Board Observation Rights Sample Clauses

Board Observation Rights. Each Lender whose portion of the Loans is at least $40,000,000 or more of the combined principal amount of Loans outstanding and unused Commitments (or, if no Lender meets such threshold, the Lender with the highest combined principal amount of Loans outstanding and unused Commitments) shall be entitled to designate one observer who shall at all times be an officer or employee of such Lender (the “Board Observer”) to attend any regular meeting (a “BOD Meeting”) of the Board of Directors of the Parent (or its direct or indirect ultimate parent holding company) or any of its Subsidiaries (or, in each case, any relevant committees thereof), except that the Board Observer shall not be entitled to vote on matters presented to or discussed by the Board of Directors (or any relevant committee thereof) of the Parent (or its direct or indirect ultimate parent holding company) or any of its Subsidiaries at any such meetings. The Board Observer shall be timely notified of the time and place of any BOD Meetings (which shall be held no less than once per quarter) and will be given written notice of all proposed actions to be taken by the Board of Directors (or any relevant committee thereof) of the Parent (or its direct or indirect ultimate parent holding company) and any of its Subsidiaries at such meeting as if the Board Observer were a member thereof. Such notice shall describe in reasonable detail the nature and substance of the matters to be discussed and/or voted upon at such meeting (or the proposed actions to be taken by written consent without a meeting). The Board Observer shall have the right to receive all information provided to the members of the Board of Directors or any similar group performing an executive oversight or similar function (or any relevant committee thereof) of the Parent (or its direct or indirect ultimate parent holding company) and any of its Subsidiaries in anticipation of or at such meeting (regular or special and whether telephonic or otherwise), in addition to copies of the records of the proceedings or minutes of such meeting, when provided to the members, and the Board Observer shall keep such materials and information confidential in accordance with Section 12.19 of this Agreement. The Borrowers shall reimburse the Board Observer for all reasonable out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred in connection with its participation in any such BOD Meeting. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board Observer may be excluded from access to...
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Board Observation Rights. Cause Comvest (provided that, in the event that none of Comvest, its Affiliates and or Related Funds is a Lender, then the Lender with the then greatest Pro Rata Share of all of the Term Loan shall have the rights afforded to Comvest under this Section 5.13 and all references in this Section 5.13 to Comvest shall be deemed to be a reference to such Lender) to have the right to designate one representative, who shall: (a) receive prior notice (no later than such notice is given to the members of the board of directors (or other comparable body), the equityholders, and the committee members, as applicable) of all meetings (both regular and special) of the board of directors (or other comparable body) and of the equityholders of each Loan Party and each committee of any such board of directors (or other comparable body); (b) be entitled to attend (or, at the option of such representative, monitor by telephone) all such meetings; (c) receive all notices, information, reports and minutes of meetings, which are furnished (or made available) to the members of any such board of directors (or other comparable body) and/or committee and/or equityholders in their respective capacities as such at the same time and in the same manner as the same is furnished (or made available) to such members and equityholders; and (d) be entitled to participate in all discussions conducted at such meetings; provided, however, that if, and to the extent, an issue is to be discussed or otherwise arises at any meeting of the board of directors (or comparably body) of any Loan Party which, in the reasonable good faith judgment of such board of directors (or comparable body) is not appropriate to be discussed in the presence of such representative of Comvest in order to avoid a conflict of interest with respect to a material matter on the part of such non-voting observer or, upon and consistent with the advice of legal counsel to the Loan Parties, is necessary to preserve an attorney-client privilege with respect to any matter, then to the extent a discussion of such issue would cause such a conflict of interest or would result in the loss of such attorney-client privilege, such issue may be discussed without such representative of Comvest present, and such representative of Comvest may be excluded from distribution of applicable portions of related materials or related draft resolutions or consents. If any action is proposed to be taken by any such board of directors (or other comparable...
