Subject of the. CONTRACT Seller shall sell and supply, and Buyer shall accept and pay for about 85 500 (eighty five thousand five hundred) tons, by lots of 28 500 (twenty-eight thousand five hundred) tons every month, of Russian Export Blend Crude Oil (REBCO) +/- 10 percent at Seller’s option, hereinafter referred to as "Goods", during 4 Quarter 2015, FOB Primorsk, Incoterms® 2000 Approximate total value of this Contract is _______________ USD. Approximate total value of this Contract may be amended depending on the actual delivered quantity and market condition. ПРЕДМЕТ КОНТРАКТА Продавец обязуется продать и поставить, а Покупатель обязуется принять и оплатить около 85 500 (восемьдесят пять тысяч пятьсот) тонн сырой нефти, партиями по 28 500 (двадцать восемь тысяч пятьсот) тонн в месяц, Российская Экспортная Смесь (REBCO) +/- 10% по выбору Продавца, именуемая в дальнейшем "Товар", в течение 4 Квартала 2015 года, на условиях согласно, FOB Приморск, Incoterms® 2000. Приблизительная общая стоимость настоящего контракта составляет ______________ долларов США. Приблизительная общая стоимость настоящего контракта может быть изменена в зависимости от фактически поставленного количества и условий рынка.
Subject of the. Agreement The Supplier shall sell and the Consignee shall buy goods on Incoterms-2010 in the quantity, assortment and prices according to the invoice, which are integral part of the present Agreement.
Subject of the. Contract The subject of this Contract is the Lender’s commitment to provide for free of charge to the Borrower’s use for the purpose of conduct of clinical trial titled: “A PHASE 3 PROSPECTIVE, RANDOMIZED, MULTICENTER, OPEN-LABEL, CENTRAL ASSESSOR-BLINDED, PARALLEL GROUP, COMPARATIVE STUDY TO DETERMINE THE EFFICACY, SAFETY AND TOLERABILITY OF AZTREONAM-AVIBACTAM (ATM-AVI) ±METRONIDAZOLE (MTZ) VERSUS MEROPENEM±COLISTIN (MER±COL) FOR THE TREATMENT OF SERIOUS INFECTIONS DUE TO GRAM-NEGATIVE BACTERIA, INCLUDING METALLO-Β-LACTAMASE (MBL) – PRODUCING MULTIDRUG RESISTANTPATHOGENS, FOR WHICH THERE ARE LIMITED OR NO TREATMENT OPTIONS“ (henceforth the “Study”) bearing protocol number C3601002, sponsored by Pfizer Inc. (henceforth “Pfizer”) the following: A medical device ECG (type MAC200ECG manufacturer GE Medical System with a value of 2750 USD CZK) (henceforth the “Device”) under the conditions set forth below. Study will be conducted at Chirurgická klinika of Fakultní nemocnice Královské Vinohrady under supervision of principal investigator (henceforth the “Principal Investigator”). The Lender declares that the owner of the above mentioned device is a Supplier who is with Pfizer Předmětem této smlouvy je závazek půjčitele, že vypůjčiteli prostřednictvím dodavatele předá bezúplatně do užívání za účelem provedení klinického hodnocení s názvem: PROSPEKTIVNÍ, RANDOMIZOVANÉ, MULTICENTRICKÉ, OTEVŘENÉ KOMPARATIVNÍ KLINICKÉ HODNOCENÍ FÁZE 3, ZASLEPENÉ PRO CENTRÁLNÍHO HODNOTITELE, S PARALELNÍMI SKUPINAMI, POSUZUJÍCÍ ÚČINNOST, BEZPEČNOST A SNÁŠENLIVOST AZTREONAM-AVIBAKTAMU (ATM-AVI) ± METRONIDAZOLU (MTZ) V POROVNÁNÍ S MEROPENEMEM ± KOLISTINEM (MER±COL) JAKO LÉČBU ZÁVAŽNÝCH INFEKCÍ VYVOLANÝCH GRAMNEGATIVNÍMI BAKTERIEMI, NAPŘ. MULTIREZISTENTNÍMI PATOGENY produkujícími metalo-β-laktamázu (MBL) S OMEZENÝMI MOŽNOSTMI LÉČBY NEBO BEZ MOŽNOSTI LÉČBY, číslo protokolu C3601002 (dále jen „klinické hodnocení“) zadavatele Pfizer Inc., se sídlem na adrese, zdravotnický prostředek EKG přístroj od společnosti ERT (MAC200ECG výrobce GE Medical System)(dále jen „zapůjčené zařízení“) , v hodnotě 2750 USD Kč (včetně DPH), za podmínek dále stanovených. Klinické hodnocení bude provedeno na Chirurgické klinice pod vedením hlavního zkoušejícího XXXXXXX. (dále jen „hlavní zkoušející“) Půjčitel prohlašuje, že vlastníkem výše uvedeného zařízení je dodavatel, který je s půjčitelem ve smluvním vztahu.Půjčitel, vypůjčitel a Hlavní zkoušejicí uzavřeli smlouvu o provedení klinického hodnocení(dále jen Sm...
