Clinical Study Report Sample Clauses

Clinical Study Report. The integrated clinical and statistical summary will be prepared in accordance with ICH guidelines on the “Structure and Content of Clinical Study Reports”, appropriate agency regulations, and Omnicare CR’s SOPs and clinical study report format. A draft clinical report will be generated within **** (****) weeks after receipt of source material and final summary tables and patient data listings. The designated Omnicare CR clinical writers will liaise closely with the statistician and other team members. All clinical documents will receive two levels of quality control reviews before they are released. There will be a QC review by an independent clinical writer for accuracy and consistency, and a review by the writing manager for accuracy, client format consistency, and appropriate regulatory and clinical perspective. The first draft will then be provided to the Sponsor for review. The second draft clinical study report will be produced after receipt of one set of collated comments from the Sponsor. It is our experience at Omnicare CR that this can be facilitated, more speedily, by ****. The second draft will be reviewed within the Clinical Writing Department at Omnicare CR to ensure that all Sponsor comments are addressed and that all changes are consistent with the supporting data. Following the Sponsor’s second review, minor revisions will be made and the report finalised. Omnicare CR Biometrics will provide up to **** tables, **** listings and **** figures that will be summarised in the clinical study report. This fee includes **** major and **** minor revision. One major revision of the draft report is considered to be up to **** (****) days of requested changes and a minor revision is up to **** (****) day of requested changes. Patient narratives will be drafted from final patient data listings. Omnicare CR Clinical Writing will prepare patient narratives for SAEs and discontinuations due to adverse events based upon a $**** per narrative fee. This fee does not include the collation or compilation of clinical study report appendices. **** Certain confidential information contained in this document, marked with four asterisks, has been omitted and filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Rule 406 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Clinical Writing Input to SAP Omnicare CR Clinical Writing will review the draft statistical analysis plan and mock summary tables and data listings for consistency with the protocol and...
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Clinical Study Report. Protagonist shall use Diligent Efforts to complete the clinical study report for the Phase 1 Clinical Trial of the Initial Product set forth in the Clinical Development Plan as promptly as is practicable following the delivery of the Phase 1 Data Package, and shall deliver such clinical study report to Xxxxxxx promptly following its completion (and, in any event, no later than [ * ] after the Phase 1 Completion Date). [ * ] = Certain confidential information contained in this document, marked by brackets, has been omitted and filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Rule 24b-2 of the Securities Act of 1934, as amended.
Clinical Study Report. Xxxxxxx shall use Diligent Efforts to complete the clinical study report for the CD Phase 2 Clinical Trial as promptly as is practicable following the delivery of the Phase 2 Data Package, and shall deliver such clinical study report to Protagonist promptly following its completion.
Clinical Study Report. As of the First Amendment Effective Date, Protagonist has delivered to Xxxxxxx the clinical study report and Phase 1 Data Package for the Phase 1 Clinical Trial of the Initial Product set forth in the Clinical Development Plan. Protagonist shall use Diligent Efforts to complete the clinical study report for the Phase 1 Clinical Trial of the first 2nd Generation Product set forth in the 2nd Generation Development Plan as promptly as is practicable following the delivery of the Phase 1 Data Package therefor, and shall deliver such clinical study report to Xxxxxxx promptly following its completion (and, in any event, no later than [*] after the Phase 1 Completion Date for such 2nd Generation Product).
Clinical Study Report. The Aptiv Solutions Medical Writer will be responsible for writing the study report based on an Aptiv Solutions report template and the statistical output. In addition, the Medical Writer can provide guidance with the protocol, ICF/IB, and statistical analysis plan as requested. The Clinical Study Report will be written following ICH guidelines. Aptiv Solutions will prepare a Clinical/Statistical Report that consists of a summary of the clinical study with emphasis on clinical and statistical interpretations of the study. The report will describe the rationale of the study, the study plan and design and the statistical methodology. The report will be structured according to document specifications and the word processing format requested by Actinium. A QC review will be performed to check the accuracy of the number transfer from the analysis tables and figures to the report. Preparation of the report also includes a Key Messages Meeting, which can be done via teleconference as needed. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the results of the study in context of the objectives and endpoints stated in the protocol. This meeting also gives Actinium the opportunity to provide the "key messages" that should be developed in the report. Participants in the Key Messages Meeting include the Medical Writer and Actinium; the Medical Monitor/Advisor, and the PM. Other persons may participate as needed. The report review process includes
Clinical Study Report. A Phase II, 24-Week, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Single-Center Study to Examine Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of Topiramate and Phentermine Combination Therapy for Weight Loss in Healthy Obese Subjects. Data on file. VIVUS, Inc., Mountain View, CA.
Clinical Study Report. 7.1. If the Study is considered as successful by AIM ImmunoTech and AstraZeneca, a full manuscript could be drafted by Erasmus MC.
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Clinical Study Report. The Parties acknowledge that COMPANY will and GCAR may prepare a Clinical Study Report for the COMPANY Arm. A Party preparing a Clinical Study Report for the COMPANY Arm shall provide the other Party with a draft of such Clinical Study Report and such other Party shall have the right to review and comment on such draft; the drafting Party shall give due consideration to the other Party’s comments. The Parties will cooperate in good faith to address any reasonable comments prior to finalization of the Clinical Study Report. Once finalized, the drafting Party shall send the other Party the finalized Clinical Study Report.
Clinical Study Report. The costs for the Clinical Study Report (CSR) for the AN01.01.0011 study are based on the following assumptions, with any deviations from these assumptions requiring a further recost: · Amarin want the existing CSR for the double-blind phase (dated 01 June 2007) to be updated to include the OLE study methods and results, a brief summary of the EFA laboratory data (maximum one days work), and a revision of the double-blind data. It has been assumed that any changes to the double-blind data will not change the message of the existing CSR dated 01 June 2007. · The cost includes the provision of a mock report including shell results tables for client review. · Two sets of consolidated client comments after the provision of Draft 1. Any additional revisions will be charged on a timesheet basis. · ICON has provided a separate unit cost for narrative writing and updates as required. · ICON Medical Writing will not be compiling the appendices. The costs for this are £25,844 The costs for the open-label extension CSR addendum for the AN.01.01.0012 study will be charged on a timesheet basis using the hourly rates in section 3 below. It is estimated that the cost will be £23,802, which includes revisions based on two sets of consolidated client comments, but excludes an estimate for narratives (for which unit costs are presented below). Aramin 694/005 & 006 Protocol AN01.01.0012 & AN01.01.0011 28th May 2008 Patient Narratives: Various different complexities of work will need to be done to the patient narratives for both studies. These will be charges on a unit basis as detailed below: · A new narrative written from scratch -* £204.05 per narrative · An existing narrative QC'd against listings and SAE reports/CIOMS, and updated à £153.04 · An existing narrative QC'd against listings only, and updated à £102.02 (Exchange rate used = €1 =£0.6988, as per contract) Aramin 694/005 & 006 Protocol AN01.01.0012 & AN01.01.0011 28th May 2008

