Clause IV definition

Clause IV. The Tenant shall by no means assign or mortgage Deposit, and shall by no reason use Deposit to offset rent or another amount payable by it. Clause V: If the Lessor changes within the Lease Term, the new lessor shall succeed to all rights and obligations relating to Deposit paid by the Tenant or the balance of Deposit remaining after the Lessor exercises its right of deduction according to the Contract.
Clause IV. The Lessor shall be responsible for cleaning the outer walls of the Tower (with exception to those for which any tenant or occupant of the Tower shall be responsible), maintaining environmental hygiene in public areas of the Tower, and maintain good condition of sanitary facilities. Clause V: The Lessor shall provide around-the-clock security service in public areas of the Tower, provided that the Lessor shall not be responsible for the Tenant’s property or personal losses as occurring inside the Premises (except due to the Lessor’s reason). The Tenant shall be independently responsible for security inside the Premises.
Clause IV. If an occurrence of force majeure stated in Article XV herein has prevented further performance of the Contract, either party may give a written notice to the other party pursuant to Clause II of Article XV, after which the Contract shall terminate.

Examples of Clause IV in a sentence

  • The policies, or duly executed certificates for them, together with copies of receipts for payment of the premiums thereof, shall be delivered to PIMSA prior to the Commencement Date of the Lease Term, as provided in Clause IV hereof; all documents verifying the renewal of such policies shall be delivered to PIMSA at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the term of such coverage.

  • A statement describing the portion of the Mortgaged Property comprising the Fixtures hereby secured is set forth in Granting Clause IV of this Mortgage.

  • The representations and warranties in this Clause IV are made on the Amendment Effective Date.

  • Clause IV: In days other than regular working days or in holidays or off hours, all employees of the Tenant are required to register themselves when entering or leaving the office building of the Tower.

  • Clause IV: The Tenant shall punctually pay any and all fees and charges payable for supplies within the Premises according to the readings of the separate measuring meters and the list of fees payable presented by the Lessor, including deposit and water and electricity rates.

