Analytics Services Sample Clauses

Analytics Services. Under an “Analytics Services” engagement, we will assist you with designing and configuring a scalable and reusable federated enterprise data layer that supports a single version of the truth; tasks may include configuring and optimizing connections to databases, big data sources, NoSQL sources, and enterprise applications to access enterprise data for use in analytics and mobility applications; designing an optimized in-memory strategy and publishing high performance data sets to Analysts, Data Scientists and Developers, and Architects, so they can build analytics, models and applications faster on trusted data; and conducting regression testing, reviewing the schema, resolving issues, and implementing a process for on- going data integrity management.
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Analytics Services. Analytics Services are available via their respective MindSphere APIs and provide basic and advanced analytical functions for time series data such as Anomaly Detection, Event Analytics, KPI Calculation, Signal Calculation, Signal Validation and Trend Prediction. They can be utilized in an interactive mode e.g. via the Visual Flow Creator (workflow tool for calling APIs) or from your Applications. • Anomaly Detection aims to support the detection of unexpected behavior of processes and assets. For the training of anomaly detection, normal data is sufficient. Normal data represents the standard conditions of assets. Furthermore, clustering based on anomaly detection techniques allow human interaction and integration of domain knowledge (e.g. by labeling of new clusters and/or anomalies). A developer can build Applications for process and condition monitoring, early warning functionality and detection of fault conditions without explicit definitions. • Event Analytics provides a statistical analysis for visualizing the most frequent events over a period of time. • KPI Calculation offers an easy way to provide various calculations for key performance indicators based on sensor data as well as sequence of events (i.e. from control/automation systems). The characteristic is related to an ISO 3977-9:1999 standard which is in fact dedicated to gas turbines. The characteristic is also applicable to other industrial applications. It is possible to provide automated annotation for time series data for many common characteristics. Additionally, the function can combine two information sources, numerical sensor data as well as events. The Service can be applied for historical data as well as the automated processing of incoming new data. • Signal Calculation offers commonly used missing value handling strategies, for instance, removal and interpolation. It calculates a descriptive summary of a sequence of signal values and if required, it derives new signal values by shifting, smoothing and transforming the original ones. • Signal Validation provides functions that help to detect common issues in time series data. Signal Validation can be used for optimizing the data quality. • Trend Prediction is a forecasting framework that may be useful in the area of process and condition monitoring. Also, seasonality and trend removal is an essential task of data analytics pre-processing.
Analytics Services. With respect to each purchase or receipt of Leads or Services, Company agrees and warrant that the use of the Leads and Services and any calls and other interactions with and information provided to consumers resulting from the Leads will comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, statutes, rules and regulations, including without limitation, the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”) and implementing regulations issued by Federal Communications Commission, the Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act, the Federal Trade Commission’s Telemarketing Sales Rule, the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act, and other federal and state laws and regulations governing the marketing, promotion, and/or sales of goods or services, including general consumer protection laws and regulations, or other consumer protection laws that prohibit unfair, deceptive, or misleading acts or practices; without limiting the generality of subsection (a) above, Company will not make any calls to any individual listed on any federal or state national Do-Not-Call (DNC) registry unless an exemption applies; Company will not use any lead information for purposes of determining a person’s eligibility for insurance, credit, employment or otherwise in any manner that violates the Fair Credit Reporting Act; Company have obtained any and all required licenses, permits, and other authorizations required by any law, regulation, or government or regulatory authority to conduct Company business as presently conducted, including o"ering and selling the products and services that are the subject of the lead; Company have disclosed the existence of any federal or state decrees, orders, or consent agreements, and any pending formal or informal government investigations, and Company further represents and warrants that if Company become involved or named in any action, investigation, complaint or other proceeding by or before any governmental or regulatory authority, or any private party, Company will immediately provide notice to ECHEZ of such action, investigation, complaint or other proceeding; and Company will ensure that Company employees, contractors and agents comply with the foregoing. Company authorizes ECHEZ to make a charge against the Company account pre-funded balance in the amount of the fees for Leads that are delivered to Company. Pre-funded balances will need to be replenished...
Analytics Services. Analytics Services are available via their respective MindSphere APIs and provide basic and advanced analytical functions for time series data such as Anomaly Detection, Event Analytics, KPI Calculation, Signal Calculation, Signal Validation and Trend Prediction. • Anomaly Detection aims to support the detection of unexpected behavior of processes and assets. For the training of anomaly detection, normal data is sufficient. Normal data represents the standard conditions of assets. Furthermore, clustering based on anomaly detection techniques allow human interaction and integration of domain knowledge (e.g. by labeling of new clusters and/or anomalies). A developer can build Applications for process and condition monitoring, early warning functionality and detection of fault conditions without explicit definitions. • Event Analytics provides a statistical analysis for visualizing the most frequent events over a period of time. • KPI Calculation offers an easy way to provide various calculations for Key Performance Indicators based on sensor data as well as sequence of events (i.e. from control/automation systems). The characteristic of these KPI calculations is related to an ISO 3977-9:1999 standard which is in fact dedicated to gas turbines. The characteristic is also applicable to other industrial applications. It is possible to provide automated annotation for time series data for many common characteristics. Additionally, the function can combine two information sources, numerical sensor data as well as events. The Service can be applied for historical data as well as the automated processing of incoming new data. • Signal Calculation offers commonly used missing value handling strategies, for instance, removal and interpolation. It calculates a descriptive summary of a sequence of signal values and if required, it derives new signal values by shifting, smoothing and transforming the original ones. • Signal Validation provides functions that help to detect common issues in time series data. Signal Validation can be used for optimizing the data quality. • Trend Prediction is a forecasting framework that may be useful in the area of process and condition monitoring. Also, seasonality and trend removal is an essential task of data analytics pre-processing. Analytics Services can be utilized in either an interactive mode or batch mode, e.g. via the Visual Flow Creator (workflow tool for calling APIs) or from your Applications: • Batch mode: Allows processin...
