Mutual General Release Sample Clauses

Mutual General Release. (i) In consideration of the release set forth in Section 8(q)(ii), effective as of the Closing (the "Effective Time") each Investor, severally and not jointly, on behalf of itself and its heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, partners, directors, officers, shareholders, employees, consultants, representatives, predecessors, principals, agents, parents, associates, affiliates, subsidiaries, attorneys, accountants, successors, successors-in-interest and assignees (collectively, the "Investor Releasing Persons"), hereby waives and releases, to the fullest extent permitted by law, but subject to Section 8(q)(iii) below, any and all claims, rights and causes of action, whether known or unknown (collectively, the "Investor Claims"), that any of the Investor Releasing Persons had or currently has against (i) the Company, (ii) any of the Company's current or former parents, shareholders, affiliates, subsidiaries, predecessors or assigns, or (iii) any of the Company's or such other persons' or entities' current or former officers, directors, employees, agents, principals, investors, signatories, advisors, consultants, spouses, heirs, estates, executors, attorneys, auditors and associates and members of their immediate families (collectively, the "Company Released Persons"), including, without limitation, Investor Claims arising out of or relating to the Securities Purchase Agreement, the Articles of Amendment, the Series B Registration Rights Agreement, the Series B Warrants, the Redemption Agreement, the Redemption Registration Rights Agreement, the Exchanged Warrants and the New Warrants (collectively, the "Released Documents") other than Investor Claims arising after the Effective Time.
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Mutual General Release. Except as may arise under or in connection with this Agreement and the Surviving Obligations, the Company and the Buyer hereby release and forever discharge each party hereto and its predecessors, successors and assigns, employees, shareholders, partners, managing members, officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, divisions and affiliates from any and all claims, causes of actions, suits, demands, debts, dues, accounts, bonds, covenants, contracts, agreements, judgments whatsoever in law or in equity, whether known or unknown, including, but not limited to, any claim arising out of or relating to the transactions described in the Purchase Agreement and Transaction Documents (other than the Registration Rights Agreement or the Surviving Obligations) which any party hereto had, now has or which its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, or any of them, hereafter can, shall or may have, against any party hereto or such parties predecessors, successors and assigns, employees, shareholders, partners, managing members, officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, divisions and affiliates, for or by reason of any cause, matter or thing whatsoever, whether arising prior to, on or after the date hereof, provided, however, that (i) this Agreement, (ii) the Surviving Obligations including, but not limited to, the Registration Rights Agreement, shall continue in full force and effect as the legal, valid and binding obligation of each party thereto enforceable against each such party in accordance with its terms.
Mutual General Release. Upon the Parties’ execution hereof, subject to Xxxxxx’s compliance with the terms and conditions of Section 2 herein, and in consideration of the mutual releases and for other good and valuable consideration identified herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties on behalf of themselves and their respective agents, assigns, attorneys, directors, employees, heirs, insurers, investors, managers, members, officers, officials, owners, representatives, predecessors and successors in interest and sureties (as well as their respective parents, subsidiaries, related entities and affiliates, and any of their agents, assigns, attorneys, directors, employees, heirs, insurers, investors, managers, members, officers, officials, owners, representatives, predecessors and successors in interest and sureties), to the extent applicable, hereby completely release, acquit, and forever discharge each other and their respective agents, assigns, attorneys, directors, employees, heirs, insurers, investors, managers, members, officers, officials, owners, representatives, predecessors and successors in interest and sureties (as well as their respective parents, subsidiaries, related entities and affiliates, and any of their agents, assigns, attorneys, directors, employees, heirs, insurers, investors, managers, members, officers, officials, owners, representatives, predecessors and successors in interest and sureties), to the extent applicable, of and from any and all demands, claims, counterclaims, obligations, causes of actions and compensation of any nature, type or description whatsoever whether based upon tort, contract, statute, equity, tortious breach of contract or bad faith, or any other theory of recovery, which any of the Parties hereto may have or has had from the beginning to time to present date that arise from or relate to the Supply Agreement or Repayment Plans which were or could have been asserted in any litigation. The Parties further agree that they each waive any and all entitlement to relief or compensation, with the exception of what is identified herein, including, but not limited to, monetary damages or equitable relief, with respect to any claim or cause of action released pursuant to the preceding paragraph. This release shall not apply to the obligations any of the Parties owe under this Modification Agreement including, without limitation, the terms of Section 2 herein, under which Xxxxxx has agreed to pay amounts to ...