Related to Clinical Study Report

  • Clinical Studies The animal and other preclinical studies and clinical trials conducted by the Company or on behalf of the Company were, and, if still pending are, to the Company’s knowledge, being conducted in all material respects in compliance with all Applicable Laws and in accordance with experimental protocols, procedures and controls generally used by qualified experts in the preclinical study and clinical trials of new drugs and biologics as applied to comparable products to those being developed by the Company; the descriptions of the results of such preclinical studies and clinical trials contained in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus are accurate and complete in all material respects, and, except as set forth in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, the Company has no knowledge of any other clinical trials or preclinical studies, the results of which reasonably call into question the clinical trial or preclinical study results described or referred to in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus when viewed in the context in which such results are described; and the Company has not received any written notices or correspondence from the FDA, the EMA, or any other domestic or foreign governmental agency requiring the termination, suspension or modification of any preclinical studies or clinical trials conducted by or on behalf of the Company that are described in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus or the results of which are referred to in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus.

  • Clinical Trials The studies, tests and preclinical and clinical trials conducted by or on behalf of, or sponsored by, the Company, or in which the Company has participated, that are described in the Registration Statement, the Time of Sale Disclosure Package or the Prospectus, or the results of which are referred to in the Registration Statement, the Time of Sale Disclosure Package or the Prospectus, were and, if still pending, are being conducted in all material respects in accordance with protocols, procedures and controls pursuant to, where applicable, accepted professional and scientific standards for products or product candidates comparable to those being developed by the Company and all applicable statutes, rules and regulations of the FDA, the EMEA, Health Canada and other comparable drug and medical device (including diagnostic product) regulatory agencies outside of the United States to which they are subject; the descriptions of the results of such studies, tests and trials contained in the Registration Statement, the Time of Sale Disclosure Package or the Prospectus do not contain any misstatement of a material fact or omit a material fact necessary to make such statements not misleading; the Company has no knowledge of any studies, tests or trials not described in the Disclosure Package and the Prospectus the results of which reasonably call into question in any material respect the results of the studies, tests and trials described in the Registration Statement, the Time of Sale Disclosure Package or Prospectus; and the Company has not received any notices or other correspondence from the FDA, EMEA, Health Canada or any other foreign, state or local governmental body exercising comparable authority or any Institutional Review Board or comparable authority requiring or threatening the termination, suspension or material modification of any studies, tests or preclinical or clinical trials conducted by or on behalf of, or sponsored by, the Company or in which the Company has participated, and, to the Company’s knowledge, there are no reasonable grounds for the same. Except as disclosed in the Registration Statement, the Time of Sale Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, there has not been any violation of law or regulation by the Company in its respective product development efforts, submissions or reports to any regulatory authority that could reasonably be expected to require investigation, corrective action or enforcement action.