Analytics Services. We may use analytics services, including mobile analytics software, to help us understand and improve how the Service and Artsonia Website is being used. These services may collect, store and use de- identified information in order to help us understand things like how often you use the Service and Artsonia Website, the events that occur within the application, usage, performance data, and from where the application was downloaded. Legal Requirements: We may use or disclose information, including Personal Information, if we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to comply with the law, such as complying with a subpoena or other legal process. We may need to disclose Personal Information where, in good faith, we think it is necessary to protect the rights, property, or safety of Artsonia, our employees, our community, or others, or to prevent violations of our Terms or other agreements. This includes, without limitation, exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection or responding to government requests. Where appropriate, we may notify users about the legal requests, unless (i) providing notice is prohibited by the legal process itself, by court order we receive, or by applicable law; (ii) we believe that providing notice would be futile, ineffective, create a risk of injury or bodily harm to an individual or group, or create or increase a risk of fraud upon Artsonia, or its users. In instances where we comply with legal requests without notice for these reasons, we will attempt to notify that user about the request after the fact where appropriate and where we determine in good faith that we are no longer prevented from doing so. Sharing with Artsonia Companies: Over time, Artsonia may grow and reorganize. We may share your information, including Personal Information with affiliates such as a parent company, subsidiaries, joint venture partners or other companies that we control or that are under common control with us, in which case we will require those companies to agree to use your Personal Information in a way that is consistent with this Privacy Policy. With your consent: Other than the cases above, we won't disclose your Personal Information for any purpose unless you consent to it. Additionally, as discussed above, we will never sell or rent your Personal Information to advertisers or other third parties.
Analytics Services. If Customer’s subscription to the Moovweb Service includes access to third party analytics platforms (“Analytics Services”) or other premium strategic services that utilize Analytics Services (as specified in the applicable Order Form or SOW), the following terms shall apply:
Analytics Services. Under an “Analytics Services” engagement, we will assist you with designing and configuring a scalable and reusable 4. 咨询。我们以按小时收费价格模式提供咨询服务。咨询服务的类型有咨询服务包或通过个人顾问提供的服务,下文将分别详细介绍。 (a) 咨询服务的类型。 (i) 咨询服务包。对于咨询服务包产品,我们将按照您的要求以单一混合费率并以按小时收费价格模式开展下述相关工作,不论我们聘请来提供服务的顾问属于何种级别。我们将自行决定提供服务的顾问的级别,以及提供服务的地点(在现场或从我们的境外全球交付中心远程提供)。 (1) 平台服务。在提供“平台服务”过程中,我们将协助您构建、配置和部署产品架构。相关工作可能包括设计基于最佳实践的架构(该构架含有用于开发和用户测试的独立环境),以使最终用户能够在高峰时段体验不同应用程序的出色性能,同时最大限度地降低系统成本;制定规模策略以使平台效率最大化;配置管理服务以及安全设置,包括用户配置、调度、订阅、系统监控、操作系统补丁、备份;以及设计升级策略使您能够更快地开始使用 MicroStrategy 的最新创新。 (2) 应用服务。在提供“应用服务”过程中,我们将协助您定义、开发和部署端到端企业级或部门级应用程序;相关工作可能包括确定最佳技术方法和缓存策略,以提供有效、高性能的应用程序;利用最佳实践方法构建新的应用程序,包括举行用户研讨会、构建线框图、迭代、测试、记录和指导以提高采用率;以及增强、优化或重新设计现有应用程序,以改善用户体验、提高性能或扩展功能。 (3) 分析服务。在提供“分析服务”过程中,我们将协助您设计和配置可扩展、可重复使用 的,支持事实单一版本的联合企业数据层;相 18 federated enterprise data layer that supports a single version of the truth; tasks may include configuring and optimizing connections to databases, big data sources, NoSQL sources, and enterprise applications to access enterprise data for use in analytics and mobility applications; designing an optimized in-memory strategy and publishing high performance data sets to Analysts, Data Scientists and Developers, and Architects, so they can build analytics, models and applications faster on trusted data; and conducting regression testing, reviewing the schema, resolving issues, and implementing a process for on-going data integrity management. (4)
