Privacy Policy definition

Privacy Policy means the terms which set out how we will deal with confidential and personal information received from you via the Website;
Privacy Policy means the JetBrains Privacy Policy available at xxxxx:// privacy.html, which may be updated from time to time.
Privacy Policy. Any information You provide HomeServe will be accessed, collected, used, transmitted, disclosed, stored, maintained and otherwise handled to administer Your Service Agreement by HomeServe or its group of companies, including, but not limited to, disclosing Your address, telephone number, and other contact information to third parties who conduct services on HomeServe’s behalf. HomeServe or its group of companies and their selected partners may also use Your data to keep You informed by mail, telephone or email of any products or services which they consider may be of interest to You. For further details on how HomeServe uses Your information, please see their Privacy Policy at Should You have any questions or concerns about HomeServe’s Privacy Policy or how they are using Your information or to update Your privacy preferences, please contact HomeServe.

Examples of Privacy Policy in a sentence

  • In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and any other agreement Influencer has entered into with Brand (including, without limitation, the Privacy Policy), the terms of this Agreement will control unless such other agreement expressly provides otherwise by reference to the provision that is unavailing.

  • Influencer expressly consents to the use and disclosure of personally identifiable information and other data and information as described in the Privacy Policy.

  • Influencer’s privacy policy must contain terms no less protective of personal information than the terms of the Privacy Policy.

  • Notwithstanding anything in the Privacy Policy, Xxxxx will have the right to collect and analyze data and information (including personally identifiable data and information) resulting from Influencer’s (and any of Influencer’s readers’) access to and use of a Content Platform.

  • This Agreement, the Brand Content Policy and the Privacy Policy (each of which is incorporated by reference) are the complete and exclusive understanding and agreement regarding the Services, and supersedes any oral or written proposal, prior agreement or other communication between Brand and Influencer.

More Definitions of Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy means the document setting out the activities we carry out with Personal Data, available on our Website.
Privacy Policy means each published privacy policy, privacy notice, or privacy statement of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries relating to the Company’s or any of its Subsidiaries’ Processing of Personal Data.
Privacy Policy means this privacy policy.
Privacy Policy means the Insured Organization’s public declaration of its policy for collection, use, disclosure, sharing, dissemination and correction or supplementation of, and access to Personally Identifiable Information.
Privacy Policy means the privacy policy located at xxxx:// (and any successor or related locations designated by us), as it may be updated by us from time to time.
Privacy Policy means any or all of a publicly posted privacy policy, privacy notice, data policy, cookies policy, cookies notice or other similar public policy or public notice that addresses a party’s Personal Data practices and commitments.
Privacy Policy means the policy set out at xxxxx:// which governs how We collect, store and manage personal information received from You;