  • Tests and Preclinical and Clinical Trials The studies, tests and preclinical and clinical trials conducted by or, to the Company’s knowledge, on behalf of the Company were and, if still ongoing, are being conducted in all material respects in accordance with experimental protocols, procedures and controls pursuant to accepted professional scientific standards and all Authorizations and Applicable Laws, including, without limitation, the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder (collectively, “FFDCA”); the descriptions of the results of such studies, tests and trials contained in the Registration Statement, the General Disclosure Package and the Prospectus are, to the Company’s knowledge, accurate in all material respects and fairly present the data derived from such studies, tests and trials; except to the extent disclosed in the Registration Statement, the General Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, the Company is not aware of any studies, tests or trials, the results of which the Company believes reasonably call into question the study, test, or trial results described or referred to in the Registration Statement, the General Disclosure Package and the Prospectus when viewed in the context in which such results are described and the clinical state of development; and, except to the extent disclosed in the Registration Statement, the General Disclosure Package or the Prospectus, neither the Company nor any Subsidiary has received any notices or correspondence from the FDA or any Governmental Entity requiring the termination or suspension of any studies, tests or preclinical or clinical trials conducted by or on behalf of the Company, other than ordinary course communications with respect to modifications in connection with the design and implementation of such trials, copies of which communications have been made available to you.

  • Development Reports Beginning six months after Effective Date and ending on the date of first commercial sale of a Licensed Product in the United States, LICENSEE shall report to Cornell progress covering LICENSEE's (and Affiliate's and Sublicensee's) activities and efforts in the development of rights granted to LICENSEE under this Agreement for the preceding six months. The report shall include, but not be limited to, activities and efforts to develop and test all Licensed Products and obtain governmental approvals necessary for marketing the same. Such semi-annual reports shall be due within sixty days (60) of the reporting period and shall use the form as provided herein as Appendix C.

  • Commercialization Reports Throughout the term of this Agreement and during the Sell-Off Period, and within thirty (30) days of December 31st of each year, Company will deliver to University written reports of Company’s and Sublicensees’ efforts and plans to develop and commercialize the innovations covered by the Licensed Rights and to make and sell Licensed Products. Company will have no obligation to prepare commercialization reports in years where (a) Company delivers to University a written Sales Report with active sales, and (b) Company has fulfilled all Performance Milestones. In relation to each of the Performance Milestones each commercialization report will include sufficient information to demonstrate achievement of those Performance Milestones and will set out timeframes and plans for achieving those Performance Milestones which have not yet been met.

  • Development Plan document specifying the work program, schedule, and relevant investments required for the Development and the Production of a Discovery or set of Discoveries of Oil and Gas in the Contract Area, including its abandonment.

