VACATIONS. A. The calendar year will be used for computing vacation allowances and scheduling vacations. Vacations will be taken during the calendar year following that in which accrued and will be paid at the employee's regular rate of pay in effect at the time the vacation is taken.
B. Vacation Accrual - New employees will accrue six and two-thirds (6 2/3) hours vacation for each calendar month of active service during the remainder of the calendar year. The first vacation will be taken during the following calendar year. Thereafter, vacation accrual for each full year of active service will be based on the employee's length of service as determined by the employee's Date of Employment as follows:
C. An employee taking a leave of absence or leaves of absence in excess of thirty (30) calendar days, except in case of sickness or injury on the job, shall have his vacation hours and pay reduced by one-twelfth (1/12) for each month or part there- of that he is on leave of absence in excess of thirty (30) days.
D. Holidays recognized by this Agreement at the beginning or end of a vacation peri- od or falling within a vacation period will not be considered as part of the vacation. Holidays falling within a vacation period will be taken by extending the vacation period one day for each such holiday.
E. Employees who leave the Company, regardless of their length of service with the Company, shall be paid for all accrued but unused vacation credit for the preced- ing calendar year regardless of the reason for leaving the Company. In addition, an employee having a full year or more of service with the Company at the time of leaving will receive all accrued vacation credit in the current year up to the end of the month preceding the separation, if: (1) he gives the Company ten (10) calendar days notice of intent to quit; (2) he is not discharged for cause. Employees laid off in a reduction of force and employees granted an indefinite leave of absence as full time representatives of the Union shall be granted vacation pay for all unused xxxx- tion time accrued to the end of the month preceding the layoff or leave of absence.
F. Day-At-A-Time (DAT) Vacations 1. Employees with two (2) weeks of accrued vacation may elect to schedule one of their weeks as Day-At-A-Time (DAT) vacation. Employees with three (3) or more weeks of accrued vacation may schedule two (2) weeks of DAT.
VACATIONS. 14.01 Every employee shall be entitled to an annual vacation or payment in lieu thereof, based on the date of permanent hire, as follows:
(a) An employee with less than one (1) year's service as of July 1st in any calendar year, shall be allowed paid vacation at the rate of one (1) day for each complete month of service, to a maximum of eight days, provided the employee commenced work on the first working day of the month.
(b) An employee shall be allowed two (2) weeks paid vacation in the calendar year if their first (1st) anniversary falls prior to July 1st.
(c) An employee shall be allowed three (3) weeks paid vacation in the calendar year in which their third (3rd) anniversary falls.
(d) An employee shall be allowed four (4) weeks paid vacation in the calendar year in which their tenth (10th) anniversary falls.
(e) An employee shall be allowed five (5) weeks paid vacation in the calendar year in which their seventeenth (17th) anniversary falls.
(f) An employee shall be allowed five (5) weeks plus one (1) day paid vacation in the calendar year in which their nineteenth (19) anniversary falls
(g) An employee shall be allowed five (5) weeks plus two (2) days paid vacation in the calendar year in which their twentieth (20) anniversary falls.
(h) An employee shall be allowed five (5) weeks plus three (3) days paid vacation in the calendar year in which their twenty-first (21) anniversary falls.
(i) An employee shall be allowed five (5) weeks plus four (4) days paid vacation in the calendar year in which their twenty second (22) anniversary falls.
(j) An employee shall be allowed six (6) weeks vacation in the calendar year in which their twenty third (23) anniversary falls.
14.02 Employees shall not be permitted to forego their vacation period in order to obtain pay in lieu of time off for vacation.
14.03 Vacation shall be taken during the year in which it applies, unless otherwise approved by the Director, Human Resources.
14.04 Scheduling of vacation shall be at the discretion of the Employer. Preference of scheduling for vacation shall be based on seniority, subject to the approval of the Employer.
14.05 If an employee is hospitalized or requires surgical or medical treatment which will extend into the period of the employee s planned vacation, that employee shall have the right to sign for an alternative vacation period, to be taken at a mutually agreed time.
VACATIONS. 25.01 All employees shall be entitled to vacation with pay based on length of full-time continuous service as follows:
(a) employees who have completed less than one (1) year of full-time continuous service as of June 30 in any year shall be entitled to a vacation in the amount of one (1) day for each completed calendar month of service up to June 30 to a maximum of ten (10) days;
(b) employees who have completed ten (10) or more full calendar months of full-time continuous service as of June 30th in any year shall be entitled to a vacation in the amount of two (2) weeks;
(c) in the year that the employee completes four (4) years of full-time continuous service his vacation entitlement shall change to three (3) weeks;
(d) in the year that the employee completes ten (10) years of full-time continuous service his vacation entitlement shall change to four (4) weeks;
(e) in the year that the employee completes fifteen (15) years of full-time continuous service his vacation entitlement shall change to five (5) weeks;
(f) in the year that the employee completes twenty (20) years of full-time continuous service his vacation entitlement shall change to six (6) weeks.
25.02 There shall be no carry over of vacation from one calendar year to the next.
(a) Vacation pay for each week of vacation entitlement shall be in the amount of the employee's regular weekly earnings excluding overtime or any other premium.
