FEDERALLY FUNDED. This part is applicable if the recipient is a State or local government or a non-profit organization as defined in 2 CFR §200.330
1. A recipient that expends $750,000 or more in Federal awards in its fiscal year, must have a single or program- specific audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F. EXHIBIT 1 to this Attachment indicates Federal funds awarded through the Department of Environmental Protection by this Agreement. In determining the federal awards expended in its fiscal year, the recipient shall consider all sources of federal awards, including federal resources received from the Department of Environmental Protection. The determination of amounts of federal awards expended should be in accordance with the guidelines established in 2 CFR 200.502-503. An audit of the recipient conducted by the Auditor General in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR Part 200.514 will meet the requirements of this part.
2. For the audit requirements addressed in Part I, paragraph 1, the recipient shall fulfill the requirements relative to auditee responsibilities as provided in 2 CFR 200.508-512.
3. A recipient that expends less than $750,000 in federal awards in its fiscal year is not required to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F-Audit Requirements. If the recipient expends less than $750,000 in federal awards in its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR 200, Subpart F-Audit Requirements, the cost of the audit must be paid from non-federal resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid from recipient resources obtained from other federal entities.
4. The recipient may access information regarding the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) via the internet at xxxxx://xxx.xxx/content/assistance-listings.
FEDERALLY FUNDED. This part is applicable if the Sub-Recipient is a State or local government or a non-profit organization as defined in 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart A. In the event that the Sub-Recipient expends $750,000.00 or more in federal awards during its fiscal year, the Sub-Recipient must have a single or program-specific audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR Part 200. Financial Compliance Audit Attachment, Exhibit 2 indicates federal resources awarded through the AAAPP by this contract. In determining the federal awards expended in its fiscal year, the Sub-Recipient shall consider all sources of Federal awards, including federal resources received from the AAAPP. The determination of amounts of Federal awards expended should be in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200. An audit of the Sub-Recipient conducted by the Auditor General in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR Part 200 will meet the requirements of this part. In connection with the audit requirements addressed in Part I, paragraph 1, the Sub-Recipient shall fulfill the requirements relative to auditee responsibilities as provided in 2 CFR §200.508. If the Sub-Recipient expends less than $750,000.00 in federal awards in its fiscal year, an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR Part 200 is not required. In the event that the Sub-Recipient expends less than $750,000.00 in federal awards in its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR Part 200 the cost of the audit must be paid from non-federal resources (i.e., the cost of such audit must be paid from Sub-Recipient resources obtained from other than federal entities.) An audit conducted in accordance with this part shall cover the entire organization for the organization’s fiscal year. Compliance findings related to contracts with the AAAPP shall be based on the contract’s requirements, including any rules, regulations, or statutes referenced in the contract. The financial statements shall disclose whether or not the matching requirement was met for each applicable contract. All questioned costs and liabilities due to the AAAPP shall be fully disclosed in the audit report with reference to the Florida Department of Elder Affairs contract involved. If not otherwise disclosed as required by 2 CFR §200.510 the schedule of expenditures of federal awards shall identify expenditures by contract number for each contract with the AAAPP in effect during the audit period. Financial rep...
FEDERALLY FUNDED. This part is applicable if the recipient is a state or local government or a nonprofit organization as defined in 2 CFR §200.90, §200.64, and §200.70.
1. A recipient that expends $750,000 or more in federal awards in its fiscal year must have a single or program- specific audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements. Exhibit 1 to this agreement lists the federal resources awarded through the Department of State by this agreement. In determining the federal awards expended in its fiscal year, the recipient shall consider all sources of federal awards, including federal resources received from the Department of State. The determination of amounts of federal awards expended should be in accordance with the guidelines established by 2 CFR 200.502-503. An audit of the recipient conducted by the Auditor General in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR 200.514, will meet the requirement of this Part.
2. For the audit requirements addressed in Part I, paragraph 1, the recipient shall fulfill the requirements relative to auditee responsibilities as provided in 2 CFR 200.508-512.
3. A recipient that expends less than $750,000 in federal awards in its fiscal year is not required to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR 200, subpart F - Audit Requirements. If the recipient expends less than $750,000 in federal awards in its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR 200, subpart F - Audit Requirements, the cost of the audit must be paid from non-federal resources (i.e. the cost of such an audit must be paid from recipient resources obtained from other than federal entities).
FEDERALLY FUNDED. This part is applicable if the recipient is a State or local government or a non-profit organization as defined in OMB Circular A-133, as revised (for fiscal year start dates prior to December 26, 2014), or as defined in 2 CFR §200.330 (for fiscal year start dates after December 26, 2014).
1. In the event that the recipient expends $500,000 ($750,000 for fiscal year start dates after December 26, 2014) or more in Federal awards in its fiscal year, the recipient must have a single or program-specific audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F. EXHIBIT 1 to this Attachment indicates Federal funds awarded through the Department of Environmental Protection by this Agreement. In determining the Federal awards expended in its fiscal year, the recipient shall consider all sources of Federal awards, including Federal resources received from the Department of Environmental Protection. The determination of amounts of Federal awards expended should be in accordance with the guidelines established by OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F. An audit of the recipient conducted by the Auditor General in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F, will meet the requirements of this part.
2. In connection with the audit requirements addressed in Part I, paragraph 1, the recipient shall fulfill the requirements relative to auditee responsibilities as provided in Subpart C of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F.
3. If the recipient expends less than $500,000 (or $750,000, as applicable) in Federal awards in its fiscal year, an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F, is not required. In the event that the recipient expends less than $500,000 (or $750,000, as applicable) in Federal awards in its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F the cost of the audit must be paid from non-Federal resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid from recipient resources obtained from other than Federal entities).
