FIRE OR CASUALTY. If the Premises or the Building (including machinery or equipment used in its operation) shall be damaged by fire or other casualty and if such damage does not cause a termination of this Lease as described in the following sentences, then Landlord shall repair and restore the damage with reasonable promptness, subject to reasonable delays for insurance adjustments and delays caused by matters beyond Landlord’s reasonable control, but Landlord shall not be obligated to expend for repairing or restoring the damage an amount in excess of the proceeds of insurance recovered with respect to the damage. If in Landlord’s estimate the Premises cannot be restored within two hundred seventy (270) days from the date of such fire or casualty, then Landlord shall give notice to Tenant of such estimate within ninety (90) days after such fire or casualty. Tenant may elect in writing sixty (60) days following the date of such notice from Landlord, time being of the essence, to terminate this Lease effective as of the date of Tenant’s notice. If any such damage (i) renders 25% of the Building untenantable or (ii) renders general Building systems inoperable and such systems cannot be repaired in Landlord’s reasonable estimate within two hundred seventy (270) days from the date of such damage or (iii) occurs within the last Lease Year, Landlord shall have the right to terminate this Lease as of the date of such damage upon written notice given to the Tenant at any time within one hundred twenty (120) days after the date of such damage. If (iii) above occurs or Landlord fails to restore the Premises within one hundred eighty (180) days after the casualty, Tenant may terminate this Lease within thirty (30) days following the date upon which such termination rights was triggered. Landlord shall have no liability to Tenant, and Tenant shall not be entitled to terminate this Lease, by virtue of any delays in completion of such repairs and restoration. Annual Fixed Rent and additional rent, however, shall axxxx on those portions of the Premises as are, from time to time, untenantable and, in fact, unoccupied by Tenant as a result of such damage. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein set forth, Landlord shall have no duty pursuant to this Section 6.2 to repair or restore any portion of any alterations, additions, installation or improvements in the Premises or the decoration thereto except to the extent that the proceeds of the insurance carried by Tenant are timely rece...
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FIRE OR CASUALTY. If the building or any improvement on the Premises shall be damaged in any way, in whole or in part, or rendered untenantable by fire or other casualty, Landlord shall, subject to the terms and conditions of this Section 17, restore the Premises to its original condition. With respect to damage or destruction of Premises improvements, which damage or destruction is covered, in whole or in part, by insurance as required to be carried by Landlord under Section 18(b) hereof, it is agreed that the proceeds from such insurance which are payable or paid to Landlord (or its lender) shall in all events be used and applied (and Landlord shall cause any secured lender as to the Premises to make such proceeds available for use and applicability) exclusively for the purpose of making replacements or repairs, if and only if such proceeds are sufficient in amount to complete such necessary replacements or repairs and if the amount of such damage or destruction is less than 40% of the usable structure. If, however, the proceeds are insufficient to cover the damage or destruction, or if the damage or destruction to the Premises impacts more than 40% of the usable structure, either the Landlord or the Tenant may, without waiving any other rights or privileges under this Lease, terminate this Lease upon written notice to the other within sixty (60) days following the date of the subject casualty event. If neither party elects to terminate this Lease as herein provided, Landlord shall promptly reconstruct the Premises to at least the condition as such existed immediately prior to the casualty event; provided, that if such reconstruction is not or cannot be completed within one hundred eighty (180) days of the subject casualty event, Tenant may nonetheless elect to terminate this Lease upon written notice to the Landlord. Further, notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein, in the event that a casualty event occurs during the last two (2) years of the initial Term, or any Renewal Term, as to any portion of the Premises and the damage resulting therefrom is of such an extent that it cannot be repaired or restored within sixty (60) days from the date of such casualty event, either party may terminate this Lease upon written notice to the other. Rent shall not xxxxx or be reduced following any casualty loss or during any period of restoration. It shall be Tenant’s responsibility to obtain business interruption insurance coverage to insure against any loss Tenant m...
