Termini Sample Clauses

Termini. 1.1 As used in the Agreement, these terms have the following meanings when capitalised: 1.1 Turpmāk minētajiem terminiem, ja tie Līgumā rakstīti ar lielo sākumburtu, ir šāda nozīme: Accreditation Body – refers to any authoritative or third-party body that performs accreditation or approval of Preferred by Nature as a certification body. Akreditācijas Iestāde – ikviena institūcija vai trešā puse, kas akreditē vai apstiprina Preferred by Nature kā sertifikācijas iestādi. Agreement – refers to this Agreement, including appendices to this Agreement, any documents included or referred to in this Agreement and any documents executed by the Parties modifying, varying, or replacing this Agreement. Līgums – šis Līgums, ieskaitot tā pielikumus, jebkurus dokumentus, kas tam pievienoti vai uz kuriem Līgumā ir atsauce, kā arī jebkurus Pušu abpusēji parakstītus dokumentus, kas groza, maina vai aizstāj šo Līgumu. Audit Plan(s) – refers to the document(s) provided to the Organisation by Preferred by Nature to allow the Organisation to plan and prepare for an audit. The Audit Plan details the audit duration, audit location, audit criteria, audit team composition, audit agenda, and any other relevant information. Xxxxxx Xxxxx(i) – dokuments(i), ko sagatavojis Preferred by Nature un iesniedzis Uzņēmumam, lai Uzņēmums varētu plānot un sagatavoties auditam. Audita Plāns satur informāciju par audita ilgumu, audita vietu, audita kritērijiem, audita komandas sastāvu, audita darba kārtību, kā arī citu būtisku informāciju. Certificate(s) – refers to the official document(s) attesting that an organisation has been certified after a positive certification decision. The validity and scope of the Certificate(s) are described in section 6. Sertifikāts(i) – oficiāls(i) dokuments(i), kas apliecina, ka uzņēmums ir sertificēts pēc pozitīva sertifikācijas lēmuma pieņemšanas. Sertifikāta derīgums un tvērums ir aprakstīti 6.sadaļā. Certification Requirements – refers to policies, standards, procedures, directives, Sertifikācijas Prasības – politika, standarti, procedūras, direktīvas, kā arī citi normatīvi and any other normative documents applicable to the certification of the Organisation. The current versions of all normative documents can be found on Preferred by Nature’s and/or the relevant Certification Scheme Owner’s website. Preferred by Nature also maintains service info sheets that include additional conditions and information related to specific certification and verification service...
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Termini. 1.1 In this appendix, these terms have the following meanings when capitalised: 1.1 Šajā pielikumā turpmāk minētajiem terminiem, ja tie rakstīti ar lielo sākumburtu, ir šāda nozīme: Competent Authorities – refers to nationally appointed authorities responsible for the implementation of the European Union (EU) Timber Regulation in each EU Member State. Kompetentās iestādes - valsts nozīmētas iestādes, kas ir atbildīgas par Eiropas Savienības (ES) Kokmateriālu Regulas īstenošanu katrā ES dalībvalstī. EU Timber Regulation – refers to Regulation (EU) No 995/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2010 laying down the obligations of operators who place timber and timber products on the market, and any other delegated regulations as applicable. ES Kokmateriālu Regula - Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes 2010. gada 20. oktobra Regula (ES) Nr. 995/2010, ar ko nosaka uzņēmēju pienākumus, kuri laiž tirgū kokmateriālus un koka izstrādājumus, un citas attiecīgās saistītās regulas. Monitoring Organisation – refers to Preferred by Nature when it has been recognised by the European Commission (EC) to operate formally as a Monitoring Organisation under the EU Timber Regulation. The role of the Monitoring Organisation is to provide and verify implementation of due diligence systems to meet the requirements of the EU Regulation 995/2010. The Organisation’s conformance to the Preferred by Nature LegalSource™ Certification Requirements is a pre-requisite to use Preferred by Nature as a Monitoring Organisation. Uzraugošā Organizācija - Preferred by Nature, ja Eiropas Komisija (EK) ir atzinusi, ka tā oficiāli darbojas kā Uzraugošā Organizācija saskaņā ar ES Kokmateriālu Regulu. Uzraugošās Organizācijas uzdevums ir nodrošināt un pārbaudīt pienācīgas pārbaudes sistēmu ieviešanu, lai tās atbilstu ES regulas 995/2010 prasībām. Uzņēmuma atbilstība Preferred by Nature LegalSource™ sertifikācijas prasībām ir priekšnoteikums, lai izmantotu Preferred by Nature kā Uzraugošo Organizāciju.
Termini. 2.1 I presenti termini (inclusi gli Allegati agli stessi) (Termini) disciplinano il rapporto tra Texecom Limited e Lei in relazione all’utilizzo da parte Sua del Portale Installatori TCS. Il Portale installatori TCS Portale Installatori TCS è un servizio cloud che Le consente di gestire i Suoi CIE dei Clienti e costruire soluzioni di gestione tramite una connessione remota al cloud attraverso il nostro sito web (o qualsiasi altro mezzo che potremmo mettere a disposizione in futuro, anche tramite un browser o app per tablet e smartphone).
Termini. A general term used to describe the Project Limits, and including the beginning and end of the Project, its Right of Way, pit sites, haul Roads, and temporary and permanent construction or maintenance easements. Tribal/Local Public Agency (T/LPA). A Federally recognized Indian Tribe, a municipality, City, County, village, or other special authority sponsoring a federally funded transportation Project and determined to be qualified to assume the administrative responsibilities for such Project by the NMDOT. T/LPA District Coordinator. NMDOT person assigned to coordinate and work directly with the T/LPA and the NMDOT Bureaus, Divisions, and Offices during construction. T/LPA Region Coordinator. NMDOT person assigned to coordinate and work directly with the T/LPA and the NMDOT Bureaus, Divisions, and Offices during design. Total Bid Amount. The sum of all the Bid Item Prices on the Bid Form. The Total Bid Amount represents the total cost of performing all the Work described in the Contract based upon estimated quantities. Total Original Contract Amount. The total amount Bid as compensation for the Contract. Town, City, County or District. Subdivisions of the State used to designate or identify the location of the proposed Work.
Termini. COUNTY:‌ Est. No. of Units Cost per Unit Total Mileage Lodging Meals Total Exhibit E Review Appraisal Weekly Status Report For LPA Project Date: Review Appraiser: Total Parcels Total # of Appraisals Total # Waiver Valuations Total # Appraisals Submitted to Review Total # Appraisals Returned to Appraiser Total # Appraisals Recommended by Review Total # of Appraisal Reviews and EJC sent to LPA Comments: Exhibit F Waiver Valuation Parcel No.: County: _ Project No.: Owner(s): _ Address: _ Phone: _ _
Termini. 1.1 As used in the Agreement, these terms have the following meanings when capitalised: Accreditation Body – refers to any authoritative or third-party body that performs accreditation or approval of Preferred by Nature as a certification body. Agreement – refers to this Agreement, including appendices to this Agreement, any documents included or referred to in this Agreement and any documents executed by the Parties modifying, varying, or replacing this Agreement. Audit Plan(s) – refers to the document(s) provided to the Organisation by Preferred by Nature to allow the Organisation to plan and prepare for an audit. The Audit Plan details the audit duration, audit location, audit criteria, audit team composition, audit agenda, and any other relevant information. Certificate(s) – refers to the official document(s) attesting that an organisation has been certified after a positive certification decision. The validity and scope of the Certificate(s) are described in section 6. Certification Requirements – refers to policies, standards, procedures, directives,
Termini. 1.1 In this appendix, these terms have the following meanings when capitalised: Competent Authorities – refers to nationally appointed authorities responsible for the implementation of the European Union (EU) Timber Regulation in each EU Member State. EU Timber Regulation – refers to Regulation (EU) No 995/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2010 laying down the obligations of operators who place timber and timber products on the market, and any other delegated regulations as applicable. Monitoring Organisation – refers to Preferred by Nature when it has been recognised by the European Commission (EC) to operate formally as a Monitoring Organisation under the EU Timber Regulation. The role of the Monitoring Organisation is to provide and verify implementation of due diligence systems to meet the requirements of the EU Regulation 995/2010. The Organisation’s conformance to the Preferred by Nature LegalSource™ Certification Requirements is a pre-requisite to use Preferred by Nature as a Monitoring Organisation.
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Related to Termini

