Prevailing Wage. The Recipient shall require that all Contractors and subcontractors working on the Project comply with the prevailing wage requirements contained in Revised Code Sections 164.07(B) and 4115.03 through 4115.16;
Prevailing Wage. Contractor and any potential subcontractors have a duty to and shall pay the prevailing wage rate under the Xxxxx-Xxxxx Xxx, 00 X.X.X. 000x – 276a-5, as amended, and the regulations adopted thereunder contained in 29 C.F.R. pt. 1 and 5.
Prevailing Wage. The Recipient shall require that all Contractors and subcontractors working on the Project comply with the prevailing wage requirements contained in Ohio Revised Code Sections 164.07(B) and 4115.03 through 4115.16;
Prevailing Wage. The Borrower shall comply with Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 1720) of Part 7 of Division 2 of the Labor Code relating to the payment of prevailing wage for work performed on the Project financed in whole or in part with the proceeds of the Loan.
Prevailing Wage. To the extent that the work or services to be performed under this Agreement may be considered a “public work” pursuant and subject to Labor Code section 1720 et seq., Consultant (and any subconsultant performing the work or services) shall conform to any and all prevailing wage requirements applicable to such work/and or services under this Agreement. Consultant (and any subconsultant) shall adhere to the prevailing wage determinations made by the Director of Industrial Relations (DIR) pursuant to California Labor Code Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 2, applicable to the work, if any. All workers employed in the execution of a public works contract (as such term is defined California Labor Code section 1720 et seq. and section 1782(d)(1)) must be paid not less than the specified prevailing wage rates for the type of work performed. Reference: California Labor Code sections 1720, 1774 and 1782. Consultant agrees to be bound by the prevailing wage requirements to the extent applicable to the scope of work and services under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the following:
a. If a worker is paid less than the applicable prevailing wage rate owed for a calendar day (or any portion thereof), Consultant shall pay the worker the difference between the prevailing wage rate and the amount actually paid for each calendar day (or portion thereof) for which the worker(s) was paid less than the prevailing wage rate, as specified in Labor Code section 1775;
b. Consultant shall maintain and make available payroll and worker records in accordance with Labor Code sections 1776 and 1812;
c. If Consultant employs (and/or is legally required to employ) apprentices in performing the work and/or services under this Agreement, Consultant shall ensure compliance with Labor Code section 1777.5;
d. Consultant is aware of the limitations imposed on overtime work by Labor Code sections 1810 et seq. and shall be responsible for any penalties levied in accordance with Labor Code section 1813 for failing to pay required overtime wages;
e. Consultant shall post a copy of the applicable wage rates at each jobsite at a location readily available to its workers. Any failure of Consultant and/or its subconsultant to comply with the above requirements relating to a public work project shall constitute a breach of this Agreement that excuses the City’s performance of this Agreement at the City’s sole and absolute option, and shall be at the sole risk of Consultant. Consultant on behal...
Prevailing Wage. To the extent applicable, Seller shall comply with the prevailing wage requirements of California Public Utilities Code Section 399.14, subdivision (h).
Prevailing Wage. Seller shall use reasonable efforts to ensure that all Electricians hired by Seller, Seller’s contractors and subcontractors are paid wages at rates not less than those prevailing for Electricians performing similar work in the locality as provided by Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1 of the California Labor Code. Nothing herein shall require Seller, its contractors and subcontractors to comply with, or assume liability created by other inapplicable provisions of the California Labor Code.
Prevailing Wage a. Contractor and subcontractors shall comply with all provisions required by ORS 279C.800 through ORS 279C.870 relating to the payment of prevailing wage rates for work performed.
b. Contractor and subcontractors shall pay to workers in each trade or occupation the current, applicable State prevailing rate of wage as established by the Oregon State Bureau of Labor and Industries (“BOLI”) xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/BOLI Contractor and any Subcontractors shall post the prevailing wage rates and fringe benefits as required by ORS 279C.840.
c. Contractor and subcontractors shall prepare weekly certified payroll reports and statements and submit them to the City by the fifth business day of each month (ORS 279C.845). Reports shall be submitted to the City of Bend, Attention: Purchasing Manager, on a form prescribed by the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor, certifying: (a) the hourly rate of wage paid each worker whom the contractor or the Subcontractor has employed upon the public works; and (b) that no worker employed upon the public works has been paid less than the prevailing rate of wage or less than the minimum hourly rate of wage specified in the contract. If the Contractor has not filed the certified statements as required under this contract, the City of Bend shall retain 25 percent of any amount earned by the Contractor until the Contractor has complied. The City of Bend shall pay the Contractor the amount retained under this subsection within 14 days after the Contractor has filed the certified statements with the City.
d. Contractor shall allow BOLI to enter the office or business establishment of Contractor at any reasonable time to determine whether the prevailing rate of wage is actually being paid and shall make payment records available to BOLI on request. Contractor shall require subcontractors to provide the same right of entry and inspection.
e. City shall not make final payment unless the prevailing wage rate certifications are received.
f. Contractor and subcontractors must comply with all laws and regulations relating to prevailing wages, whether or not set out in this contract. Further information regarding prevailing wages is available by contacting BOLI at, 971/673-0839 or on-line at the BOLI web site: xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/BOLI/WHD/PWR/index.shtml.
g. Prevailing Wage publications applicable to this contract are the Prevailing Wage Rates for Public Works Contracts in Oregon effective January 1, 2018 and the January 1, 2018 PWR...
Prevailing Wage. Consultant and Consultant's subconsultants (if any) shall, to the extent required by the California Labor Code, pay not less than the latest prevailing wage rates to workers and professionals as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations of the State of California pursuant to California Labor Code, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 2. Copies of the applicable wage determination are on file at the City's Public Works Department office.
Prevailing Wage. If this Agreement (or any Participating Addendum) includes work subject to California Prevailing Wage Laws (Labor Code §§1770 et seq., this section is applicable). Contractor and any subcontractors performing prevailing wage work must comply with all prevailing wage laws and regulations. Prior to the start of any prevailing wage work, Contractor and all subcontractors performing such work, must provide the JBE with the Prevailing Wage and Related Labor Certification (Appendix G).