4. The recipient may access information regarding the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) via the internet at xxx.xxxx.xxx
FEDERALLY FUNDED. This part is applicable if the Provider is a State or local government or a non-profit organization as defined in OMB Circular A-133, as revised.
1. In the event that the Provider expends $500,000 or more in Federal awards in its fiscal year, the Provider must have a single or program-specific audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised. FSAA EXHIBIT 1 to this Contract indicates the Federal resources awarded through the Department by this Contract. In determining the Federal awards expended in its fiscal year, the Provider shall consider all sources of Federal awards, including Federal resources received from the Department. The determination of amounts of Federal awards expended should be in accordance with the guidelines established by OMB Circular A-133, as revised. An audit of the Provider conducted by the Auditor General in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, will meet the requirements of this part.
2. In connection with the audit requirements addressed in Part I, paragraph 1, the Provider shall fulfill the requirements relative to auditee responsibilities as provided in Subpart C. of OMB Circular A-133, as revised.
3. If the Provider expends less than $500,000 in Federal awards in its fiscal year, an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, is not required. In the event that the Provider expends less than $500,000 in Federal awards in its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, the cost of the audit must be paid from non-Federal resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid from Provider resources obtained from other than Federal entities).
FEDERALLY FUNDED. This part is applicable if the recipient is a State or local government or a non-profit organization that has received federal funds awarded through the Department of State. EXHIBIT 1 to this attachment indicates whether federal resources have been awarded through the Department of State by this agreement. 2 CFR 2 §200.501 Audit Requirements
(a) Audit required. A non-Federal entity that expends $750,000 or more during the non-Federal entity's fiscal year in Federal awards must have a single or program-specific audit conducted for that year in accordance with the provisions of this part.
(b) Single audit. A non-Federal entity that expends $750,000 or more during the non-Federal entity's fiscal year in Federal awards must have a single audit conducted in accordance with 2 CFR §200.514 Scope of audit except when it elects to have a program-specific audit conducted in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.
(c) Program-specific audit election. When an auditee expends Federal awards under only one Federal program (excluding R&D) and the Federal program's statutes, regulations, or the terms and conditions of the Federal award do not require a financial statement audit of the auditee, the auditee may elect to have a program-specific audit conducted in accordance with 2 CFR §200.507 Program-specific audits. A program-specific audit may not be elected for R&D unless all of the Federal awards expended were received from the same Federal agency, or the same Federal agency and the same pass-through entity, and that Federal agency, or pass-through entity in the case of a subrecipient, approves in advance a program-specific audit.
(d) Exemption when Federal awards expended are less than $750,000. A non-Federal entity that expends less than $750,000 during the non-Federal entity's fiscal year in Federal awards is exempt from Federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in 2 CFR §200.503 Relation to other audit requirements, but records must be available for review or audit by appropriate officials of the Federal agency, pass-through entity, and Government Accountability Office (GAO).
FEDERALLY FUNDED. This part is applicable if the recipient is a State or local government or a non-profit organization as defined in 2 CFR 200.90, 200.64 & 200.70 as revised.
i. In the event that the recipient expends $750,000 for fiscal years ending after December 31, 2014 or more during the non-Federal entity's fiscal year in Federal awards in its fiscal year, the recipient must have a single or program-specific audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2CFR 200.501. Exhibit 1 to this agreement indicates Federal resources awarded through the Department of State. The determination of amounts of Federal awards expended should be in accordance with the guidelines established by 2 CFR 200.502. An audit of the recipient conducted by the Auditor General in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR 200.514, as revised, will meet the requirement of this part.
ii. In connection with the audit requirements addressed in Part I, paragraph 1, the recipient shall fulfill the requirements relative to auditee responsibilities as provided in 2 CFR 200.508.
iii. If the recipient expends less than $750,000 for fiscal years ending after December 31, 2014 in Federal awards in its fiscal year, an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR 200.501 is not required. In the event that the recipient expends less than
FEDERALLY FUNDED. This part is applicable if the recipient is a state or local government or a nonprofit organization as defined in 2 CFR §200.90, §200.64, and §200.70.
1. A recipient that expends $750,000 or more in federal awards in its fiscal year must have a single or program-specific audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements. EXHIBIT 1 to this agreement lists the federal resources awarded through the Department of State by this agreement. In determining the federal awards expended in its fiscal year, the recipient sha l consider a l sources of federal awards, including federal resources received from the Department of State. The determination of amounts of federal awards expended should be in accordance with the guidelines established in 2 CFR §§200.502-503. An audit of the recipient conducted by the Auditor General in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR §200.514 wil meet the requirements of this Part.
2. For the audit requirements addressed in Part I, paragraph 1, the recipient sha l fulfil the requirements relative to auditee responsibilities as provided in 2 CFR §§200.508-512.
3. A recipient that expends less than $750,000 in federal awards in its fiscal year is not required to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements. If the recipient expends less than $750,000 in federal awards in its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements, the cost of the audit must be paid from non-federal resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid from recipient resources obtained from other than federal entities). The Internet web addresses listed below wil assist recipients in locating documents referenced in the text of this agreement and the interpretation of compliance issues. U.S. Government Printing O fice xxx.xxxx.xxx
FEDERALLY FUNDED. This part is applicable if the Recipient is a State or local government or a non-profit organization as defined in 2 C.F.R. part 200, as revised.
FEDERALLY FUNDED. Funding provided for research or institutional support through a grant or contract from an agency of the United States federal government. Such agencies include, but are not limited to, the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.