Conditions of Use. CLIENT acknowledges that its use of the Site is subject to and conditioned upon the following terms and agrees that TAILGATE GUYS may exercise any of the remedies set forth herein for CLIENTS failure to comply:
a. CLIENT shall comply with all rules and regulations established by TAILGATE GUYS, University of Central Florida, and any other applicable authority, including but not limited to parking regulations in effect on campus. A copy of current rules and regulations is attached hereto as Exhibit A, which shall be subject to adjustment at any time by TAILGATE GUYS, University of Central Florida or other applicable authorities.
b. CLIENT shall be permitted to access the Site at the respective times set forth in the rules or otherwise determined by TAILGATE GUYS and University of Central Florida.
c. CLIENT acknowledges all risks related to its attendance and use of the Site, including risk of damage to or loss of property or risk of serious personal injury or death, and accepts sole responsibility for such risks. CLIENT shall secure all personal property in and around the Site and shall take all precautions necessary to prevent theft or destruction thereof. CLIENT expressly acknowledges and agrees that TAILGATE GUYS shall not be responsible for any personal property of or injury to CLIENT at any time. TAILGATE GUYS will not remove or hold for safe-keeping any personal items left on the Site after event closing and same will be subject to removal by University of Central Florida facilities. CLIENT may be subject to costs and fees associated with such removal. Except for damage caused by a TAILGATE GUYS employee performing his or her assigned responsibilities, TAILGATE GUYS is not responsible for damages (e.g. from collision with other vehicles, falling debris, or inclement weather) to any vehicles parked in or moving through parking or tailgate areas where TAILGATE GUYS has sold parking passes or provides any tailgate or parking related services.
d. Eligibility for any TAILGATE GUYS drop off service is determined by Tailgate Guys in its sole discretion and is based on University restrictions, staffing availability and other factors. If CLIENT is eligible to participate in any TAILGATE GUYS drop off service, the CLIENT is responsible for properly packaging all items that will be transported and otherwise agrees to comply with procedures established by TAILGATE GUYS for this “drop off service,” including but not limited to any limitations with regard to the amo...
Conditions of Use. 6.1 You agree that you will be responsible for all use of the Managed Security Service and any local access to the Firewall. You agree that you are responsible for complying with all terms and conditions (including, without limitation, terms of payment) relating to any telecommunications service which is required by you to access or receive the Managed Security Service.
6.2 You agree to:
a) provide an authorised technical contact, authorised contact number, and pass phrase, to keep any records of such details in separate places and take all necessary steps to ensure the security of such records;
b) without prejudice to the General Terms and Conditions, keep such information private and confidential and ensure, at all times, that it (or they) does (do) not become known to any unauthorised personnel.
6.3 You agree that you will notify us immediately if you become aware of any change in circumstances which may lead you to believe that such information has become known to any unauthorised personnel.
6.4 You agree that we may, from time to time, suspend and/or change your pass phrase (at our discretion if we feel that such step is in the interests of security).
6.5 In the event that you wish to make alterations to configuration of any Firewall which we have supplied and in relation to which we have agreed to supply the Managed Security Service, you agree to contact our Technical Support Team (TST) to request such changes. Upon confirmation of authorisation, our TST will make such changes.
6.6 Any fault with the Services and/or the Equipment (in relation to which a "fault" shall mean a failure in any Firewall which we have supplied to you and which is preventing dataflow across the Firewall), which you detect must be reported to us as soon as possible either:-
a) by telephone to the TST team on 0870 160 0650 during Business hours or;
b) to such other telephone number as we may notify to you from time to time for this purpose.
Conditions of Use. 5.1 Except as expressly permitted under this Agreement, the licences granted to You pursuant to clause 3 of this Agreement are subject to You complying (and ensuring compliance by Your Users) with all the conditions set out in this Agreement. You shall ensure that all Users undertake to agree to the terms set out in this Agreement.
5.2 Other than in respect of Your Data, You shall not (nor may You permit Your Users to) attempt to access, review, download, store, and/or archive the Collected Data from another Data Inputter.
