Hour Shift. An eight (8) hour tour shall be inclusive of an unpaid one-half (1/2) hour meal period, and two fifteen (15) minute paid relief periods.
Hour Shift. The normal hours of work for employees working a eight (8) hour shift schedule shall be comprised of seven and one-half (7 1/2) hour shifts using seventy-five (75) hours bi-weekly as the base hours distributed over a work schedule as determined by the employer exclusive of a thirty (30) minute meal break but including a rest period of fifteen (15) consecutive minutes in the first half and second half of the shift.
Hour Shift. When the regularly scheduled shifts for a contractor/customer are based on four (4) ten (10) hour shifts, it is agreed that employees will:
Hour Shift. Employees assigned to shift schedule of twelve (12) hours shall also be entitled to bank applicable statutory holiday pay premium in addition to the eight (8) hours statutory holiday pay to total twelve (12) hours of pay at the regular hourly rate.
Hour Shift. The Employer and the Union agree that notwithstanding the provision of Article 22 - Hours of Work and Overtime - the parties agree to examine and implement a twelve (12) hour work schedule on a trial basis if the employees at the selected plant location so request and providing:
(a) The implementation of a twelve (12) hour work schedule and any said variation in hours shall not result in any additional expenditure or cost to the Employer by reason only of such variation.
(b) A trial period shall be established for a period of six (6) consecutive months.
(c) The above trial period may be extended by mutual agreement between the parties for further period not exceeding six (6) consecutive months.
(d) An evaluation by both parties shall be conducted within the last month of the trial period.
(e) On written notice from the authorized representative of the respective Union Local, the parties shall commence discussions to establish a twelve (12) hour work schedule at the applicable plant location(s) and if mutually agreeable the parties shall implement such a work schedule. General Terms
1. At the agreed upon selected plant location, the Parent Plant Management and duly authorized representative(s) of the Union may jointly devise and decide on a mutually acceptable twelve (12) hour work schedule which shall include a specified number of consecutive calendar days of work followed by a specified number of earned days of rest. The scheduled hours of work on any day as set forth in such a work schedule may exceed eight (8) hours per day; starting and quitting times shall be determined according to operational requirements, and the normal daily hours of work shall be consecutive.
2. The twelve (12) hour work schedule must incorporate an “availability list” and ensure that an employee’s normal week shall not exceed an average of forty (40) hours per week over the life of the work schedule.
3. For the purpose of a twelve (12) hour work schedule trial period;
(a) “day” means a twenty-four (24) hour period commencing at 0001 hours;
Hour Shift. Sheriff’s Department employees assigned to work a straight twelve and one half (12.5) hour shift schedule shall work twelve and one half (12.5) hours straight, inclusive of lunch and/or breaks.
Hour Shift. For employees who are scheduled to work a 12-hour shift plan, overtime work shall be defined as all authorized work in excess of 80 hours in a 14 day work period, as provided by Section 207(k) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Time worked beyond the official 80 hour, 14 day period shall not be considered overtime unless it has been specifically ordered or authorized by the Sheriff or his/her designee. In sudden emergency situations when prior authorization for overtime is not possible, the approval of the Sheriff or his/her designee shall be sufficient.
Hour Shift. Patrol officers shall bid by seniority (for three month periods to begin on Jan. 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st their days off. The maximum period that an officer shall be on the same shift shall be one year unless otherwise approved by the Chief of Police or his designee. The Chief of Police or his designee will schedule patrol officers to work twelve (12) hour shifts in accordance with the following schedule: Patrol Officers scheduled workdays shall be Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and every other Wednesday or shall work Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and every other Wednesday as four (4) twelve (12) hour days followed by three (3) consecutive days off, and work three (3) twelve (12) hour days followed by four (4) consecutive days off, within a fourteen (14) day work period. This constitutes working eighty-four (84) hours at a straight-time rate of pay per pay period as provided and allowed pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) for peace officers and
Hour Shift. Employees assigned to ten (10) hour patrol shifts shall typically work a forty (40) hour workweek consisting of four (4) consecutive ten
Hour Shift. LETTER NO. 4c
1. Prior to implementation of a voluntary 12 Hour Shift Schedule as referred to herein, the Company agrees to use the 17 Shift Schedule of the collective agreement, on a good faith basis, to try to meet its production needs. The Company will first canvass employees for overtime in accordance with the collective agreement. If there are insufficient volunteers, the Company may then schedule the balance of its weekend overtime requirements in accordance with the collective agreement. The Company and Union agree that the Union has the right to file a policy grievance if it so desires if the Union considers the Company has breached its good faith efforts under this letter.
2. The 12 Hour shift schedule referred to herein shall be filled on a voluntary basis only.
3. No employee shall be laid off from employment as a result of the implementation of the 12 Hour shift.
4. In the event that production requirements cannot be met by overtime scheduling, it is agreed that the voluntary 12 Hour Shift schedule may be instituted as follows:
a) The Company will notify the Union in advance and meet with the Union to review its production needs. The Union shall receive no less than 4 weeks notice prior to any implementation of the 12 hour shift.
b) For the purpose of Article 12.