  • Feasibility Study Buyer will, at Buyer's expense and within ____ days from Effective Date ("Feasibility Study Period"), determine whether the Property is suitable, in Buyer's sole and absolute discretion, for ___________________ use. During the Feasibility Study Period, Buyer may conduct a Phase I environmental assessment and any other tests, analyses, surveys and investigations ("Inspections") that Buyer deems necessary to determine to Buyer's satisfaction the Property's engineering, architectural and environmental properties; zoning and zoning restrictions; subdivision statutes; soil and grade; availability of access public roads, water, and other utilities; consistency with local, state and regional growth management plans, availability of permits, government approvals, and licenses; and other inspections that Buyer deems appropriate to determine the Property's suitability for the Buyer's intended use. If the Property must be rezoned, Buyer will obtain the rezoning from the appropriatx xxxernment agencies. Seller will sign all documents Buyer is required to file in connection with development or rezoning approvals. Seller gives Buyer, its agents, contractors and assigns, the right to enter the Property at any time during the Feasibility Study Period for the purpose of conducting inspections; provided, however, that Buyer, its agents, contractors and assigns enter the Property and conduct inspections at their own risk. Buyer will indemnify and hold Seller harmless from xxxxes, damages, costs, claims and expenses of any nature, including attorney's fees, expenses and liability incurred in application for rezoning or related proceedings, and from liability to any person, arising from the conduct of any and all inspections of any work authorized by Buyer. Buyer will not engage in any activity that xxxxx result in a construction lien being filed against the Property without Seller's prior written consent. If this transaction does not close, Buyer will, at Buyer's expense, (1) repair all damages to the Property resulting from the Inspections and return the Property to the condition it was in prior to conduct of the Inspections, and (2) release to Seller all reports and other work generated as a result of the Inspections. Buyer will deliver written notice to Seller prior to the expiration of the Feasibility Study Period of Buyer's determination of whether or not the Properxx xx acceptable. Buyer's failure to comply with this notice requirement will constitute acceptance of the Property as suitable for Buyer's intended use in its "as is" condition. If the Property is unacceptable to Buyer and written notice of this fact is timely delivered to Seller, this Contract will be deemed terminated as of the day after the Feasibility Study period ends and Buyer's deposit(s) will be returned after Escrow Axxxx receives proper authorization form all interested parties.

  • Commercialization Plan On a Product by Product basis, not later than sixty (60) days after the filing of the first application for Regulatory Approval of a Product in the Copromotion Territory, the MSC shall prepare and approve a rolling multiyear (not less than three (3) years) plan for Commercializing such Product in the Copromotion Territory (the "Copromotion Territory Commercialization Plan"), which plan includes a comprehensive market development, marketing, sales, supply and distribution strategy for such Product in the Copromotion Territory. The Copromotion Territory Commercialization Plan shall be updated by the MSC at least once each calendar year such that it addresses no less than the three (3) upcoming years. Not later than thirty (30) days after the filing of the first application for Regulatory Approval of a Product in the Copromotion Territory and thereafter on or before September 30 of each calendar year, the MSC shall prepare an annual commercialization plan and budget (the "Annual Commercialization Plan and Budget"), which plan is based on the then current Copromotion Territory Commercialization Plan and includes a comprehensive market development, marketing, sales, supply and distribution strategy, including an overall budget for anticipated marketing, promotion and sales efforts in the upcoming calendar year (the first such Annual Development Plan and Budget shall cover the remainder of the calendar year in which such Product is anticipated to be approved plus the first full calendar year thereafter). The Annual Commercialization Plan and Budget will specify which Target Markets and distribution channels each Party shall devote its respective Promotion efforts towards, the personnel and other resources to be devoted by each Party to such efforts, the number and positioning of Details to be performed by each Party, as well as market and sales forecasts and related operating expenses, for the Product in each country of the Copromotion Territory, and budgets for projected Pre-Marketing Expenses, Sales and Marketing Expenses and Post-Approval Research and Regulatory Expenses. In preparing and updating the Copromotion Territory Commercialization Plan and each Annual Commercialization Plan and Budget, the MSC will take into consideration factors such as market conditions, regulatory issues and competition.

  • Clinical Data and Regulatory Compliance The preclinical tests and clinical trials, and other studies (collectively, “studies”) that are described in, or the results of which are referred to in, Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package or the Prospectus were and, if still pending, are being conducted in all material respects in accordance with applicable laws, rules, regulations and policies of the Food and Drug Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (the “FDA”) or any committee thereof or of any other U.S. or foreign government or drug or medical device regulatory agency, or health care facility Institutional Review Board; each description of the results of such studies is accurate and complete in all material respects and fairly presents the data derived from such studies, and the Company and its subsidiaries have no knowledge of any other studies the results of which are materially inconsistent with, or otherwise call into question, the results described or referred to in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package or the Prospectus; for such studies that have been or are being conducted, the Company and its subsidiaries have made all such filings and obtained all such approvals as may be required by foreign government or drug or medical device regulatory agencies, or foreign health care facility Institutional Review Boards; and no investigational new drug application filed by or on behalf of the Company or any of its subsidiaries with the FDA has been terminated or suspended by the FDA, and neither the FDA nor any applicable foreign regulatory agency has commenced, or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened to initiate, any action to place a clinical hold order on, or otherwise terminate, delay or suspend, any proposed or ongoing studies conducted or proposed to be conducted by or on behalf of the Company or any of its subsidiaries.

  • Research Reports Distributor acknowledges that Dealer may prepare research reports relating to the Fund that are not to be used for marketing purposes (“Research Reports”). Distributor hereby authorizes Dealer to use the name of the Fund, Distributor and BREDS in Research Reports.

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