Pupils will Sample Clauses

Pupils will.  Attend all live lessons unless they have a genuine reason that they are unable to. Please be aware that pupils will be visible to and heard by their year group peers and school staff when in a live session  Leave profile pictures as initials so that they are easily identifiable in the lesson  Find a quiet place to join their live lesson and have a pencil and paper to make jottings  Use the ‘Raise your hand’ and Chat function to participate in the lesson  Remain on mute unless the teacher asks for them to unmute  Blur their backgrounds  Focus on learning during the live lesson  Complete Purple Mash and other follow-up activities to practice skills  Use the chat function for learning ONLY, this is not a social media chatroom  Remember class expectations still apply - always adhere to the School Behaviour Policy. Parents/Carers will …  Ensure their child is following the daily timetable and completing their work to avoid more learning time loss  Let the school know if their child has any technical issues with accessing online learning during isolation  Report any absences as usual, via the school office—including COVID 19 symptoms or positive test results for the child or someone within the household  Ensure their child only uses the platforms for educational purposes  Monitor the use of their devices for access of other online materials and apps. Please email the following statement to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx:
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Pupils will. (A COPY OF THE SCHOOL RULES AND CODE OF CONDUCT FOR PUPILS IS ATTACHED TO THIS AGREEMENT AND WILL BE READ OUT AS PART OF THE INTERVIEW PROCESS)  Attend school regularly and on time by 8:40am on every school day.  Come to school with all the equipment they need.  Wear the full school uniform.  Observe the School Rules and Code of Conduct for pupils.  Work to the best of their ability, both in school and when doing homework and hand in all homework on time.  Co-operate at all times with teachers and other members of the Academy staff.  Be polite and helpful to others.  Respect the school building and furniture and the property of others.  Adopt a positive attitude towards and fully participate in the life of the school.  Abide by all school policies and procedures.  Attend catch up lessons if advised by a member of the teaching staff.  Participate in all whole-school activities and events where required by the school. This is compulsory. This includes activities related to national and international events (such as Remembrance Day and similar events that may have reference to the UK and the Queen), which forms a statutory part of pupils’ development and understanding of SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural) and British values. Pupil’s name: Date: _
Pupils will. Challenge myself to be the best I can be, in my learning, with my friends and in my behaviour; · Look after our school and our resources; · Follow class charters and rules set out at school; · Show respect to all members of our school community and our wider society, regardless of gender, race, culture, belief, values, age and need; · Take responsibility for bringing my reading diary and reading books to school and home 🞏 I confirm that I have read and discussed with my child Permissions
Pupils will. We have carried out a detailed and rigorous risk assessment for a phased return of children. The health and safety of your child is everyone’s first priority. We will act in accordance with current government guidance on hygiene (including cleaning) and safe distancing. Provide an environment which has been risk assessed in response to the COVID-19 infection. Adhere to the social distancing rules as set out by the government as much as we reasonably can, both in and out of school. Provide a curriculum that meets the needs of your child’s well-being, mental health and academic needs. Contact parents/carers if your child displays symptoms of COVID-19. Inform you if staff or children in your child’s year group show symptoms of COVID-19 as this will mean you will all need to self-isolate for at least 14 days or until the test comes back negative. Continue our clear and consistent approach to rewards and sanctions for children as set If my child, or anyone in my household, shows symptoms of COVID-19, I will not send them to school, we will self-isolate for 14 days as a family, I will get them tested and I will let the school know as soon as possible via telephone. If my child, or another child in the group, shows symptoms of COVID-19 at school, I will collect my child from school immediately. When dropping my child off and picking them up, I will adhere to the 2 metre social distancing rules. I will be on time when dropping off and picking up, as this might affect the next class who enter the school. I understand that school start and end times will be different for the time being and may change. I will ensure that only one parent and carer will drop off and pick up and that there will be no alternative arrangements for pick up and drop off between families/carers. My child will not bring any items into school with them. My child may have their temperature taken on arrival and during the day if they feel or present as being unwell. I will remind my child about social distancing rules but accept they are difficult to follow and I understand that my child may not always achieve this successfully. I will teach my child how to wash their hands properly. Follow the social distancing rules: in class, in the toilets, in the corridors (keeping to the left or adhere to the one way system) and in the playground. Tell an adult if I feel unwell. Not bring things into school from home (apart from a water bottle), or take things home from school. Only use the equipment provi...
Pupils will. SH RE provide creative approaches to learning in a safe and stimulating learning environment, with clear boundaries to enable all learners to develop show care and respect to all children, their families and other staff members show care and respect to all hildren, their families and other staff members respect everyone’s right to x xxxxx and confidentiality be helpful, fair and kind to others show care and respect to other children and all staff HO EST communicate with all children, their families and staff in an open and honest manner, whilst showing mutual respect value our children and their families be open and honest with sta talk first—raise concerns or problems early and avoid using social media to discuss them always tell the truth with other children and staff ATTENTIVE make meaningful interactions with children to move learning forward encourage children to ask questions and think critically to develop their understanding and learn deeper know what is going on in school e.g. by reading school letters and being aware of upcoming events know how they can help their children to be ready to learn e.g. making sure they have their ook bags, PE kits know how to help their children and support learning at home e.g. through reading be good listeners who respect other people’s views ask questions and think critically to become better learners manage distractions and become absorbed in our learning DETERMINED look to discover opportunities for learning whilst encourage a hunger for knowledge and be wiling to try something new develop independence and allow children to explore and find out be motivated and have high expectations for all children to achieve have high expectations for o r children's learning and development encourage independence use the learning journeys as tool for sharing their child’s learning be willing to have a go and think for ourselves. love to explore new things and have a hunger for knowledge grow independence and be motivated to achieve ENJOY have a positive attitude to school life and learning enjoy learning with the children and celebrate their achievements see learning as a positive experience and present a positive attitude to school life celebrate achievements together have a positive attitude to school and enjoy learning be proud of their and other children’s achievements A c r N ff b u
Pupils will. Understand the importance of good online safety practice out of school, and understand that this agreement covers their actions outside of school • Respect the feelings and rights of others both on and offline. • Engage in age appropriate online safety education opportunities. • Read and comply with the school’s acceptable use policies. • Take responsibility for keeping themselves and others safe online. • Stop and think before posting or sharing comments or pictures, and never post sexual or other inappropriate images of themselves or others • Never share their own or anyone else’s personal information or any information that might endanger themselves or others on social media • Seek help from a trusted adult if there is a concern online, and support others that may be experiencing online safety issues. PARENTS WILL: • Require their children to adhere to their commitments under this agreement • Support the school’s online safety approaches by discussing online safety issues with their children and reinforcing appropriate and safe online behaviours at home. • Role model safe and appropriate use of technology and social media. • Ensure that they have access to their children’s online accounts, and at least on a monthly basis review and monitor their child’s use of social media. • Identify changes in behaviour that could indicate that their child is at risk of harm online. • Seek help and support from the school or other appropriate agencies if they or their child encounter risk or concerns online. • Communicate with their children and educate them to report offensive or hurtful comments, and to take care in what they send or post on social media THE SCHOOL WILL: • Ensure that online safety is embedded within the curriculum, enabling all pupils to develop an age-appropriate understanding of online safety. • Provide a designated safeguarding lead who will act as a named point of contact on all online safeguarding issues and liaise with other members of staff or other agencies, as appropriate. • Keep up to date with current research, legislation and trends regarding online safety and communicate this with the community, as appropriate. • Ensure that online safety is promoted to parents/carers and the wider community, through a variety of channels and approaches. • Contribute to the development of online safety policies.

