Management Measures. 1. The Parties undertake to coordinate action to ensure the proper management and conservation of marine living resources, particularly the highly migratory species, in the Indian Ocean.
Management Measures. Oregon, Washington and the Columbia River Treaty Tribes have established a joint Xxxxxxxx Management Task Force. They will continue to meet regularly in that forum to review xxxxxxxx management issues and set harvest guidelines for the upcoming year. Information to be reviewed includes recreational, commercial and subsistence landings for each reservoir between Bonneville and XxXxxx Dam. Estimates of encounters in non-retention recreational activities will also be provided. The Xxxxxxxx Management Task Force shall determine the harvest guidelines for each reservoir annually. The effectiveness of harvest management shall be measured relative to a three-year rolling average of the guidelines. Annual harvest guidelines may be adjusted to account for cumulative overages/underages. The treaty catch may be taken in gillnet, setline, platform or hook-and-line fisheries. Oregon, Washington, and the Columbia River Treaty Tribes agree to undertake a review of xxxxxxxx management regulations. The effect of size limits, sanctuaries and other regulations on the harvest guidelines will be estimated. The Parties commit to pursuing enhancement activities, along with the necessary funding, for xxxxxxxx populations in the Zone 6 fishing area. Activities considered will include, but not be limited to, artificial propagation, transplantation from other areas and flow augmentation. The Parties agree that funding for ongoing studies to estimate present and optimum population levels, life history characteristics, recruitment, spawning potential and appropriate xxxxxxxx fishing sanctuaries is essential to successfully managing these populations.
Management Measures. Only authorized employees are permitted to come into contact with your personal data, and such employees have undertaken to comply with our internal privacy policy.
Management Measures. Each Member's allocation of xxxxxxx and other groundfish species shall be subject to all management measures generally applicable to the Catcher/Processor Allocation and the other groundfish allocated under Section 1.b., above (including but not limited to seasonal apportionments and area harvest restrictions) on a discreet, individual basis; i.e., each Member shall be restricted to harvesting no greater percentage of such Member's allocation in any season or area than the aggregate percentage of the Catcher/Processor Allocation permitted to be harvested in such season or area. Each Member shall have the individual authority to carry over from season to season a percentage of that Member's seasonal apportionment for each species no greater than the carry-over percentage generally applicable to the Catcher/Processor Allocation.
Management Measures. 2.1. Monitoring and reporting rules 2.2. Management and control system 2.3. Measures to prevent fraud and irregularities
Management Measures. 2.1. Monitoring and reporting rules
Management Measures. 2.1. Monitoring and reporting rules Specify frequency and conditions. Brazil’s participation in the framework programme is monitored on a regular basis through meetings of the Joint Steering Committee established under Article VI of the Agreement.
Management Measures. 1. Each Member State allowing recreational fishing for Mediterranean swordfish shall make provision for a recreational fisheries quota within its national quota and shall inform the Commission thereof when transmitting its fishing plan in accordance with Article 9. Such provision shall ensure that all dead fish are deducted from the quota.
Management Measures. A detailed Management Plan will be agreed by the Project Group. However, the broad principles behind the above measures are outlined below. Such a Plan will take account of previous draft proposals for the in-hand land outlined in a draft Management Plan produced by Xxxxx & Xxxxxxx (2002). Not all the measures will be undertaken on the tenanted land. Heather burning. In compliance with the Muirburn Code, the aim would be to create an intimate mosaic of different aged and small scale patches, with an average 15 year rotation for good dry heather habitats increasing to a 20-25 year rotation for some potentially burnable blanket bog habitats. Currently, there are 1,240 hectares of dry heath and 1490 hectares of blanket bog (excluding M18, which should not be burnt). Overall, around 2200 hectares of these moorland habitats could be burnt over a 15 year cycle, so that approximately 150 hectares would be burnt each year. These figures exclude Xxxxxxxxxx and Dinley tenanted farms as muirburn is covered under the SNH Natural Care agreements. Xxxxxxx control. Priority areas for xxxxxxx treatment should be based on the threat to dwarf shrub habitats and vigour of xxxxxxx. This is not a significant area since a considerable percentage is under Natural Care agreements and the remainder is alongside water courses, amongst scrub or adjacent to white ground. Current mapped information indicates that around 42 hectares per annum should be treated. Heather restoration. Eleven areas of „white‟ grass-dominated moor have been identified as potential areas for heather restoration (Figure 5). A number of methods were suggested by MI (2002), including use of cattle and cutting strips in Molinia. Changes in stock management and xxxxxxx treatment as discussed in this section will also be beneficial. It is proposed to trial the „high intervention‟ heather restoration method (spraying with glyphosphate; preparing the heather seedbed, possibly involving burning and litter removal, and applying heather seed) in some areas, as recently carried out by Xxxxx Xxxx successfully in northern England. It was identified in 2003 that there were substantial and suitable areas for heather restoration by his methods. Although costly, this is favoured, and £10,000 has been earmarked for a heather restoration trial. Further work will be required to thoroughly evaluate suitable areas for restoration, and set out a programme of work and resource requirements for initial treatment and follow-up remedia...
Management Measures. Each applicant or licensee shall establish management measures to provide continuing assurance of compliance with the performance requirements of § 70.61. The measures applied to a particular engineered or administrative control or control system may be commensurate with the reduction of the risk attributable to that control or control system. The management measures shall ensure that engineered and administrative controls and control systems that are identified as items relied on for safety pursuant to § 70.61(e) of this part are designed, implemented, and maintained, as necessary, to ensure they are available and reliable to perform their function when needed, in the context of compliance with the performance requirements of § 70.61 of this part. § 70.64 Requirements for new facilities or new processes at existing facilities.