Grant Purposes Sample Clauses

Grant Purposes. The purposes of this Agreement are to grant to Gentor, its successors and assigns, the exclusive right to enter into and upon the Premises and each and every part thereof, so long as this Agreement remains in effect, and to explore for, develop, mine, remove, leach in pxxxx, treat, produce, ship and sell, for its own account, all ores and minerals which are or may be found therein or thereon.
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Grant Purposes. Recipient will use the Grant for the purposes described on Exhibit A of this Agreement (the “Grant Purposes”).
Grant Purposes. The purposes of this Agreement are to grant to Lessee, its successors and assigns, the exclusive right to enter upon and occupy the Property for all purposes reasonably incident to exploring for, developing, mining by solution mining, and any other mining method, surface or subsurface, subject to Owner’s approval, reasonably exercised, extracting, milling, refining, stockpiling, storing, processing, removing and marketing therefrom all borate and lithium minerals, and the products thereof (including intermediate products) and materials, subject to the exceptions of this Agreement, and the right to place, construct, maintain, use and thereafter remove such structures, facilities, equipment, roadways, haulageways, utility lines, reservoirs and waterways, and other improvements as may be necessary, useful or convenient for the full enjoyment of all of the rights granted under this Agreement. Lessee, its successors and assigns, shall have sole and exclusive custody, possession, ownership and control of all borate and lithium ore, waste rock, brines, drill core and other borate and lithium mineral substances extracted or removed from the Property, and may sell or otherwise dispose thereof, subject to a first preference right of purchase for certain mineral materials granted to Owner herein.
Grant Purposes. The purposes of this Agreement are to grant to Lessee, its successors and assigns, the exclusive right to enter upon and occupy the Premises for all purposes reasonably incident to exploring for, developing, reprocessing of tailings and mine dumps, mining (by underground mining, surface mining, strip mining or any other surface or subsurface method, including any method later developed), extracting, milling, smelting, refining, stockpiling, storing, processing, removing and marketing therefrom all ores, metals, minerals, mineral products (including intermediate products) and materials of every nature or sort (Mineral Substances), and the right to place, construct, maintain, use and thereafter remove such structures, facilities, equipment, roadways, haulageways, utility lines, reservoirs and waterways, and other improvements as may be necessary, useful or convenient for the full enjoyment of all of the rights granted under this Agreement. Lessee, its successors and assigns, shall have sole and exclusive custody, possession, ownership and control of all ore, rock, drill core and other Mineral Substances extracted or removed from the Premises and may sell or otherwise dispose thereof.
Grant Purposes. The purpose of this grant is to fund legal expenses associated with counseling or defending Security Researcher for actual or anticipated claims associated with such person’s good faith security research (the “Grant Purpose”).
Grant Purposes. Visit Minot shall use the Grant for the public purpose of developing and implementing a collaborative citywide branding strategy as presented in the Visit Minot Grant Application and reflected in the Letter of Agreement, which is attached and incorporated into this Agreement as Exhibit D which is also being referred to as the Grant Project (“Grant Project”). As previously stated, the ultimate purpose of the grant is to attract the investment, tourism, talent, and new expansion and retention of businesses and people needed to lead growth and prosperity for the City of Minot. Visit Minot shall not direct any Grant funds for any use or purpose other than as described in the Grant Application.
Grant Purposes. Grantee shall use all Grant Funds only for the purposes (“Grant Project”) described in the grant Application and approved by CFNJ/Impact attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and incorporated herein. Grantee must obtain written approval from CFNJ/Impact prior to using any portion of the Grant Funds for any purpose other than described in the Grant Application.
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Grant Purposes. Building local & regional capacity to manage watershed and/or impacts through collaborative efforts. Includes 9-element plan creation and education on nutrient management measures. Includes communities with aging infrastructure; education and outreach of elected officials; technical assistance when approaching community capacity A, B, C GIS Mapping - municipal stormwater systems, impervious surface, land use/land cover, all stormwater infrastructure, watershed planning/implementation efforts. Mapping infrastructure and noting failures/improvements, mapping watershed efforts for communities C Long-term water management planning for multiple-jurisdiction regions that serve 2 or more river basins & supports water resource resiliency planning to ensure clean and plentiful water. Assessment of present and future water supply capacity & demands. Including interbasin transfer issues, community planning efforts. Impacts of climate change of needs and infrastructure A, B, C Expand the pool of practices that receive credit under the state water quality regulatory programs. Includes identifying & design BMPs for water quality and educational benefit. Stormwater quality projects are relatively new to some of the small local governments and funds are limited (small and rural areas) A, Educating elected officials on how state-level policy decisions relating to water resources are made, what opportunities there are for input and when they occur, and how best to get involved. A,B Emergency Management planning for water resources and infrastructure in response to manmade and natural disasters. Coordinated plan of action to catastrophic events across jurisdictional boundaries. Education and outreach for community officials is essential to local success. Use this platform to address sanitary sewer overflows with community officials. A,B Remote sensing inventory and assessment of groundwater supplies and their quality. Includes digital inventory, estimated supply, and water quality (avoid potential impacts) C Land development code evaluation - including the development of model ordinances to promote conservation and open space. B,C Green infrastructure Plans - greenways, open space, retrofit opportunities. Opportunity to work with transportation networks and build green capacity. B,C Regional education initiative to engage faith-based community, especially in impaired watersheds to engage on behavior BMP they can take to reduce water quality footprint. Outreach to these commu...
Grant Purposes. Grants for the training and education of work- ers who are or may be engaged in activities re- lated to hazardous waste removal or contain- ment or emergency response may be made under this section.
Grant Purposes. Recipient will use the Grant to support community learning with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the role it can play in Utah K-12 schools. The objective of the Grant is to support community exploration and growth to empower Utah educators with the skills required to use AI tools appropriately and effectively in the classroom. The skills learned through this initiative will be embedded in annual professional learning experiences and will help modernize student experiences related to digital literacy and career readiness. The provided funds will be utilized to facilitate the integration of these AI learning opportunities into the current professional learning setups within Utah's K-12 education system. The Grant allocation encompasses the following resources:
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