Card Type definition

Card Type any Card we issue under the VISA, MasterCard, American Express or any other Card acceptance scheme.
Card Type means the particular type of AIB Visa Card issued to the Principal Cardholder or as the case may be, an Additional Cardholder.

Examples of Card Type in a sentence

  • I hereby authorize Midwest Orthopaedic Consultants to use my credit card for copays, co-insurance, non-covered services, or other balances that are my financial responsibility if not paid within 45 days of service.Credit Card Type # Expiration .

  • Cardholder Name (Please Print):Billing Address (where billing statements are mailed):Cardholder’s Phone Number: Cell Phone Home Phone Number & Area Code: Card Type (Circle)VisaMasterCardDebit / CheckCardCreditAcct No: EXP.

  • Patient(s) Name(s): _ _ Name on Account: Bank Name: Account #: Routing #: Card Type: MasterCard Visa Discover Amex Cardholder Name: Billing Zip Code: Card #: Security Code: Expiration: / I authorize Integrate Internal Medicine, P.C., to automatically bill the checking account or credit/debit card listed above, as specified.

  • Routing #: Checking Account #: Credit Card Type: Credit Card # CVV: Exp.

  • Card Type Card Number Expiration CV Code Card Holder Name A signed lease agreement must be faxed to LDS in order to reserve the next available rental.

More Definitions of Card Type

Card Type. Card or “Starter Card” means my Purewrist GO Wearable Prepaid Card that has not been registered on the Website and is not reloadable. You may have purchased your Starter Card directly on the Website or it was included in a package that you purchased at a retailer.
Card Type any Card we issue under the Visa, Mastercard, American Express or any other Card acceptance scheme. Cash Advance: cash withdrawals and cash advances made by Business Charge Card or Business Charge Card number, including purchases of currency or travellers’ cheques. Charges: the charges applicable to the Services which are agreed with the Business at the start of this Agreement (as may be varied from time to time pursuant to condition 11.3) and which will be debited to the Business Account. Conditions of Use: the conditions for the use of the Business Charge Card by a Cardholder which are set out below, and which may be varied by us from time to time in accordance with condition 14. Lloyds Banking Group: includes Bank of Scotland plc and a number of other companies using brands including Lloyds Bank, Halifax and Bank of Scotland and their associated companies. Payment Account: the business current account held by the Business with the Payment Account Bank and nominated by the Business in the Direct Debit authority for the payment of the Card Transactions and Charges. Payment Account Bank: one of the Bank of Scotland Banks with which the Business holds a Payment Account. Payment Scheme Exchange Rate: the foreign exchange wholesale rate set by Mastercard and applied to Card Transactions carried out in foreign currencies to convert them to Sterling. PIN: the Personal Identification Number issued to Cardholders (or subsequently selected by the Cardholders where self-selection is available) to enable a Cardholder to make a Card Transaction. Retailer: a person who agrees, by arrangement with us or Card acceptance scheme, to accept the Business Charge Card as payment for goods or services. Security Code: the last three digits on the signature strip on the reverse of a Business Charge Card.
Card Type any Card we issue under the VISA, Mastercard, American Express or any other Card acceptance scheme. Cash Advance: cash withdrawals and cash advances made by Business Charge Card or Business Charge Card number, including purchases of currency or travellers' cheques. Charges: the charges applicable to the Services which are agreed with the Business at the start of this Agreement (as may be varied from time to time pursuant to condition 12.3) and which will be debited to the Business Account. Conditions of Use: the conditions for the use of the Business Charge Card by a Cardholder which are set out below, and which may be varied by us from time to time in accordance with condition 15. Lloyds Banking Group: includes Bank of Scotland plc and a number of other companies using brands including Lloyds Bank, Halifax and Bank of Scotland and their associated companies. Payment Account: the business current account held by the Business with the Payment Account Bank and nominated by the Business in the Direct Debit authority for the payment of the Card Transactions and Charges. Payment Account Bank: one of the Bank of Scotland Banks with which the Business holds a Payment Payment Scheme Exchange Rate: the foreign exchange wholesale rate set by Mastercard and applied to Card Transactions carried out in foreign currencies to convert them to Sterling. Statement: a monthly statement of account for the Business Account, which will set out a record of the Card Transactions for each Cardholder Account and the Charges incurred.
Card Type means the definitions applied by the Card Schemes such as Australian Domestic Consumer or International;
Card Type means the basis upon which the Fuel Price is determined;
Card Type. Credit Card No: Name on Card: Expiration Date: 3 DIGIT CODE: Billing Address:
Card Type. □ Visa □MasterCard □Discover Mailing address affiliated with credit card City: State: Zip Code: Frequency: (Monthly) beginning / / 3 digit security code (back of card): Card Holders Signature: Date: ERW Personal Training memberships are month-to-month. We understand that some people have set travel dates and during that time will not be able to utilize their membership. ERW Personal Training will allow you to “freeze” your membership as long as your travel is for 2 or more consecutive months. If you have regularly scheduled travel dates that will conflict with your membership, please provide the requested information below upon initiating membership with our facility. Travel Months: Member Name: Member Signature: Date: In order to maximize progress, it will be necessary for you to follow program guidelines during supervised and (if applicable) unsupervised training days. Remember, both exercise and healthy eating are important. It is unlikely for exercise to compensate for a poor diet. During your exercise program, every effort will be made to assure your safety, however, as with any exercise program, there are risks, including increased heart stress and the chance of musculoskeletal injuries. In choosing to participate in this program, you agree to assume responsibility for these risks and waive any possibility for personal injury. You also agree that you have no limiting physical conditions or disability that would preclude your participation in an exercise program. A physician’s examination is recommended for all participants. Personal training participants who do NOT have a prior physician examination MUST acknowledge they have been informed of its importance, which is evidenced by your signature below. By signing below, you accept full responsibility for your own health and well-being AND you acknowledge an understanding that no responsibility is assumed by the leaders of the program. You also agree to release and hold harmless ERW Personal Training, L.L.C. and ERW Physical Therapy, L.L.C. as well as their agents and assignees from any and all injury or damages which may occur as a result of your participation in this program.