Mutual General Release. Subject to this Agreement becoming effective, Employee, on behalf of himself, his spouse, successors, heirs, and assigns, hereby forever releases and discharges the “Company Parties” (as defined below) from and with respect to, any and all claims, debts, liabilities, demands, obligations, liens, promises, acts, agreements, costs and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys’ fees), damages, actions, and causes of action, of whatever kind or nature, whether known or unknown, fixed or contingent (collectively, “Claims”), including without limitation, any claims based upon contract, tort, or under any federal, state, local or foreign law, that the Employee may have, or in the future may possess, arising out of any aspect of Employee’s employment relationship with and service as an employee, officer, director, manager or agent of the Company or any of its subsidiaries, or the termination of such relationship or service, that occurred, existed or arose on or prior to the Employee’s execution of this Agreement. Employee represents and warrants that he has not assigned any of the claims being released under this Agreement and that he has not filed any proceeding relating to Employee’s employment or the termination thereof. For example, as a result of the general release in this Section 5, Employee is releasing all claims of any kind that can be released, arising out of, or related to Employee’s employment and involvement with, or the ending of employment with the Company, any claims arising from rights under his Employment Agreement, federal, state and/or local laws, including but not limited to those related to tax payments or accounting, ownership in the Company, rights to ongoing profits of the Company, claims of ownership of the Company’s intellectual property, or any form of retaliation, harassment or discrimination on any basis, or any related cause of action, and any labor code provisions, or any other claim of any kind whatsoever, including but not limited to any claim for damages or declaratory or injunctive relief of any kind that can be released. Employee understands that the claims he is releasing might arise under many different laws (including statutes, regulations, other administrative guidance, and common law doctrines), such as the following:
Mutual General Release. (a) In exchange for the mutual promises made herein and the benefits described in this Agreement, Xxxxxxxx, on behalf of himself and his estate, heirs, executors and personal representatives, and the Company, on behalf of itself and its predecessors, successors, assigns, agents and, in each case, all persons acting by, through, under or in concert with any of them, hereby release and discharge fully, finally and forever one another and their respective estate, heirs, executors, personal representatives, employees, officers, directors, stockholders, predecessors, successors, assigns, agents, attorneys and accountants, and all persons acting by, through, under or in concert with any of them (individually and collectively, the “Released Parties”) from all claims, demands, obligations, losses, causes of action, in law or in equity, costs, expenses, suits, debts, liens, promises, damages, attorneys’ fees and liabilities of any nature whatsoever, known or unknown, fixed or contingent, whether based upon contract, tort or statute which they now have or may hereafter have against the Released Parties by reason of any and all acts, omissions, events or facts occurring or existing prior to the Effective Date including, but not limited to, the following: any alleged breach of the Employment Agreement, or any other agreement or policy to which the Company is a party; any alleged breach of any covenant of good faith and fair dealing, express or implied; any alleged torts or other alleged legal restrictions relating to Xxxxxxxx’x employment and the termination thereof; and any alleged violation of any federal, state or local statute or ordinance, including, without limitation, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; the Equal Pay Act, as amended; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, as amended; the Americans With Disabilities Act, as amended; the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, as amended; the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act of 1990; the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, as amended; the California Labor Code, as amended; and/or any other local, state, or federal law governing discrimination in employment and/or the payment of wages and benefits, or any matters arising out of, or relating to, Xxxxxxxx’x employment relationship with the Company (collectively, the “Released Matters”). Notwithstanding the foregoing, (a) the Released Matters shall not include, and nothing herein shall affect, any claim arising from or relating to a...
Mutual General Release. (a) BAC and each of its respective affiliates (which term excludes the Company under this Release), successors, assigns, directors, officers, employees, agents and their respective heirs, executors, beneficiaries and personal representatives (collectively, the “BAC Releasing Parties”), knowingly and voluntarily, release, waive and forever discharge (collectively, the “BAC Release”) Xxxx Xxxxxxx and his heirs, executors, beneficiaries, successors, agents, assigns and personal representatives (collectively, the “BAC Released Parties”) from any and all claims, demands, damages, liabilities, obligations, manner of actions, causes, causes of action, suits, debts, sums of money, accounts, reckonings, bonds, bills, trespasses, judgments and executions, whatever, whether at law or in equity (collectively, “Claims”) of any kind, nature or description whatever, whether known or unknown (and if unknown, regardless of whether knowledge of the same may have affected the decision to make this BAC Release), which now exist or which may hereafter arise based on any fact or circumstance arising or occurring on or at any time prior to the date hereof related to the Agreement. In furtherance of the foregoing, BAC covenants on behalf of itself and the BAC Releasing Parties not to xxx or prosecute any action against any of the BAC Released Parties with respect to any of the matters within the scope of this Release and agree to hold each of the BAC Released Parties harmless with respect to any such suit or prosecution in contravention of this Section 1.
