Right of Cancellation Sample Clauses

Right of Cancellation and repayment in relation to a single Lender
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Right of Cancellation. (a) If the Subscriber is a consumer (i.e. a natural person acting for purposes outside of his/her trade or profession), the Subscriber may cancel an order for 14 days following receipt of order confirmation from SORACOM. The right of cancellation is invoked by sending an e-mail with "Cancellation" stated in the subject line to SORACOM within the period of 14 days. If the Subscriber intends to make use of the right of cancellation under this section, the Subscriber is also free to use the template in Schedule 2.
Right of Cancellation. Any principal instructing you to cancel this escrow shall file notice of cancellation in your office in writing. You shall, within two (2) working days thereafter, deliver one copy of such notice to each of the other principals at the addresses stated in this escrow. UNLESS WRITTEN OBJECTION TO CANCELLATION IS FILED IN YOUR OFFICE BY A PRINCIPAL WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS AFTER DATE OF SUCH MAILING, YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO COMPLY WITH SUCH NOTICE AND DEMAND PAYMENT OF YOUR CANCELLATION CHARGES. If written objection is filed, you are authorized to hold all money and instruments in this escrow and take no further action until otherwise directed, either by the principals' mutual written instructions, or by final order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
Right of Cancellation. The right of cancellation applies only in cases when the contract is concluded as a distance contract or off-premises contract, cf. Section 1 of the Cancellation Act. In such cases, the cancellation form is attached to the booking confirmation.
Right of Cancellation. ARTICLE IV. Change of Subscriber’s Name 4.1 Notification of Change of Subscriber’s Name 4.2 Assignment or Transfer of Agreement
Right of Cancellation. Either party shall have the right to cancel this Agreement if Force Majeure suspends performance of scheduled tasks by one or more parties for a period of one hundred twenty (120) or more days from the scheduled date of the task. If a cancellation due to a Force Majeure occurs before title passes to the District, the Contractor may keep any parts of the System(s) as it can salvage but must remove same at its own expense and shall return all sums received from the District. If cancellation occurs due to a Force Majeure after title passes to the District, the System(s) shall remain with the District and the Contractor shall be entitled to any such payments as have accrued according to the payment schedule.
Right of Cancellation and repayment in relation to a single Lender or Issuing Bank
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Right of Cancellation. The User has a period of 14 (fourteen) calendar days to cancel the Framework Contract, without having to either justify any reason or sustain any penalty. This deadline for cancellation shall start from the day of the User's registration. The User must notify its decision to cancel within the prescribed deadline to the Distributor’s customer service department by telephone or email and send a letter of confirmation to the address of the customer service department of the Distributor. In respect of the exercise of a right of withdrawal by the User, the Framework Contract will be cancelled without any fees charged to the User. In the event that a User has already benefited from the service and is in possession of Electronic Money at the date of the withdrawal, he/she must transmit his/her bank account details to the Distributor in order to allow the Issuer to reimburse the User with Electronic Money.
Right of Cancellation. The Customer may cancel the Agreement within 14 days of the Agreement being concluded. The period of the right of cancellation does not start until the Customer has received the cancellation information in writing (e.g. on paper or e-mail). For example, if the Customer enters into the Agreement on Monday the 1st and at the same time has received the said information, the Customer has a deadline up to and including Monday the 15th. If the Customer first received the information later, e.g. on Wednesday the 3rd, the deadline runs until Wednesday the 17th. If the last day of the cancellation deadline is on a Saturday, Sunday, public holiday, Constitution Day, Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve, the deadline runs until the following weekday. Payment for one or more passages over Fjordforbindelsen Frederikssund, which the Customer may have made after entering into the Agreement, is not part of the Customer's right of cancellation, as the passage itself is not covered by the Agreement on the use of the license plate as means of identification for automatic payment. If the Customer applies the Agreement when passing the Fjordforbindelsen Frederikssund before the cancellation deadline has expired, payment for the passage, cf. section 3.1, will therefore not be refunded in the event of the Customer's subsequent cancellation. In order to activate the right of cancellation, the Customer must announce his/her decision to cancel this agreement in an unequivocal statement to Fjordforbindelsen Frederikssund by sending an e-mail to xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx. The customer may also use the standard cancellation form in Appendix 1 at the end of these terms and conditions, but this is not mandatory.
Right of Cancellation. If you are making any contributions toward cover- age for yourself or your Dependents, you may can- cel such coverage to be effective at the end of any period for which Dues have been paid. If your Employer does not meet the applicable xxx- gibility, participation and contribution requirements of the group contract, Blue Shield of California will cancel this Plan after 30 days’ written notice to your Employer. Any Dues paid Blue Shield for a period extending beyond the cancellation date will be refunded to your Employer. Your Employer will be responsi- ble to Blue Shield for unpaid Dues prior to the date of cancellation. Blue Shield will honor all claims for Covered Ser- vices provided prior to the effective date of cancel- lation. See the Cancellation/Rescission for Fraud or Inten- tional Misrepresentations of Material Fact provi- sion for termination for fraud or intentional misrep- resentations of material fact. GROUP CONTINUATION COVERAGE AND INDIVIDUAL CONVERSION PLAN GROUP CONTINUATION COVERAGE Please examine your options carefully before declining this coverage. You should be aware that companies selling indi- vidual health insurance typically require a review of your medical history that could result in a higher premium or you could be denied coverage entirely. Applicable to Members when the Subscriber’s Employer (Contractholder) is subject to either Title X of the Consolidat- ed Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) as amend- ed or the California Continuation Benefits Replacement Act (Cal-COBRA). The Subscriber’s Employer should be con- tacted for more information. In accordance with the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Recon- ciliation Act (COBRA) as amended and the California Con- tinuation Benefits Replacement Act (Cal-COBRA), a Member will be entitled to elect to continue group coverage under this Plan if the Member would lose coverage otherwise because of a Qualifying Event that occurs while the Contractholder is subject to the continuation of group coverage provisions of COBRA or Cal-COBRA. The Benefits under the group continuation of coverage will be identical to the Benefits that would be provided to the Mem- ber if the Qualifying Event had not occurred (including any changes in such coverage). Note: A Member will not be entitled to benefits under Cal- COBRA if at the time of the qualifying event such Member is entitled to benefits under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act (“Medicare”) or is covered under another group health plan that p...
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