5.3 Except for Users, You must not (nor may You permit others to) use any other Collected Data held on the Database other than Your Data in any manner not expressly authorised by this Agreement.
5.4 When a User ceases to be employed by You, or is no longer under contract to you or is no longer authorised by You to access the Database, You shall ensure that their login identity and security certificate to access the Database is cancelled or changed such that the individual is prevented from accessing the Database using the same login details without being an authorised User. The Champion User should apply to NICE to create a new security certificate for any replacement User taking over the vacant position.
5.5 You shall promptly notify NICE acting as agent on behalf of the Secretary of State for Health if You suspect or become aware of any infringement or breach of the Intellectual Property Rights in Collected Data which might have occurred as a result of other parties gaining access to Collected Data. You shall give all reasonably required assistance in pursuing any such breach or infringement.
5.6 The Secretary of State for Health shall procure that NICE shall promptly notify You if it suspects or becomes aware of any infringement or breach of the Intellectual Property Rights in Your Data which might have occurred as a result of other parties gaining access to Your Data. If it becomes clear that a Data Accessor is not complying with the terms of its agreement the Department of Health through the Oversight & Governance Committee will take action to ensure compliance and in the absence of compliance will restrict or remove access to the Database for any offending Data Accessor.
5.7 You shall in supplying Your Data to the Database:
5.7.1 not at any time conduct Yourself in a manner which would reflect unfavourably on NICE or the Department of Health’s good name and reputation;
5.7.2 not by Yourself or with others participate in any illegal...
Conditions of Use. You shall use the assigned space only for dormitory purposes and shall not permit any other person to use the space for any purpose without prior written approval from the Department of Residence Services. Specifically prohibited actions include, but are not limited to, excessive noise, smoking including electronic cigarette, exterior radio and tv antennae/satellite dishes/cables, possession or use of firearms or explosives, possession or use of narcotics, illegal possession or inappropriate use of alcohol or controlled substances, the burning of incense, candles or other types of open flame devices, placing items on window ledges, possession of an evergreen or other flammable decoration, throwing items out of windows, inappropriate use of fire extinguishers, solicitations, removing Law School furniture or equipment. Free standing halogen torchiere pole lamps or halogen desk lamps and tubular halogen bulbs are strictly forbidden in Law School residences due to the potential danger of fire associated with their use.
Conditions of Use. It is understood that the primary contact has the authority to sign the license agreement on behalf of the Licensee organization/group listed above. It is understood the licensee will abide by all policies and rules of the City of Saratoga Springs, Saratoga Springs Recreation Department, and NY State Department of Health and they shall be liable for all damages from the activities.
Conditions of Use. CLIENT acknowledges that its use of the Site is subject to and conditioned upon the following terms and agrees that TAILGATE GUYS may exercise any of the remedies set forth herein for CLIENTS failure to comply:
a. CLIENT shall comply with all rules and regulations established by TAILGATE GUYS, University of Florida, and any other applicable authority, including but not limited to parking regulations in effect on campus. A copy of current rules and regulations is attached hereto as Exhibit A, which shall be subject to adjustment at any time by TAILGATE GUYS, University of Florida or other applicable authorities.
b. CLIENT shall be permitted to access the Site at the respective times set forth in the rules or otherwise determined by TAILGATE GUYS and University of Florida.
c. CLIENT acknowledges all risks related to its attendance and use of the site, including risk of damage to or loss of property or risk of serious personal injury or death, and accepts sole responsibility for such risks. CLIENT shall secure all personal property in and around the Site and shall take all precautions necessary to prevent theft or destruction thereof. CLIENT expressly acknowledges and agrees that TAILGATE GUYS shall not be responsible for any personal property of or injury to CLIENT at any time. TAILGATE GUYS will not remove or hold for safe-keeping any personal items left on the Site after event closing and same will be subject to removal by University of Florida facilities. CLIENT may be subject to costs and fees associated with such removal.
d. Eligibility for any TAILGATE GUYS drop off service is determined by Tailgate Guys in its sole discretion and is based on University restrictions, staffing availability and other factors. If CLIENT is eligible to participate in any TAILGATE GUYS drop off service, the CLIENT is responsible for properly packaging all items that will be transported and otherwise agrees to comply with procedures established by TAILGATE GUYS for this “drop off service,” including but not limited to any limitations with regard to the amount and size of items to be transported. TAILGATE GUYS will not be responsible for any damaged or broken items during unloading or loading and transportation to or from the Site.
e. CLIENT shall respect the interests of other fans and clients of TAILGATE GUYS and shall not engage in or permit disorderly or offensive conduct in or around the Site. CLIENT further agrees not to exceed the maximum number of guests allowed withi...