More Definitions of Clause IV

Clause IV. Each clause herein shall be an independent clause, so any clause held to be void and invalid shall not impair the legal effectiveness of all other clauses. Clause V: This Agreement and the appendices hereto shall be executed in both English and Chinese. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. This Lease Agreement shall be executed in 3 counterparts each of which shall have the same legal effect. Each party shall keep 1 thereof, and the remaining 1 shall be filed with the Beijing Municipal Construction Committee.
Clause IV. The Tenant shall pay rent and all other amounts payable on time and according to the terms and at the times set forth herein, and shall pay penalty to the Lessor in the event of overdue payment, which penalty shall be calculated based on the number of days of payment delay. In the event of delay of a payment for not more than fifteen working days, the penalty payable for each day of the delay shall be equal to 1‰ of the overdue amount; and if a payment remains overdue for more than fifteen working days, the Lessor shall have the right to terminate the Contract and collect penalty from the Tenant in an amount equivalent to three months’ rent; and if the Lessor agrees in writing to continue performance of the Contract, the Tenant shall pay a late fee equal to 2‰ of the overdue amount for each day of the delay.
Clause IV. According to the provisions specified in this agreement, Party B shall hold all the ground houses and buildings, production equipments, electronic equipments and etc. ( please see the attached fixed assets list) of the two hog farms. The lands occupied by these two farms are leased lands, Party A can assist in Party B entering into new Land Rental Agreements with the entities that owns the land. Clause V: Both Parties agree that the relevant fees incurred in the course of processing the assignment procedures shall be paid by Party B.
Clause IV. The Tenant shall pay rent and all other amounts payable on time and according to the terms and at the times set forth herein, and shall pay penalty to the Lessor in the event of overdue payment, which penalty shall be calculated based on the number of days of payment delay. In the event of delay of a payment for not more than fifteen working days, the penalty payable for each day of the delay shall be equal to 1‰ of the overdue amount; and if a payment remains overdue for more than fifteen working days, the Lessor shall have the right to terminate the Contract and collect penalty from the Tenant in an amount equivalent to three months’ rent; and if the Lessor agrees in writing to continue performance of the Contract, the Tenant shall pay a late fee equal to 2‰ of the overdue amount for each day of the delay. Clause V: The Lessor agrees to lease to the Tenant underground parking positions of the Tower, the numbers of which are 3, and the Tenant shall not to pay the car parking position rent but shall pay parking space management fee to the property management company during the lease term, management fee of each parking position is RMB 200 Yuan. Parking position rent is payable on a monthly basis and the Tenant shall pay each month’s parking position rent by the 1st day of the month. Parking space management fee is payable to the property management company and shall be paid along with property management fee on a monthly basis, of which the first payment shall be made on the date of commencement of the lease. In the event of the Tenant’s failure to pay parking position rent and parking space management fee on time, penalty shall be paid to the Lessor based on the number of days of the payment delay. If the delay is not more than fifteen days, penalty payable for each day of the delay shall be equal to 1‰ of the overdue amount; and a delay of over fifteen days will be deemed as the Tenant’s cessation of lease of the parking position and the Lessor shall have the right to take back the parking position and lease it to others. The Lessor’s taking back the parking position shall not affect lease of the Premises. Clause VI: The Tenant shall obtain the right to use the corresponding parking space after paying parking position rent and parking space management fee. After the Tenant pays parking space management fee, the Lessor shall be responsible for providing parking space to the Tenant and the property management company for operation and maintenance of instal...
Clause IV. The Tenant shall abide by all terms and conditions of the Contract and the requirements of the property management office of the Tower, and cooperate with the Lessor or said property management office in property management tasks. The Tenant shall comply with the requirements of Property Owner Rules and Decoration Manual of the Tower, and shall bear responsibility for its violation of the aforesaid rules and requirements. Clause V: The Tenant may use public areas and facilities of the Tower according to provisions of the Contract. The Tenant is also responsible for maintaining cleanness in the Premises and public areas and good condition of installations and fittings therein, including decorative materials on floors, walls and ceilings as well as all types of attachments to the property, such as doors and windows, electrical appliances, furniture, sanitary xxxx, etc. In the event of damages to the Premises and the foregoing installations or fittings (except for normal wears and tears or damages caused by force majeure), the Tenant shall cover the repair cost. Clause VI: In order to prevent the power system from overload beyond the designed standard, the Tenant, when intending to install any electrical item in the Premises as needed in its work, shall not implement the installation until obtaining prior written consent from the Lessor and the property management company. Clause VII: The Tenant shall not place items beyond the designed carrying load on the floor of the Premises (Load Limit of the Tower: 200kg/m2). The Lessor reserves the right to specify the weights and positions of all safes, equipment and items in order to ensure balanced load allotment. Office equipment, fixtures and machines moved in the Premises with the Lessor’s approval that can generate vibration, noise and excessive heat shall be placed on racks in order to prevent disturbance of other occupants, and the cost of such racks shall be borne by the Tenant. Clause VIII: The Tenant shall not keep weapons, ammunitions, saltpeter, gunpowder, gasoline or other flammables or explosives, banned items or items with strong odor, and shall not produce or leak in the Premises any gas that is of strong odor or can pollute the environment.
Clause IV. Each clause herein shall be an independent clause, so any clause held to be void and invalid shall not impair the legal effectiveness of all other clauses. Clause V: The Contract and the appendices thereto are written in Chinese in five identical copies, of which the Lessor and the Tenant respectively keeps two and Beijing Municipal Construction Committee holds one, each enjoying equal effectiveness at law. Clause VI: The Contract shall take effect after being signed and stamped by both parties. Contract filing, whether done or not, shall not affect the effectiveness of the Contract. The Contract has been signed by authorized representatives of the parties: The Lessor: The Tenant /s/ Xxxx XXXXX /s/ Yan KONG Leasing Director General Manager Beijing Tongshun Real Estate Development Co., Ltd Beijing Lionbridge Global Solutions Technologies, Inc. Date: June 4th, 2010 Date: June 4th, 0000 Xxxxxxxx X: Property Location Map Appendix II: Condition of Premises Delivered to Tenant (Subject to Delivery Record) Appendix III: Business License (Photocopy) Appendix IV: Power of Attorney of Legal Representative To: Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development : We/I hereby appoint Mr./Miss (Chinese ID Card Number: ) of Company as our/my representative to go through the procedure for registration of the lease contract of Unit on Floor of xxx Xxxxx xx # xx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx and other associated documents, and to take charge of any and all procedures in connection with lease contract registration. This Power of Attorney shall take effect from the date of signing by us/me and terminate when all matters set forth herein are completed. The Client: Date:
Clause IV. The Tenant shall abide by all terms and conditions of the Contract and the requirements of the property management office of the Tower, and cooperate with the Lessor or said property management office in property management tasks. The Tenant shall comply with the requirements of Property Owner Rules and Decoration Manual of the Tower, and shall bear responsibility for its violation of the aforesaid rules and requirements. Clause V: The Tenant may use public areas and facilities of the Tower according to provisions of the Contract. The Tenant is also responsible for maintaining cleanness in the Premises and public areas and good condition of installations and fittings therein, including decorative materials on floors, walls and ceilings as well as all types of attachments to the property, such as doors and windows, electrical appliances, furniture, sanitary xxxx, etc. In the event of damages to the Premises and the foregoing installations or fittings (except for normal wears and tears or damages caused by force majeure), the Tenant shall cover the repair cost. Clause VI: In order to prevent the power system from overload beyond the designed standard, the Tenant, when intending to install any electrical item in the Premises as needed in its work, shall not implement the installation until obtaining prior written consent from the Lessor and the property management company.