Committee Members. See Section 3.5(a). -----------------
Committee Members. Attend all meetings and be on time. If unable to attend, committee members need to find a substitute to attend in his/her place. If a conflict arises, notify one of the co-chairs.
Committee Members. Each member of the Partner Management Committee shall serve until such member’s Special Withdrawal, Withdrawal, death, Disability, resignation from the Partner Management Committee, or, other than with respect to the Chairman of the Partner Management Committee, removal by a majority vote of the other members of the Partner Management Committee. Upon the Special Withdrawal, Withdrawal, death, Disability, resignation from the Partner Management Committee or removal of any of the members of the Partner Management Committee, the remaining members of the Partner Management Committee shall act by majority vote to fill such vacancy or reduce the size of the committee to the remaining members. The Chairman or, if there is no Chairman, a majority of the Partner Management Committee, may appoint a new member of the Partner Management Committee at any time.
Committee Members. (a) Each member of any committee of the Board of Directors shall hold office until such member’s successor is elected and has qualified, unless such member sooner dies, resigns or is removed.
(b) Subject to Section 6.8, the Board of Directors may designate one or more directors as alternate members of any committee to fill any vacancy on a committee and to fill a vacant chairmanship of a committee, occurring as a result of a member or chairman leaving the committee, whether through death, resignation, removal or otherwise.
Committee Members. The LMC shall be composed of two (2) individuals appointed by the Union, the Mayor, and Human Resources Director for the Employer. Additional individuals may be included in meetings by mutual agreement. Approved time spent in LMC meetings for the Union members shall be considered release time and shall not require a deduction from the Employees individual leave account or the Business Leave Bank.
Committee Members. All employees elected or appointed by the Union to serve on county-wide management and labor committees shall be granted reasonable release time to travel to meetings, attend committee meetings, subcommittee meetings or to carry out duties assigned by those committees.
Committee Members. The PNCC shall be composed of six (6) nurses employed by the Employer and covered by this Agreement. Nurses shall elect the PNCC members annually, with members serving a two-year term as outlined in the AURN bylaws. The Employer shall provide four hundred (400) paid hours in the aggregate per fiscal year for PNCC members to attend to PNCC responsibilities described herein. The hours shall be paid at each nurse’s straight time rate and will not be used in the calculation of overtime. The Employer will also assign administrative personnel for up to forty (40) hours per year to support the activities of the PNCC.
Committee Members. The Individual Tenure Review Committee members’ duties and responsibilities are:
1. to be knowledgeable concerning all tenure review laws, policies, and agreements;
2. to be objective when evaluating the candidate’s performance, basing judgments on the criteria outlined in section 11.2 of these tenure review procedures.
3. to take care to base the evaluation only on the candidate’s professional characteristics and ability to teach and perform required professional activities;
4. to recognize that the candidate may have a different philosophy of education and teaching, counseling or work style than theirs, and let the main concern be the effectiveness of the candidate’s work with students;
5. to respect the confidentiality of the tenure review process, and treat evaluations and the review of members, as private information.
Committee Members. When the District desires Association input on District-level committees, the request for Association representation shall be made to the Association President at least two weeks prior to any scheduled meeting. When the Association desires input on District-level committees, the request for representation shall be made to the appropriate District administrator.
Committee Members. The FOP and the City shall maintain a joint labor management committee consisting of no more than seven (7) members; no more than three (3) of whom shall be appointed by the Police Chief; and no more than four (4) of whom shall be appointed by the FOP. The four (4) members appointed by the FOP shall consist of two (2) officers, one (1) sergeant and one (1) lieutenant. The position of chairperson shall rotate between the City and the FOP on a semi- annual