Subject of the. AGREEMENT 1.1 The Bank shall open in the Customer’s name the current account(s) (hereinafter referred to as the “ACCOUNT”) in foreign currency which currency is denominated in _________________________________________________ 1.2 Account number is ______________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 1.3 The Account’s regulation shall be governed by the laws of Cyprus.
Subject of the. “Contract”
Subject of the. Contract The Seller undertakes to deliver the following goods to the Buyer in accordance with its offer, which forms an integral part of this contract as Annex 1: 1x Club 1910 Sofa 183 Bezug: Nappa stahlblau Füße: Buche xxxxxxx geb./silber 1x Club 1910 Sofa 183 Bezug: Nappa stahlblau Füße: Buche xxxxxxx geb./silber (dále společně také jen jako „Zboží“), a kupující se zavazuje prodávajícímu za řádné dodání Zboží zaplatit sjednanou kupní cenu (k tomu viz Článek VI. této smlouvy). (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Goods"), and the Buyer agrees to pay the Seller the agreed purchase price for the proper delivery of the Goods (see Článek VI of this Agreement). Tato Smlouva je uzavřená v rámci projektu “ATCZ264 – JH Nově digitální“ za finanční podpory Evropského fondu pro regionální rozvoj a ze státního rozpočtu České republiky v rámci programu Interreg Rakousko – Česká republika. Prodávající prohlašuje, že byl s podmínkami dotačního programu dle předchozí věty náležitě obeznámen a zavazuje se jimi řídit. This Agreement is concluded within the "ATCZ264 - JH Newly Digital" project with the financial support of the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic within the Interreg Austria - Czech Republic programme. The Seller declares that they have been duly informed of the terms and conditions of the subsidy programme according to the previous sentence and undertakes to comply with them.
Subject of the. Agreement The Supplier shall carry out one-off back the PCS, Post-Contract Support for the software for the period specified in Attachment 1. The Customer will receive the services and pay for them as stipulated in the terms of the present agreement.
Subject of the. Contract The Seller shall deliver the Products to the Buyer and transfer them into his ownership in accordance with the Specification(s) agreed to the Contract, and the Buyer shall accept the Products and pay for them in accordance with the requirements of this Contract.
1. Products’ price and total cost of the Contract 1.1. Total cost of the Products under Contract shall be determined by summarizing the costs of all lots with the Products approved as per all Specifications made up to the Contract.
Subject of the. AGREEMENT The Donee transfers, and the Beneficiary receives on a non-refundable and free basis as the humanitarian aid property (tangible assets) for carrying out measures to ensuring livelihoods and civil protection of the population, economic entities regardless of the form of ownership, energy security of Ukraine in accordance with Annex 1 to this Agreement (hereinafter – “Humanitarian aid”) . The Humanitarian aid is provided by the Donee to the Beneficiary within the project “Expert support of the Government of Ukraine in the implementation of the project “Just Transition” under the Grant Agreement between the NGO “GOLOCAL” and the German Society for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft International) (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH) № 81268302 (hereinafter – “Project”). The Humanitarian aid for transfer by the Donee to the Beneficiary was provided by enterprises of the German energy sector listed in Annex № 1 to this Agreement. The Parties confirm that the subject of this Agreement is not the direct or indirect receipt of profit by either Party. The Humanitarian aid provided by the Donee to the Beneficiary shall be used by the Beneficiary for the purposes specified in clause 1.1. of this Agreement.