Board Observation Rights. From and after the Restatement Date, Holdings shall permit one authorized representative designated by the Requisite Lenders and notified in writing to Holdings (each, a “PLBY Board Observer”) to attend and participate (in the capacity of a non-voting observer) in all meetings of Holdings’ Board of Directors (the “PLBY Board”), whether in person, by telephone, or otherwise. Holdings shall provide such PLBY Board Observers the same notice of all such meetings and copies of all such meeting materials distributed to members of the PLBY Board concurrently with provision of such notice and materials to the PLBY Board; provided, however, that each such PLBY Board Observer (i) prior to attendance and participation at meetings of the PLBY Board, shall be subject to customary background checks, execution of a customary non-disclosure agreement, and execution of any other documentation reasonably required by the Borrower, (ii) shall hold all information and materials disclosed or delivered to such PLBY Board Observer in confidence in accordance with but subject to the provisions of Section 10.17 and (iii) may be excluded from access to any material (or such materials may be redacted) or meeting or portion thereof (A) if the PLBY Board determines in good faith, with advice from legal counsel, that such exclusion is reasonably necessary to preserve the attorney-client privilege or if such PLBY Board Observer’s access or attendance could materially and adversely affect the PLBY Board’s fiduciary duties, (B) if such material relates to, or such meeting or portion thereof involves discussions regarding, the refinancing or restructuring of, or interpretation of any legal matter regarding, the Loans or the Credit Documents, or (C) during any executive session of the PLBY Board. The Credit Parties shall reimburse the PLBY Board Observer for all reasonable and documented out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred in connection with its participation in any meeting of the PLBY Board. If it is proposed that any action be taken by written consent in lieu of a meeting of the PLBY Board, Holdings shall provide such PLBY Board Observers a copy of the written consent at the time such written consent is distributed to members of the PLBY Board. The PLBY Board Observers shall be free to contact the members of the PLBY Board and discuss the proposed written consent.
Board Observation Rights. Whenever, at any time or times, dividends on the shares of Designated Preferred Stock have not been declared and paid in full within five (5) Business Days after each Dividend Payment Date for an aggregate of five (5) Dividend Periods or more, whether or not consecutive, the Issuer shall invite a representative selected by the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of Designated Preferred Stock, voting as a single class, to attend all meetings of its Board of Directors in a nonvoting observer capacity and, in this respect, shall give such representative copies of all notices, minutes, consents, and other materials that it provides to its directors in connection with such meetings; provided, that the holders of the Designated Preferred Stock shall not be obligated to select such a representative, nor shall such representative, if selected, be obligated to attend any meeting to which he/she is invited. The rights of the holders of the Designated Preferred Stock set forth in this Section 7(b) shall terminate when full dividends have been timely paid on the Designated Preferred Stock for at least four consecutive Dividend Periods, subject to revesting in the event of each and every subsequent default of the character above mentioned.
Board Observation Rights. Until such time as all Obligations (as defined in the Master Security Agreement) have been paid in full, the Purchasers will be entitled to the following board observation rights (“Board Observation Rights”): the Company shall permit one representative of the Purchasers to attend all meetings of the board of directors of the Company (the “Board of Directors”) in a non-voting observer capacity, which observation right shall include the ability to observe discussions of the Board of Directors, and shall provide such representative with copies of all notices, minutes, written consents, and other materials that it provides to members of the Board of Directors, at the time it provides them to such members. The observation right may be exercised in person or via telephone or videophone participation. Each Purchaser agrees, on behalf of itself and any representative exercising the observation rights set forth herein, that so long as it shall exercise its observation right (i) it shall hold in strict confidence pursuant to a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement (in form and substance satisfactory to each Purchaser) all information and materials that it may receive or be given access to in connection with meetings of the Board of Directors and to act in a fiduciary manner with respect to all information so provided (provided that this shall not limit its ability to discuss such matters with its officers, directors or legal counsel, as necessary), and (ii) the Board of Directors may withhold from it certain information or material furnished or made available to the Board of Directors or exclude it from certain confidential “closed sessions” of the Board of Directors if the furnishing or availability of such information or material or its presence at such “closed sessions” would jeopardize such Company’s attorney-client privilege or if the Board of Directors otherwise reasonably so requires. The Board Observation Rights set forth in this Section shall automatically terminate and be of no further force or effect upon the indefeasibly payment in full of all Obligations (as defined in the Master Security Agreement).