Conditions of Use. Renter’s activities during the Rental Period must be compatible with use of the building/grounds and activities in areas adjacent to the Rental Space and building. This includes but is not limited to playing loud music or making any noise at a level that is not reasonable under the circumstances. Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the buildings or patio areas. The Banks is a non-smoking property.
Conditions of Use. Under the present Software License, the Licensee shall: • maintain the Software and the relating documentation in good working condition, in order to ensure the correct operation thereof; • use the Software in accordance with such documentation and the User Guide, and ensure that the staff using the Software has received the appropriate training; • use the Software exclusively in the technical environment defined in the applicable User Guide, except as otherwise agreed in writing between the parties (subject to said agreement, decompilation may be exceptionally agreed to by the Licensor in order for the Licensee to obtain the necessary information to enable the Software to function in another technical environment); • use the Software for its own internal needs and on its network only, when technically possible, and exclusively on the machine referenced and the site declared; • not alter, reverse engineer, modify or adapt the Software, nor integrate all or part of the Software in any manner whatsoever into another software product; • when the source code is provided to the Licensee, the Licensee shall have the right to study and test the Software, under conditions to be expressly specified by the Licensor, but in no event shall the Licensee have the right to correct, modify or translate the Software; AVA - A320 Family PA AMENDED AND RESTATED • not correct the Software, except that such correction right may exceptionally be granted to the Licensee by the Licensor in writing • not translate, disassemble or decompile the Software, nor create a software product derived from the Software; • not attempt to or authorize a third party to discover or re-write the Software source codes in any manner whatsoever; • not delete any identification or declaration relative to the intellectual property rights, trademarks or any other information related to ownership or intellectual property rights provided in the Software by the Licensor; • not pledge, sell, distribute, grant, sub-license, lease, lend, whether on a free-of-charge basis or against payment, or permit access on a time-sharing basis or any other utilization of the Software, whether in whole or in part, for the benefit of a third party; • not permit any third party to use the Software in any manner, including but not limited to, any outsourcing, loan, commercialization of the Software or commercialization by merging the Software into another software or adapting the Software, without prior written consent from t...
Conditions of Use. It is understood that the primary contact has the authority to sign the license agreement on behalf of the Licensee organization/group listed above. It is understood the licensee will abide by all policies and rules of the City of Saratoga Springs, Saratoga Springs Recreation Department, and NY State Department of Health and they shall be liable for all damages from the activities. A designated representative from your organization shall be responsible for checking the facilities to be utilized for your day or evening event for any physical plant deficiency. Should a deficiency exist, your organization must notify a City Recreation Representative in writing of the deficiency and the City will remedy the issue accordingly in a timely fashion.
Conditions of Use. When using the Wi-fi service the Hirer agrees at all times to be bound by the following conditions:
(a) not to use the Wi-fi service for any for the following purposes:
(i) disseminating any unlawful, harassing, libellous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene or otherwise objectionable material or otherwise breaching any laws;
(ii) transmitting material that constitutes a criminal offence or encourages conduct that constitutes a criminal offence, results in civil liability or otherwise breaches any applicable laws, regulations or code of practice;
(iii) interfering with any other persons use or enjoyment of the Wi-fi service; and
(iv) making, transmitting or storing electronic copies of material protected by copyright without permission of the owner
(b) to keep any username, password, or any other information which forms part of the Wi-fi service security procedure confidential and not to disclose it to any third party.
(c) When using the Wi-fi service the Hirer agrees at all times to be bound by the Privacy and Data Protection listed in the separate Data Protection Policy.