Risk of harm definition

Risk of harm means there exists a direct and serious risk of physical harm to the individual or another person. For risk of harm, the individual must be capable of causing physical harm to self or others and the individual must be causing physical harm or very likely to begin causing physical harm.
Risk of harm means a significant danger that a child will suffer serious harm by other than accidental means, which harm would be likely to cause physical injury, neglect, emotional maltreatment, or sexual abuse, including as the result of:
Risk of harm means a significant danger that a child will suffer

Examples of Risk of harm in a sentence

  • Our Safeguarding Policies (Adults at Risk of Harm, and Child Protection) and procedures can be found on the college website and focus on how we recruit and train our staff, support our students, make referrals and deal effectively with allegations against staff.

  • Risk of Harm Disclosures to prevent serious harm or abuse also warrant breach of confidence.

  • Step Two: Preliminary Assessment of Risk of Harm Based upon the information gathered, the Principal or his/her delegate should assess the potential risk of harm.

  • The YOS will provide within one working day the current ASSET, any Risk of Harm Serious (ROSH) assessments, PSR, list of previous convictions and signed initial appointment letter.

More Definitions of Risk of harm

Risk of harm means a significant danger that a child will suffer serious harm other than by accidental means, which harm would be likely to cause physical injury, neglect, emotional maltreatment or sexual abuse.
Risk of harm means any disclosure of the nature or location of any archaeological resource that results or may result in the loss or destruction of archaeological context or information or the loss of historical, scientific, environmental, monetary, or religious attributes and values attributable to in archeological sites and artifacts.
Risk of harm means a significant danger that a child will suffer serious harm by other than by accidental means, which harm would be likely to
Risk of harm means there exists a direct and serious risk of physical harm to an individual or another person. For risk of harm:
Risk of harm means there exists a direct and serious risk of physical harm to the individual or another person. For risk of harm, the individual must be
Risk of harm. The risk of damage, injury or other loss (Harm) to Vendor, its property, employees, customers, suppliers, other invitees and to the property of all of them, shall be Vendor’s risk to bear unless such Harm was caused solely by the act or willful neglect of DHC. Indemnity: In addition, Vendor and its owner(s), if it is not a sole proprietorship or partnership, shall indemnify and hold harmless DHC from Harm and claims of Harm by and from itself and all such people. Additionally, Vendor shall bear the expense of DHC’s defending against any and all claims as described above.
Risk of harm means the level of risk to public health or the environment created by the likelihood of exposure, either individual or cumulative, or the actual damage, either individual or cumulative, caused by a violation.