Related to Pupils will

  • Our Personnel We will be responsible for the performance of Our personnel (including Our employees and contractors) and their compliance with Our obligations under this Agreement, except as otherwise specified herein.

  • Bus Drivers For overtime worked on normal working days or on days of rest, bus drivers shall be paid as follows:

  • SCRUTINIZED COMPANIES A. By executing this Agreement, the Contractor/Sub-Recipient certifies that it is eligible to bid on, submit a proposal for, or enter into or renew a contract with the County for goods or services pursuant to Section 287.135, Florida Statutes.

  • Train Fund TRI FUND Legal Total Wage Pkg. IND. FUND OPDC Dues WD Ded. 11/01/09 05/01/10 05/01/11 11/01/11 05/01/12 11/01/12 30.39 30.78 30.78 31.22 31.30 31.51 3.04 3.08 3.08 3.12 3.13 3.15 2.70 2.80 2.80 2.90 2.90 2.90 6.04 6.04 6.54 6.54 7.04 7.54 0.35 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.55 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 42.59 43.17 43.67 44.25 44.99 45.72 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3%

  • Contractor Key Personnel ‌ The Contractor shall assign a Corporate OASIS Program Manager (COPM) and Corporate OASIS Contract Manager (COCM) as Contractor Key Personnel to represent the Contractor as primary points-of-contact to resolve issues, perform administrative duties, and other functions that may arise relating to OASIS and task orders solicited and awarded under XXXXX. Additional Key Personnel requirements may be designated by the OCO at the task order level. There is no minimum qualification requirements established for Contractor Key Personnel. Additionally, Contractor Key Personnel do not have to be full-time positions; however, the Contractor Key Personnel are expected to be fully proficient in the performance of their duties. The Contractor shall ensure that the OASIS CO has current point-of-contact information for both the COPM and COCM. In the event of a change to Contractor Key Personnel, the Contractor shall notify the OASIS CO and provide all Point of Contact information for the new Key Personnel within 5 calendar days of the change. All costs associated with Contractor Key Personnel duties shall be handled in accordance with the Contractor’s standard accounting practices; however, no costs for Contractor Key Personnel may be billed to the OASIS Program Office. Failure of Contractor Key Personnel to effectively and efficiently perform their duties will be construed as conduct detrimental to contract performance and may result in activation of Dormant Status and/or Off-Ramping (See Sections H.16. and H.17.).

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