FIRE OR CASUALTY. (a) Subject to the provisions of this Paragraph 9, in the event the Premises, or access thereto, is wholly or partially destroyed by fire or other casualty, Landlord shall (to the extent permitted by Law and covenants, conditions and restrictions then applicable to the Project) rebuild, repair or restore the Premises and access thereto to substantially the same condition as existing immediately prior to such destruction (excluding Tenant’s Alterations, trade fixtures, equipment and personal property, which Tenant shall be required to restore) and this Lease shall continue in full force and effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) Landlord’s obligation to rebuild, repair or restore the Premises shall not apply to any personal property, above-standard tenant improvements or other items installed or contained in the Premises, and (ii) Landlord shall have no obligation whatsoever to rebuild, repair or restore the Premises with respect to any damage or destruction occurring during the last twelve (12) months of the Lease Term or any extension of the Lease Term.
FIRE OR CASUALTY. If, prior to the Closing, the Purchased Assets are materially damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty, Buyer, as its sole remedy, shall either: (a) proceed to Closing in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in which case Buyer shall be entitled to all insurance awards resulting therefrom and Receiver shall have no repair, restoration, or other obligation in connection with such casualty; or (b) cancel this Agreement, in which event the parties shall be released from all liability hereunder and the Xxxxxxx Money Deposit shall be returned immediately to Buyer. If Buyer elects to cancel this Agreement, Buyer shall so notify Receiver in writing within seven (7) days after such fire or other casualty. Failure by Buyer to so notify Receiver shall constitute an election to proceed to Closing.
FIRE OR CASUALTY. In the event of damage to the Property by fire or other casualty prior to the Closing Date, Seller will promptly notify Buyer of such fire or other casualty ("Casualty Notice"). Seller shall state in the Casualty Notice the cost that Seller in good faith estimates will be incurred to repair the casualty loss. If there is an uninsured loss in excess of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), Seller may elect to terminate this Agreement by written notice delivered to Buyer within five (5) days after the Casualty Notice, in which case the Exxxxxx Money will be disbursed to Buyer and the parties will have no further obligations hereunder (except for obligations that are expressly intended to survive the termination of this Agreement). If the fire or other casualty damage estimate is in excess of five percent (5%) of the Purchase Price and this Agreement is not terminated by Seller on account of an uninsured loss, then Buyer may elect, by written notice delivered to Seller on or before the sooner of (i) the twentieth (20th) day after Buyer’s receipt of the Casualty Notice or (ii) the Closing Date, to either: (a) close the transaction contemplated by this Agreement and receive either a reduction in the Purchase Price in the amount of the insurance policy deductible and any uninsured loss and receive all insurance claims and proceeds payable to Seller as a result of such fire or other casualty, with the same being paid or assigned to Buyer at Closing, or (b) terminate this Agreement and receive a return of the Exxxxxx Money, in which case the parties will have no further obligations hereunder (except for obligations that are expressly intended to survive the termination of this Agreement). If the damage to the Property by fire or other casualty prior to the Closing Date would cost less than five percent (5%) of the Purchase Price to repair (as determined by Seller in good faith), Buyer will not have the right to terminate its obligations under this Agreement by reason thereof, and Seller will have the right to elect to either repair and restore the Property if such repair or restoration may be completed prior to the Closing Date or to credit the Purchase Price in the amount of the insurance policy deductible and any uninsured loss and assign and transfer to Buyer on the Closing Date all of Seller’s right, title and interest in and to all insurance proceeds paid or payable to Seller on account of such fire or casualty. Seller will fully cooperate with Buyer, at Buyer’s so...
FIRE OR CASUALTY. If more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the Premises or the use, occupancy or access to or of the Premises shall be destroyed in whole or in part by fire or other casualty, Tenant may in its reasonable discretion terminate this Lease. If less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the Premises shall be destroyed in whole or in part by fire or casualty, the Rent due during the remainder of the Lease term shall be reduced in proportion to the area destroyed, effective on the date of the casualty. Within thirty (30) days after the date of a fire or other casualty, Landlord must inform Tenant if the Premises and the buildings in which the Premises are located will be rebuilt. If the Premises is to be rebuilt and Tenant elects not to terminate the Lease, the Premises (including the office buildings in which the Premises are located, must be rebuilt and ready for occupancy within ninety (90) days of date of fire or other casualty. Landlord and Tenant agree and covenant that neither shall be liable to the other for loss arising out of damage to or destruction of the Premises or contents thereof when such loss is caused by any perils included within, and covered by, standard fire and extended coverage insurance policy of the state of Florida. This Lease shall be binding whether or not such damage or destruction is caused by negligence of either Party or their agents, employees or visitors. Landlord agrees to carry fire and extended coverage to the extent required by its lender, and if there is no lender, in an amount satisfactory to Landlord.
