chairman shall be chosen by lot from the panel names submitted.
Selection Procedure. 1 The Personnel Committee shall review all applications and determine how many and which applicants will be interviewed. When there are two or more applicants for a position, the Personnel Committee shall interview a minimum of two candidates.
Selection Procedure. Candidates for sabbatical leave shall be screened by the Sabbatical Leave Committee, or shall be screened by the private business or industry depending upon the conditions of the leave.
Selection Procedure. A. All eligible employees who bid for job vacancies shall be screened by the Personnel Department to verify that the employees possess the required licensure/certificate. Employees shall receive notification as to the status of the licensure/certificate screening from the Personnel Department at the end of the posting period. If for some reason an employee has not been notified by the three (3) days following the posting period, he/she should contact personnel. Employees who do not meet the minimum requirements will be so advised by the personnel representative.
B. Once the initial screening is completed, employees possessing the required credentials will be referred to the hiring supervisor for further evaluation based on the specific experience and knowledge required for the job. In the event the supervisor requires additional information for this evaluation, he/she will contact the employee directly. Employees who meet the minimum requirements should receive a personal phone screening or may be selected for an interview. The hiring supervisor will then schedule interviews with the most qualified internal applicants. Qualified internal candidates shall be hired before external candidates.
C. Referred employee(s) who are not selected for a position shall be so notified by the hiring supervisor following the job offer. The hiring supervisor shall advise the employee as to the reason he/she was not hired.
D. If the Employer is willing to accept lesser qualifications than those posted, the position will be re-posted with the lesser qualifications.
Selection Procedure. A. All eligible employees who bid for job vacancies shall be screened by the Human Resources Department to verify that the employees possess the required licensure/certificate. Employees shall receive notification as to the status of the licensure/certificate screening from the Human Resources Department at the end of the posting period. If for some reason an employee has not been notified by the three (3) days following the posting period, he/she should contact Human Resources. Employees who do not meet the minimum requirements will be so advised by the Human Resources representative.
B. Once the initial screening is completed, employees possessing the required credentials will be referred to the hiring supervisor for further evaluation based on the specific experience and knowledge required for the job. In the event the supervisor requires additional information for this evaluation, he/she will contact the employee directly. Employees who meet the minimum requirements should receive a personal phone screening or may be selected for an interview. The hiring supervisor will then schedule interviews with the most qualified internal applicants. Qualified internal candidates shall be hired before external candidates.
C. Referred employee(s) who are not selected for a position shall be so notified by the hiring supervisor following the job offer. The hiring supervisor shall advise the employee as to the reason he/she was not hired.
D. If the Employer is willing to accept lesser qualifications than those posted, the position will be re-posted with the lesser qualification.
Selection Procedure. 29.5.1 A Chair shall be appointed according to the following procedure:
a) Only continuing employees in the department shall be eligible for the position of Chair and shall be eligible to vote.
b) The recommendation to the designated supervisor of a department member for the position of Department Chair shall be determined by an election.
c) The members of the department shall be notified by the designated supervisor of the pending election at least two weeks prior to the date of the election.
d) The nomination and voting shall take place at a meeting of the department unless the designated supervisor and the department agree upon an alternative electoral process. The designated supervisor shall act as chair for the election.
29.5.2 In the event that OC is unable to appoint a Chair according to this Article, the designated supervisor shall act as interim Chair.
Selection Procedure. Candidates for sabbatical leave shall:
A. Make application to the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources during the last two weeks of October but in no event later than November 1st. Applications may be obtained from the Personnel Office.
B. Applications may be considered only for the school year immediately following that during which the application is received. If an applicant is not granted a leave, the person must apply again in a future year in order to be considered.
C. Applicants shall present as part of their application evidence of satisfactory service as required in this Article, reasons for desiring the leave, proposed length of the leave (with inclusive dates), and any other relevant data to assist the District in making its decision regarding sabbatical leave. The District may conduct interviews, or request additional information for clarification of the proposal.
D. An applicant whose request for sabbatical leave is approved by the Board of Trustees shall be notified within one week of such approval.
E. The approval of sabbatical leaves shall be discretionary with the Board of Trustees, and nothing in this Article shall be construed as requiring the Board to approve requests for such leaves.