Mutual General Release. (a) Employee for himself or herself and on behalf of Employee’s attorneys, heirs, assigns, successors, executors, and administrators IRREVOCABLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY RELEASES, ACQUITS AND FOREVER DISCHARGES the Company and any current or former stockholders, directors, parent, subsidiary, affiliated, and related corporations, firms, associations, partnerships, and entities, and their successors and assigns, from any and all claims and causes of action whatsoever, whether known or unknown or whether connected with Employee’s employment by the Company or not, which may have arisen, or which may arise, prior to, or at the time of, the execution of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, any claim or cause of action arising out of any contract, express or implied, any covenant of good faith and fair dealing, express or implied, any tort (whether intentional or released in this agreement), or under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act, the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act, or any other municipal, local, state, or federal law, common or statutory. The foregoing release shall not apply to indemnification or hold harmless obligations the Company may have that by their terms survive the termination of the Employee’s employment with the Company.
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Mutual General Release. In exchange for the mutual consideration and the Company's payments and other undertakings as described herein, the Company and the Executive, for their selves and their heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns, do hereby completely release and forever discharge each other and their heirs, the Company’s parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies, and their respective shareholders, officers, directors, representatives, employees, former employees, agents, attorneys, successors and assigns (herein collectively “the Releases”) from all claims, rights, demands, actions, obligations and causes of action of any and every kind, nature and character, known or unknown, that either party may now have or has ever had against them, arising from or in any way connected with the employment relationship between the parties, any actions taken by any of the Releases during the employment relationship, the termination of that relationship, and any other dealings of any kind between Executive and any of the Releases up to the effective date of the Agreement, including but not limited to (a) any and all claims of “wrongful discharge,” breach of express or implied contract, breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing, wrongful discharge in violation of public policy, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress, fraud and defamation; (b) any tort of any nature; (c) any and all claims arising under any federal, state, county or municipal statute, constitution or ordinance, including but not limited to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Act of 1991, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (excluding claims for benefits under a plan or program subject thereto), and any other laws and regulations relating to employment discrimination; and (d) any and all claims for compensation, bonuses, severance pay, vacation pay, expense reimbursement, attorneys' fees and costs. Nothing herein shall limit Executive’s rights to indemnification under the Company’s bylaws or other organizational documents or to post-termination coverage under and pursuant to the terms of the Company’s D&O insurance policies.
Mutual General Release. In further consideration of the promises and agreements made hereunder, Executive agrees unconditionally and forever to release and discharge the Company and its respective subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, representatives, attorneys, agents and assigns, and the Company agrees unconditionally and forever to release and discharge Executive and his representatives, attorneys, agents and assigns, from any and all claims, actions, causes of action, demands, liabilities, rights or damages of any kind or nature which any of them may now have, or ever have, whether known or unknown, against the other, including any claims, causes of action or demands of any nature arising out of or in any way relating to Executive's employment with, or separation from the Company. This release specifically includes, but is not limited to, any claims for discrimination and/or violation of any statutes, rules, regulations or ordinances, whether federal, state or local, including, but not limited to, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, age claims under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended by the Older Workers Benefits Protection Act of 1990, Section 1981 of Title 42 of the United States Code, and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act. The parties further agree knowingly to waive the provisions and protections of Section 1542 of the California Civil Code, which reads: A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which, if known by him, must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor. Executive represents and agrees that, prior to the execution of this Agreement, Executive has had the opportunity to discuss the terms of this Agreement with legal counsel of his choosing. Executive affirms that no promise or inducement was made to cause him to enter into this Agreement, other than the severance benefits described
Mutual General Release. (a) In consideration of the releases set forth in Sections 7(b), effective as of the Closing, the Investor, only on behalf of itself and, to the extent permitted by law, its heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, partners, directors, officers, shareholders, employees, consultants, representatives, predecessors, principals, agents, parents, associates, affiliates, subsidiaries, attorneys, accountants, successors, successors-in-interest and assignees (collectively, the "INVESTOR RELEASING PERSONS"), hereby waives and releases, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any and all claims, rights and causes of action, whether known or unknown (collectively, the "INVESTOR CLAIMS"), that any of the Investor Releasing Persons had or currently has against (i) the Company, (ii) any of the Company's current or former parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, predecessors or assigns, or (iii) any of the Company's or such other persons' or entities' current or former officers, directors, employees, agents, principals, and signatories (collectively, the "COMPANY RELEASED PERSONS"), including, without limitations, any Investor Claims arising out of any of the Transaction Documents. Investor Claims arising after the Closing that relate to events or circumstances occurring, or actions taken or failed to be taken, after the Closing are not waived or released hereby.
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