Board Observation Rights. Until the earlier of (a) such date on which neither Vector Capital nor any of its affiliates under common control holds any Loans under the Credit Agreement, and (b) the Subordinated Note Mandatory Prepayment Date (as defined in the Credit Agreement, dated as of May 4, 2018, by and among Vector Fusion Holdings (Cayman), Ltd., Gxxxxxx Sxxxx Lending Partners LLC, Gxxxxxx Sachs, and the other lenders parties thereto), Vector Capital (or its affiliate, including limited partners of Vector, holding a Loan) shall have the right to appoint one observer (the “Observer”) to the board of directors of the Borrower (the “Board of Directors”), who shall be entitled to attend (or at the option of such Observer, monitor by telephone) one (1) regularly scheduled meeting per fiscal quarter (the “Quarterly Meetings”) of the Board of Directors (other than any portions of any Quarterly Meeting that (x) involve the exchange of privileged attorney-client information or work product, or (y) are subject to a conflict of interest with a Vector Capital Lender or other Lenders, in the reasonable discretion of Borrower) but shall not be entitled to vote, and who shall receive all reports, meeting materials (including copies of all board presentations), notices, written consents, minutes and other materials with respect to such Quarterly Meetings (in each case other than any portions of such reports or materials that contain information (i) that is subject to a conflict of interest with a Vector Capital Lender or other Lenders or (ii) that is subject to the attorney-client privilege, in the reasonable discretion of Borrower) as and when provided to the members of the Board of Directors. The Borrower shall reimburse the Observer for the reasonable and documented out-of-pocket travel expenses incurred by any such Observer in connection with such attendance at any in-person Quarterly Meetings, to the extent consistent with the Borrower’s policies of reimbursing directors generally for such expenses. The Board of Directors shall use reasonable commercial efforts to hold at least one regularly scheduled meeting each fiscal quarter, but to the extent that the Board of Directors does not convene (telephonically, in-person or otherwise) during a fiscal quarter, the Observer shall not have any observation rights during such quarter. The Observer shall not have any observer, information, notice or other rights with respect to the meetings of any committees or sub-committees of the Board of Dire...
Board Observation Rights. Quantum shall permit one authorized representative of the Lenders to attend and participate (in the capacity of a non-voting observer) in all meetings of its Board of Directors (the “Quantum Board”), whether in person, by telephone, or otherwise. Quantum shall provide such representative the same notice of all such meetings and copies of all such meeting materials distributed to members of the Quantum Board concurrently with provision of such notice and materials to the Quantum Board; provided, however, that such representative (i) shall hold all information and materials disclosed or delivered to such representative in confidence in accordance with but subject to the provisions of Section 16.15 and (ii) may be excluded from access to any material or meeting or portion thereof if (A) the Quantum Board determines in good faith, with advice from legal counsel, that such exclusion is reasonably necessary to preserve the attorney-client privilege or if such representative’s access or attendance could materially and adversely affect the Quantum Board’s fiduciary duties or (B) such material relates to, or such meeting or portion thereof involves discussions regarding, the refinancing or restructuring of, or interpretation of any legal matter regarding, the Loans or an executive session of the Quantum Board. The Loan Parties shall pay such representative’s reasonable and documented out-of-pocket expenses (including, without limitation, the cost of airfare, meals and lodging) in connection with such representative’s attendance at such meetings to the extent consistent with Quantum’s policies of reimbursing directors generally for such expenses. If it is proposed that any action be taken by written consent in lieu of a meeting of the Quantum Board, Quantum shall provide such representative a copy of the written consent at the time such written consent is distributed to members of the Quantum Board. The representative shall be free to contact the members of the Quantum Board and discuss the proposed written consent.
