Section 6.2. 13 The Association representatives may represent the Association and employees in meeting with officials 14 of the District to discuss appropriate matters of mutual interest. They may receive and investigate to 15 conclusion complaints or grievances of employees on District time and thereafter advise employees of 16 rights and procedures outlined in this Agreement and applicable regulations or directives for resolving 17 the grievances or complaints. They may not, however, continue to advise the employee on courses of 18 action after the employee has indicated a desire not to pursue a grievance. This does not, however, 19 preclude the Association's right to pursue the matter to conclusion. They may consult with the District 20 on complaints without a grievance being made by an individual employee.
Section 6.2. 20 The Association representatives shall represent the Association and employees in meeting with 21 officials of the District to discuss appropriate matters of mutual interest. They may receive and 22 investigate to conclusion complaints or grievances of employees on District time and thereafter advise 23 employees of rights and procedures outlined in this Agreement and applicable regulations or directives 24 for resolving the grievances or complaints. They may not, however, continue to advise the employee 25 on courses of action after the employee has indicated a desire not to pursue a grievance. They may 26 consult with the District on complaints without a grievance being made by an individual employee.
Section 6.2. 2 Time during working hours will be allowed Association representatives for attendance at meetings with 3 the District. Time will also be allowed for representatives to discuss grievances with employees. 4 Association representatives will guard against the use of excess time in the handling of such matters.
Section 6.2. 14 In the event an employee is assigned to a shift less than the full-time work shift as previously defined in 15 this Article, the employee shall be given a fifteen (15) minute rest period for each four (4) continuous 16 hours of work. Shifts of four (4) continuous hours or more may schedule a thirty (30) minute 17 uninterrupted unpaid lunch period as near the middle of the shift as is practicable. The immediate 18 supervisor shall determine the designated lunch period. Employees may waive their meal period if the
Section 6.2. 28 Time during working hours, whenever possible, will be allowed Association representatives to discuss 29 with the employee grievances and appropriate matters directly related to work situations in their area. 30 Association representatives will guard against the use of excess time in the handling of such matters.
Section 6.2. 25 The District will provide suitable space to conduct such meetings.
Section 6.2. 23 The District will allow sufficient time for Association representatives to prepare an agenda for 24 meetings scheduled with the Superintendent in accordance with Section 6.1. The District will provide 25 suitable space to conduct such meetings.
Section 6.2. 13 After the agenda has been prepared, the Conference Committee members, before leaving their work, 15 instances will normally be granted. Time during working hours will be allowed the Conference 16 Committee for attendance at meetings with the District. The employees will report their return to work 17 to their supervisors.
Section 6.2. 3 The Union representatives shall represent the Union and employees in meeting with officials of the 4 District to discuss appropriate matters of mutual interest. They may receive and investigate to 5 conclusion complaints or grievances of employees on District time and thereafter advise employees of 6 rights and procedures outlined in this Agreement and applicable regulations or directives for resolving 7 the grievances or complaints. They may not, however, continue to advise the employee on courses of 8 action after the employee has indicated a desire not to pursue a grievance. This does not, however, 9 preclude the Union's right to pursue the matter to conclusion. They may consult with the District on 10 complaints without a grievance being made by an individual employee.
Section 6.2. 34 The Association representatives may represent the Association and employees in meetings with officials 35 of the District to discuss appropriate matters of mutual interest. Employees must report to their supervisor 36 before these meetings, formal or informal, take place during the work day. They may receive and 37 investigate to conclusion complaints or grievances of employees on District time when necessary and 38 thereafter advise employees of rights and procedures outlined in this Agreement and applicable 39 regulations or directives for resolving the grievances or complaints. They may not, however, continue to 40 advise the employee on courses of action after the employee has indicated a desire not to pursue a 41 grievance. They may consult with the District on complaints without a grievance being made by an 42 individual employee. Association representatives will guard against the use of excessive time.