Sick Leave Benefits. Sick leave is an indemnity benefit and not an acquired right. A Nurse who is absent from a scheduled shift on approved sick leave shall only be entitled to sick leave pay if the Nurse is not otherwise receiving pay for that day, and providing the Nurse has sufficient sick leave credits.
Sick Leave Benefits. Management's practices with regard to sick leave benefits will be in accordance with Los Angeles Administrative Code Sections 4.126, 4.126.2, and 4.128, except as noted below. Sick leave may be used for the following purposes: diagnosis, care, or treatment of a health condition, or preventive care, of an employee or an employee’s immediate family member, as provided in Article 7.4 (Family Illness) of this MOU.
Sick Leave Benefits. Management's present practices with regard to allowances for sick leave will be continued during this term of the MOU. Such practices of allowance for sick leave shall be in accordance with LAAC Sections 4.126, 4.126.2, and 4.128.
Sick Leave Benefits. Regular full-time employees shall accumulate credits at the rate of four (4) hours for each full month of employment, up to a maximum of three hundred seventy-six (376) hours. Credits shall commence to accumulate from date of full-time employment but can only be applied after completion of a three (3) month full-time employment eligibility period. All paid time off such as statutory holidays, vacations, sickness or accident not exceeding thirty-nine
Sick Leave Benefits. Regular Grid A full-time employees shall accumulate credits at the rate of four (4) hours for each full month of employment, up to a maximum of three hundred seventy-six (376) hours. Credits shall commence to accumulate from date of full-time employment but can only be applied after completion of a three (3) month full-time employment eligibility period. All paid time off such as statutory holidays, vacations, sickness or accident not exceeding thirty-nine (39) consecutive weeks calculated from the first day of such continuous illness or accident, accumulated time off, etc., will be counted for the purposes of determining a full month of employment. It is agreed that accumulated Sick Leave information will be made available to employees on a monthly basis. If an employee fails to meet the above hour requirement for a period of thirteen (13) consecutive weeks from the time he or she first fails to meet it, such an employee shall be disqualified. However, such disqualified employees shall retain their "bank" of accumulated Sick Leave credits and may use such credits until the credits are exhausted. Sick pay in such cases shall be applied only to absences on the employee's regularly scheduled workdays. The Employer shall apply any accumulated Sick Leave to absences due to sickness or non-compensable accident not covered by Insured Weekly Indemnity benefits (or similar benefits) and shall supplement Weekly Indemnity benefits (or similar benefits) at the employee's request, in writing, but not to exceed the employee's normal earnings. An employee, having accumulated Sick Leave benefits and who is reduced to less than thirty-six (36) hours per week, will be paid Sick Leave to the extent of such accumulation for actual time off the job, due to illness, not covered by Weekly Indemnity. Employees, if found abusing this privilege, shall be disciplined by the Employer. In such cases, the Employer may discontinue or reduce the benefit of the employee or terminate the employee. It is the obligation of the employee to provide as much notice as possible when they are unable to report for a scheduled shift. The employee shall make every effort to notify the Employer of the absence as well as advising the Employer as to the estimated length of the absence and give notice of when they are able to return to work.
Sick Leave Benefits. Full time employees and employees who qualify for benefits in this section as defined in paragraph five (5), shall accumulate credits at the rate of four (4) hours for each full month of employment up to a maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) hours credit. Credits shall accumulate only on full time employment following the completion of a three (3) month full time employment eligibility period. Sick leave benefits shall not be paid for any absence which is covered by benefits payable under the Weekly Indemnity Insurance Plan. It shall be optional for the employee to apply sick leave benefits to Weekly Indemnity insurance. Employees, if found abusing this privilege, shall be disciplined by the Employer. In such cases, the Employer may discontinue or reduce the benefit of the employee, or terminate the employee. The Employer reserves the right to request medical confirmation of illnesses or absences. The Employer agrees to pay the fee for medical reports required by the Employer for Sick Leave or Weekly Indemnity provisions to a maximum of twenty ($20.00) dollars. When the schedule cannot be adjusted and where the employee provides the Employer with at least seven (7) days' notice prior to the posting of the schedule, employees may utilize sick leave credits, if such credits exist, for appointments with medical physicians and surgeons when such appointments cannot be arranged on scheduled time off. The maximum payout of such sick leave shall be two (2) hours.
Sick Leave Benefits. The amounts deducted will not include any additional benefits payable for children or subsequent cost of living expenses.
8.23.2 If you are entitled to receive disability benefits from a source other than those mentioned above (other than an individual insurance policy), the benefits payable under this plan may be further reduced.
Sick Leave Benefits. 13.01 An employee who has been absent on account of sickness disability, as outlined in Corporate Policy 209.05, will normally be paid sick leave benefits for authorized absences incurred from and after the end of the first three (3) months of service in accordance with his/her available sick leave credits. If requested by his/her Manager, the employee must submit to the Wellness, Environment & Disability Management Department a Physician's Certificate of Disability for Duty (Form 1109) completed by his/her doctor for any period of absence.
13.02 The following table shows, in the right hand column, the maximum number of days absence due to sickness for which the Company will, subject to the provisions of this Article, pay full wages to an employee in the year of his/her net credited service which is shown in the left hand column, after first deducting any previous days for which he/she has received sick leave benefits from the Company: NOTE: The "Accumulation" will be calculated as of the first day of the period for which the sick credits are to be granted, e.g., 1st day of the 4th year - 12 days full pay – Total
13.03 Paid sick leave granted to an employee during his/her period of service with the Company will be charged against and deducted from his/her accumulated credits.
13.04 No deduction from an employee's sick leave credits shall be made in respect of absence on a statutory holiday for which the employee is entitled to be paid.
13.05 An employee shall be given full sick leave credit information through his/her normal managerial channels. An employee can access full sick leave credit information by accessing Employee Self Serve (ESS).
13.06 When an employee expects to be or is absent from work for any reason, he/she is expected to notify his/her Manager prior to the starting time for his/her tour of duty, indicating the reason for the absence, on:
(a) each day of absence if date of return is unknown; or
(b) the first day of absence if date of return is known.
13.07 Unreported absence, absence without satisfactory reason or abuse shall be grounds for disqualification from benefits and/or disciplinary action. The Company will consider any action based on the merits of each individual case.
13.08 An employee absent from work due to sickness disability who is on Company authorized sick absence, whether paid or unpaid, shall retain service rights upon return to employment, provided such employee is in physically fit condition to resume his/her former dut...
Sick Leave Benefits. If the employee is laid off, all unused sick leave accumulated prior to the effective date of layoff shall be credited back to the employee’s records upon his/her reemployment with the District.
Sick Leave Benefits. Every full-time employee shall be entitled to sick leave with pay if the employee is compelled to be absent from work due to any illness or injury other than that caused by or arising from the employee’s own moral turpitude. Such sick leave shall be allowed as follows: