Grant Application definition

Grant Application means the application identified in section 2.1, including Standard Form 424 and all information and attachments submitted with that form through
Grant Application. - means the grant application that the Public Entity submitted to MnDOT which is attached as Exhibit D.
Grant Application means the application filed by the Grantee upon which this Contract was awarded.

Examples of Grant Application in a sentence

  • More specifically, Grantee may use this Sponsorship only for the purpose (the “Project”) stated in application as approved by the Board and in accordance with the budget submitted with the Grant application.

  • Grantee will use the Grant funds and any interest earned on the Grant funds solely to achieve the tax-exempt purposes of the Project in accordance with the Project budget as set forth in the Grant application as approved by Grantor’s Board of Directors.

More Definitions of Grant Application

Grant Application means a specified form that is
Grant Application means a Grant application to be filed with the Treasury under Section 1603 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Tax Act of 2009 and all related guidance, regulations, notices, promulgations and announcements.
Grant Application means the grant application that the Public Entity submitted to MnDOT which is attached as Exhibit D.
Grant Application means the information Subrecipient provided to the GLO, which is the basis for the award of funding under this Contract.
Grant Application means the application submitted to the council whereby a local government may apply to receive a grant from the fund.
Grant Application means the form and its format as developed by the OPRD that an applicant uses to request a grant.
Grant Application means a specified form that is completed by a potential grantee in connection with a request for a specific funding opportunity or a request for financial support of a project or activity.