FIRE OR CASUALTY. If the building or any improvement on the Premises shall be damaged in any way, in whole or in part, or rendered untenantable by fire or other casualty, Tenant shall restore the building to its original condition. Rent shall not xxxxx or be reduced following any casualty loss or during any period of restoration. It shall be Tenant’s responsibility to obtain business interruption insurance coverage to insure against any loss Tenant may suffer as a result of any casualty damage to the Premises as well as Tenant’s inability to use all or any part of the Premises as a result of such casualty.
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FIRE OR CASUALTY. (a) If the Premises or the Building (including machinery or equipment used in the operation of the Building) shall be damaged by fire or other casualty and if such damage does not render all or a substantial portion of the Premises (in the case of the Premises, substantial shall mean 20% or more of the area of the Premises) or Building untenantable, then Landlord shall repair and restore the Premises (exclusive of tenant finishes and/or build-outs) or the core and shell of the Building with reasonable promptness, subject to reasonable delays for insurance adjustments and delays caused by matters beyond Landlord’s reasonable control and subject to Lxxxxxxx’s receipt of insurance proceeds sufficient to perform such repairs. If any such damage renders all or a substantial portion of the Premises or Building untenantable, Landlord shall have the right to terminate this Lease (with appropriate prorations of rent being made for Tenant’s possession subsequent to the date of such damage of those tenantable portions of the Premises) upon giving written notice to the Tenant at any time within 120 days after the date of such damage; and if such notice is given Landlord shall have no obligation to repair or restore. Landlord shall have no liability to Tenant, and Tenant shall not be entitled to terminate this Lease by virtue of any delays in completion of such repairs and restoration. Rent, however, shall axxxx (but only to the extent Landlord receives rent loss insurance proceeds) on those portions of the Premises as are, from time to time, untenantable, as a result of such damage, and provided such damage was not caused by Tenant or any of Tenant’s employees, agents or contractors.
FIRE OR CASUALTY. The Landlord has the right to terminate this Lease if all or any part of the Premises is damaged by fire or other casualty to the extent that it cannot reasonably be repaired within one hundred (100) days after the date of such fire or casualty. This right of termination is exercisable by written notice to Tenant within sixty (60) days of the date of the fire or other casualty. If this Lease is not terminated, Landlord shall promptly and in good faith, seek to restore the Premises. Such restoration shall be to substantially the same condition that existed prior to the fire or other casualty, except for modifications required by law. Upon notice from Landlord, Tenant shall assign to Landlord (or Landlord's designee) all property insurance proceeds payable to Tenant under Tenant's Insurance with respect to any leasehold improvements for the benefit of Tenant; provided that if the estimated cost to repair such leasehold improvements exceeds the amount of insurance proceeds received by Landlord from Tenant's insurance carrier, the excess cost of such repairs shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord prior to Landlord's commencement of repairs. Within fourteen (14) days of demand, Tenant shall also pay Landlord for any excess costs identified during the course of repair work. Landlord shall not be liable for any inconvenience to Tenant, or injury to Tenant's business resulting in any way from the fire or other casualty or the repair work. Provided that Tenant is not in default, during any period of time that all or a material portion of the Premises is rendered unusable as a result of the fire or other casualty, the Rent shall xxxxx for the portion of the Premises that is unusable.
FIRE OR CASUALTY. (a) If the Building, the Premises or access to them shall be partially or totally damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty (each, a “Casualty”) and if this Lease is not terminated as provided below, then Landlord shall repair and restore the Premises and the portions of the Building servicing the Premises to substantially their condition prior to such fire or other casualty (the “Required Restoration Work”) with reasonable dispatch and diligently prosecute such repair and restoration to completion. In no event shall Landlord be required to repair or replace Tenant’s leasehold improvements, merchandise, trade fixtures, furnishings, equipment or other personal property.
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