  • Leave When Employment Terminates 31.7.1 Except as provided in sub-clause 31.7.3, when the employment of an employee is terminated for any reason, the employee or his estate shall, in lieu of earned but unused vacation leave, be paid an amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying the number of days of earned but unused vacation leave by the daily rate of pay applicable to the employee immediately prior to the termination of his employment.

  • Agreement Termination In the event Contractor is unable to fulfill its responsibilities under this Agreement for any reason whatsoever, including circumstances beyond its control, County may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part in the same manner as for breach hereof.

  • Termination by Xxxxxxx (a) SORACOM may terminate the Agreement in the following situations, in which case SORACOM will give the Subscriber reasonable notice of such termination.

  • Partial Termination The Authority is entitled to terminate all or part of this Framework Agreement pursuant to this Clause 26, provided always that the parts of this Framework Agreement not terminated can operate effectively to deliver the intended purpose of this Framework Agreement.

  • Termination This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the Closing:

  • CFR PART 200 Termination Termination for cause and for convenience by the grantee or subgrantee including the manner by which it will be effected and the basis for settlement. (All contracts in excess of $10,000) Pursuant to the above, when federal funds are expended by ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members, ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members reserves the right to terminate any agreement in excess of $10,000 resulting from this procurement process for cause after giving the vendor an appropriate opportunity and up to 30 days, to cure the causal breach of terms and conditions. ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members reserves the right to terminate any agreement in excess of $10,000 resulting from this procurement process for convenience with 30 days notice in writing to the awarded vendor. The vendor would be compensated for work performed and goods procured as of the termination date if for convenience of the ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members. Any award under this procurement process is not exclusive and the ESC Region 8 and TIPS reserves the right to purchase goods and services from other vendors when it is in the best interest of the ESC Region 8 and TIPS. Does vendor agree? Yes

  • Termination of Tenancy:

  • Mutual Termination This Agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement by the Parties.

  • Post-Termination After the Employee has terminated their employment with the Employer, the Employee shall be bound to Section XII of this Agreement for a period of ☐ Months ☐ Years (“Confidentiality Term”). If the Confidentiality Term is beyond any limit set by local, State, or Federal laws, then the Confidentiality Term shall be the maximum allowed legal time-frame.

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