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Board Observation Rights. Fourth Third shall have the right to appoint a single observer to the board of directors or similar governing body of each Loan Party (the “Board of Directors”), who shall be entitled to attend (or at the option of such observer, monitor by telephone) all meetings of such Board of Directors and each committee of such Board of Directors, but shall not be entitled to vote, or to influence any vote, and who shall receive all reports, meeting materials, notices, written consents, and other materials as and when provided to the members of such Board of Directors. The Loan Parties shall reimburse Fourth Third for the reasonable travel expenses incurred by any such observer appointed by Fourth Third in connection with attendance at or participation in meetings of such Loan Party’s Board of Directors to the extent consistent with such Loan Party’s policies of reimbursing directors generally for such expenses.
Board Observation Rights. (a) Holdings shall permit one individual representing the Lenders and appointed by the Administrative Agent (the “Observer”) to attend and observe (but not vote) at all meetings of Holdings’ Board, whether in person, by telephone or otherwise as reasonably requested by the Observer. Holdings shall notify the Observer in writing at least five (5) Business Days in advance (or, if a shorter notice period is reasonably necessary given the circumstances, as soon as possible and in all circumstances at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance) of (i) the date and time for each general or special meeting of Holdings’ Board and (ii) the adoption of any resolutions or actions by Holdings’ Board or any committee thereof by written consent (describing, in reasonable detail, the nature and substance of such action). Concurrently with notice to the member of Holdings’ Board of any such meeting, Holdings shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the Observer all notices and any material delivered to any members of such Board in connection with the applicable meeting or action to be taken by written consent, including a draft of any material resolutions or actions proposed to be adopted by written consent. Prior to such meeting or adoption by written consent, the Observer shall be free to contact one or more members of Holdings’ Board or committee and discuss the pending actions to be taken. Holdings’ Board may meet in executive session without the Observer present to the extent such Board or committee determines in good faith that the issue to be discussed at such session is not appropriate to be discussed with the Observer because (i) such issue directly involves the Loan Documents and discussion thereof would result in a conflict of interest with the Lenders with respect thereto or (ii) the discussion of such issue in the presence of the Observer would result in the loss of attorney-client privilege. The Observer may only be excluded from meetings or executive sessions to the extent the matter being discussed is of a type described in clauses (i) or (ii) above.
Board Observation Rights. If a Holder (other than the Additional Purchaser or its transferees) (a) possesses the right to designate for nomination to the Board its nominee pursuant to Section 2.1(a), or (b) no longer possesses a right to designate for nomination to the Board its nominee pursuant to Section 2.1(a) because such Holders and its Affiliates hold less than an aggregate of 200,000 shares of Series A Preferred Stock (as adjusted for stock splits, stock combinations and the like), but such Holder and its Affiliates hold at least an aggregate of 2,000,000 shares of the Common Stock (calculated assuming the exercise of all rights, options, warrants to purchase Common Stock or securities convertible or exchangeable for shares of Common Stock, and the exchange or conversion of all securities convertible or exchangeable for Common Stock), then such Holders shall be entitled to designate one individual to serve as a Board Observer. While the Additional Purchaser holds 100,000 or more shares of Series A Preferred Stock (as adjusted for stock splits, stock combinations and the like), then the Additional Purchaser shall be entitled to designate one individual to serve as a Board Observer. Any such Board Observer designated pursuant to this Section will be invited to attend all meetings of the Board and any Board committees as an observer and to receive copies of all materials and communications provided to the Board and Board committees when so distributed. The Board Observers will not be excluded from any portion of Board meetings, Board committee meetings or Board discussions except for those portions (x) in which the Company's counsel communicates with the Board on matters where Board Observer's attendance would result in loss of the attorney-client privilege for the Company and (y) in which, in the good faith judgment of counsel to the Company, participation of the Board Observers is not appropriate under applicable law.
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