Other Party. Unless so terminated, this Agreement shall continue in effect for so long as INVESCO or its successor(s) in interest, or any affiliate thereof, continues to perform in a similar capacity for the Fund, and for so long as INSURER provides the services contemplated hereunder with respect to Contracts under which values or monies are allocated to a Portfolio.
Other Party any natural or legal person with whom XXX enters into an Agreement or into talks or conducts negotiations on the entering into an Agreement;
Other Party. If the enforcing Party or its Affiliate recovers any damages or compensation for any action the enforcing Party or such Affiliate, including any settlement, the enforcing party or the subsidiaries of the enforcing Party shall retain one hundred percent (100%) of such damages. If the Parties cooperate in any such enforcement action, then any recovery of damages or compensation shall be allocated pursuant to mutual agreement.
Other Party. San Diego, Riverside, or Anaheim, as applicable consistent with the Settlement Agreement.
Other Party the natural or legal person with whom PlatformManager has concluded or intends to conclude an Agreement;
Other Party. Not Employee of the District
Other Party. The <position>, currently <name>, is authorised to bind the Other Party in so far as the performance of the Contract is concerned. The SLA forms part of the Maintenance Contract and defines the agreed service level. To ensure that the SLA is in keeping with the Terms and Conditions, the main service levels for the Deliverable must be included in the Contract. Important service levels are in any event those for which a discount may be deducted from the Fee in accordance with article 7.3. Finally, the following terms from article 68 of the ARBIT should be used in the SLA: Corrective Maintenance: the tracing and resolution by the Other Party of Faults reported by the Contracting Authority or Faults that have otherwise become known to the Other Party. Repair Time: the periods, expressed in Service Hours, between the moment when a Fault is reported to the Other Party and the moment it is resolved.
Other Party. The term “Other Party” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.9(c).
Other Party. The other party to the contract may be a Sponsor, a CRO acting as a Local Sponsor, or a Collaborative or Cooperative Research Group (CRG). These parties may be various types of legal entities (eg proprietary company, company limited by guarantee, not-for-profit incorporated association, university or statutory body). It is very important to independently verify the correct name and type of entity with whom XXXXX is contracting, usually by doing an ASIC company search or other searches.
Other Party the natural or legal person, or legal successor, who acts on behalf of his profession or company in respect of services carried out or commissioned by Lex Classics and/or activities performed.