Overtime pay definition

Overtime pay means the com- pensation which a Customs Officer is entitled to receive, in excess of the of- ficer’s base pay, for performing offi- cially-assigned work in excess of the 40 hours of the officer’s regularly-sched- uled administrative workweek or in ex- cess of 8 hours in a day, which may in- clude commute compensation as de- fined at paragraph (b)(5) of this section. Overtime pay, within the limits pre- scribed by the Act, is includable for Federal retirement benefit purposes.
Overtime pay means payment to employees for services performed in excess of the normal work period when the payments are required by applicable state and federal overtime laws, by an applicable collective bargaining agreement, or by written personnel policies.
Overtime pay. ’ means pay for hours of service in excess of a statutory or other basic workweek or other basic unit of worktime, as observed by the employing establishment; and

Examples of Overtime pay in a sentence

  • CompressedWork Week Schedule Premium and Overtime Pay Distribution of Overtime..

  • Exceptions to the General Rule – Special Circumstances 38 ARTICLE 19 NEW HIRES AND PROMOTIONS 40 Section 19.01 - Probationary Period for New Hires 40 Section 19.02 - Promotions 40 Section 19.03 - Promotional Exams 41 ARTICLE 20 OVERTIME, CALLBACKS, AND STANDBY 42 Section 20.01 - Overtime, Callbacks, and Standby 42 Section 20.02 - Overtime and Overtime Pay 42 Subd.

  • Overtime Pay Any overtime will be paid after 40 hours have been worked in the same week and is based on the wage paid for a specific job.

  • Section And Overtime Pay All hours worked in excess of straight time hours in any one workweek or straight time hours in any one workday shall be compensated for at the rate of times the employee's straight time hourly rate.

  • As required under the Employment Standards Act, the parties agree that by inclusion of the Information for Employees About Hours of Work and Overtime Pay, attached hereto, both parties’ obligations relative to notification and acceptance under the act have been fulfilled.

More Definitions of Overtime pay

Overtime pay means the additional payment above the hourly wage paid. Time and a half shall be paid above the base pay rate for time worked above 40 hours in a single week for Authorized Users regardless of time of day, day of the week or holidays. This requirement applies to Lots 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and for the in-person translation titles contained in Lot 6 (Consecutive Interpreters, Simultaneous Interpreters and American Sign Language). There shall be no overtime for the non-location-specific titles in Lot 6 (Translation – Over the Phone and Written translation) as these services are billed by the minute and the word respectively. There shall be no overtime for Lots 2 and 3 as these services are billed by the page. Overtime Pay for Lot 11 – Light Industrial is determined by the relevant prevailing wage which the engagement is subject to. All overtime to be allowed based on the sole discretion of the Authorized User and must receive prior written approval.
Overtime pay refers to the amount, based upon the Overtime Rate, the Contractor shall xxxx and the Judicial Council or Participating JBE will pay for allowable overtime work provided by an Assigned Personnel. The Reports To must authorize overtime work before Overtime Pay will be considered an allowable charge under an Order. The Contractor shall xxxx Overtime Pay, when applicable, without any xxxx-up, as an item separate from the appropriate Billing Rate.
Overtime pay means a rate of pay equal to time and one-half an individual member's regular rate of pay.
Overtime pay means payment (i) at a rate not less than one and one-half times the fast food employee’s regular rate of pay under subsection (a) of section 207 of title 29 of the United States Code; or (ii) at a rate governed by the overtime requirements of the labor law or the overtime requirements of any minimum wage order promulgated by the New York commissioner of labor pursuant to labor law article 19 or 19-A.
Overtime pay means the compensation that a CBP employee, pursuant to applicable law, is entitled to receive, in excess of the employee’s base pay, for performing officially-assigned work in excess of the 40 hours of the employee’s regularly-scheduled administrative workweek or in excess of 8 hours in a day. This term also includes the compensation which CBP personnel, pursuant to applicable law, are entitled to receive in excess of the employee’s base pay for performing officially-assigned work on holidays, Sundays, evenings, and/or any other purpose authorized by law, as well as any benefits and indirect costs incurred by CBP related to overtime services.
Overtime pay means, for Employees paid on an hourly basis, the pay received in excess of the Employee's regular hourly base rate of pay as remuneration for hours worked in a work day or a work week in excess of eight hours or 40 hours, respectively, for the relevant period. For Employees customarily paid on a salaried basis, "overtime pay" means the pay received in excess of the Employee's regular base rate of pay as remuneration for hours worked in a work day or a work week in excess of the Employee's regularly scheduled hours pursuant to the Employer's overtime pay policy applicable to those Employees.