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Analytics Services. Under an “Analytics Services” engagement, we will assist you with designing and configuring a scalable and reusable federated enterprise data layer that supports a single version of the truth; tasks may include configuring and optimizing connections to databases, big data sources, NoSQL sources, and enterprise applications to access enterprise data for use in analytics and mobility applications; designing an optimized in-memory strategy and publishing high performance data sets to Analysts, Data Scientists and Developers, and Architects, so they can build analytics, models and applications faster on trusted data; and conducting regression testing, reviewing the schema, resolving issues, and implementing a process for on-going data integrity management. (3) 分析服务。在提供“分析服务”过程中, 我们将协助您设计和配置可扩展、可重复使用的,支持事实单一版本的联合企业数据层;相关工作可能包括配置和优化与数据库、大数据源、NoSQL 源和企业应用程序的连接,以访问用于分析和移动应用程序的企业数据;设计优化后的内存策略,并向分析师、数据科学家和开发人员以及架构师发布高性能数据集,以便他们可以更快地在可信数据上构建分析工具、模型和应用程序;进行回归测试、审核模式、解决问题以及实施持续的数据完整性管理流程。
Analytics Services. Under an “Analytics Services” engagement, we will assist you with designing and configuring a scalable and reusable federated enterprise data layer that supports a single version of the truth; tasks may include configuring and optimizing connections to databases, big data sources, NoSQL sources, and enterprise applications to access enterprise data for use in analytics and mobility 4. 咨询。我们以按小时收费价格模式提供咨询服务。咨询服务的类型有咨询服务包或通过个人顾问提供的服务,下文将分别详细介绍。 (a) 咨询服务的类型。 (i) 咨询服务包。对于咨询服务包产品,我们将按照您的要求以单一混合费率并以按小时收费价格模式开展下述相关工作,不论我们聘请来提供服务的顾问属于何种级别。我们将自行决定提供服务的顾问的级别,以及提供服务的地点(在现场或从我们的境外全球交付中心远程提供)。 (1) 平台服务。在提供“平台服务”过程中, 我们将协助您构建、配置和部署产品架构。相关工作可能包括设计基于最佳实践的架构(该构架含有用于开发和用户测试的独立环境), 以使最终用户能够在高峰时段体验不同应用程序的出色性能,同时最大限度地降低系统成本;制定规模策略以使平台效率最大化;配置管理服务以及安全设置,包括用户配置、调度、订阅、系统监控、操作系统补丁、备份; 以及设计升级策略使您能够更快地开始使用MicroStrategy 的最新创新。 (2) 应用服务。在提供“应用服务”过程中, 我们将协助您定义、开发和部署端到端企业级或部门级应用程序;相关工作可能包括确定最佳技术方法和缓存策略,以提供有效、高性能的应用程序;利用最佳实践方法构建新的应用程序,包括举行用户研讨会、构建线框图、迭代、测试、记录和指导以提高采用率;以及增强、优化或重新设计现有应用程序,以改善用户体验、提高性能或扩展功能。 (3) 分析服务。在提供“分析服务”过程中, 我们将协助您设计和配置可扩展、可重复使用的,支持事实单一版本的联合企业数据层;相关工作可能包括配置和优化与数据库、大数据源、NoSQL 源和企业应用程序的连接,以访问用于分析和移动应用程序的企业数据;设计优 化后的内存策略,并向分析师、数据科学家和 18 applications; designing an optimized in-memory strategy and publishing high performance data sets to Analysts, Data Scientists and Developers, and Architects, so they can build analytics, models and applications faster on trusted data; and conducting regression testing, reviewing the schema, resolving issues, and implementing a process for on-going data integrity management. (4)
Analytics Services. Under an “Analytics Services” engagement, we will assist you with designing and configuring a scalable and reusable federated enterprise data layer that supports a single version of the truth; tasks may include configuring and optimizing connections to databases, big data sources, NoSQL sources, and enterprise applications to access enterprise data for use in analytics and mobility applications; designing an optimized in- memory strategy and publishing high performance data sets to Analysts, Data Scientists and Developers, and Architects, so they can build analytics, models and applications faster on trusted data; and conducting regression testing, reviewing the schema, resolving issues, and implementing a process for on-going data integrity management. 能✰アプリケーションをご提供するため✰最適な技術アプ➫ーチ及びキャッシュ戦略、採用を増やすため✰ユーザーワークショップ✰実施、ワイヤーフレーム✰構築、反復、テスト、文書作成及び指導教育を含む新規✰アプリケーション✰構築、並びにユーザー体験向上、性能✰スピードアップ又は機能拡張 ✰ため✰既存✰アプリケーション✰増強、最適化又は再設計が含まれる場合があります。 (3) 分析サービス 「分析サービス」契約に基づき、マイク➫ストラテジーは、お客様が、唯一✰真実を支えるスケーラブル且つ再利用可能な、フェデレーション✰行われたエンタープライズデータレイヤー✰設計・構成を行う✰をサポートします。これら✰タスクに は、データベース、ビッグデータソース、NoSQL ソ
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