(b) For employee's paid on commission, vacation pay will be calculated based on the employee's regularly scheduled hours excluding overtime or other premiums, using the employee's average hourly rate where this has been calculated for the employee according to established procedures.
25.04 Vacations shall be scheduled by the Company. Employees with less than two weeks vacation entitlement must take their entitlement at one time. Employees with 4 weeks or more vacation entitlement must take their entitlement in at least two periods, no period being greater than three weeks. An employee must take at least one week of vacation at any one time.
(a) Where an employee leaves the employ of the Company, the Company reserves the right to pay outstanding vacation pay in the amount of four (4) percent of gross earnings from the previous July 1st less any amount of vacation pay previously paid. Where an employee has already received more vacation pay than that which would be payable under the above formula, the over payment shall be deducted from his last pay. If insufficie...
VACATIONS. 13.01 All employees who are regularly scheduled seventy-five (75) hours on a bi- weekly basis shall receive vacations with pay based on length of full-time continuous service as follows:
(a) Employees who have completed less than one (1) year of full-time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home [June 30]) shall be entitled to a vacation on the basis of 1.25 days for each completed month of service with pay in the amount of six percent (6%) of gross earnings.
(b) Employees who have completed one (1) or more years of full-time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home [June 30]) shall be entitled to an annual vacation of three (3) weeks at their current rate.
(c) Employees who have completed three (3) or more years of full-time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home [June 30]) shall be entitled to an annual vacation of four (4) weeks at their current rate.
(d) Employees who have completed fifteen (15) or more years of full- time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home [June 30]) shall be entitled to an annual vacation of five (5) weeks at their current rate.
(e) Employees who have completed twenty-three (23) years or more of full-time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home [June 30]) shall be entitled to an annual vacation of six (6) weeks at their current rate. Effective October 25, 2021, employees who have completed twenty- two (22) years or more of full-time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home [June 30]) shall be entitled to an annual vacation of six (6) weeks at their current rate.
(f) Employees who have completed twenty-five (25) years or more of full-time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home [June 30]) shall be entitled to an annual vacation of seven (7) weeks at their current pay. If an employee who is regularly scheduled seventy-five (75) hours on a bi- weekly basis, works less than 1500 hours in the vacation year, they shall receive vacation pay as a percentage of gross earnings in accordance with Article 13.02 below.
13.02 All employees who are regularly scheduled less than seventy...
VACATIONS. 13.01 All employees who are regularly scheduled seventy-five (75) hours on a bi- weekly basis shall receive vacations with pay based on length of full-time continuous service as follows:
(a) Employees who have completed less than one (1) year of full time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home [July 1st]) shall be entitled to a vacation on the basis of 1.25 days for each completed month of service with pay in the amount of six percent (6%) of gross earnings.
(b) Employees who have completed one (1) or more years of full-time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home [July 1st]) shall be entitled to an annual vacation of three (3) weeks at their current rate.
(c) Employees who have completed three (3) or more years of full-time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home [July 1st]) shall be entitled to an annual vacation of four (4) weeks at their current rate.
(d) Employees who have completed fifteen (15) or more years of full-time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home [July 1st]) shall be entitled to an annual vacation of five (5) weeks at their current rate.
(e) Employees who have completed twenty-three (23) years or more of full- time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home [July 1st]) shall be entitled to an annual vacation of six (6) weeks at their current rate.
(f) Effective July 1, 2012, employees who have completed twenty-five (25) years or more of full-time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home [July 1st]) shall be entitled to an annual vacation of seven (7) weeks' at their current pay. If an employee who is regularly scheduled seventy-five (75) hours on a bi-weekly basis, works less than 1500 hours in the vacation year, she shall receive vacation pay as a percentage of gross earnings in accordance with Article 13.02 below.
13.02 All employees who are regularly scheduled less than seventy-five (75) hours on a bi-weekly basis, shall be entitled to vacation pay based upon the applicable percentage of their gross earnings provided in accordance with the vacation entitlement for employees who are scheduled seventy-five (75) hours on a bi- weekly basis on th...
VACATIONS. 17.01 All full-time employees shall earn and be entitled to paid vacation in accordance with the following schedule: Length of Full-Time Service Weeks After one (1) year Two (2) After five (5) years Three (3) After ten (10) years Four (4) After fifteen (15) years Five (5) After twenty (20) years Six (6)
17.02 Earned vacation shall be awarded on the employee's anniversary date but may be available for use in the calendar year beginning January. Vacation time must be used in the calendar year or it shall be forfeited. Employees who retire/separate from service who use vacation leave before their anniversary date of earned vacation shall have their final salary adjusted/reduced for such advanced vacation pay.
17.03 Vacation time shall be taken at a time approved of by the Chief, with the Chief having the right to assign vacation time in those cases where employee(s) fail to take their vacation.
17.04 An employee who has earned vacation time by reason of being employed in this Department shall be able to transfer his vacation time to another department should he elect such a transfer.
17.05 Vacation time shall not be carried over from one year to another without the express written authorization of the Employer. Any vacation time that is unused within the year granted, shall be deemed forfeited unless deemed otherwise by the Chief and Mayor except as provided by Section 17.09. However, upon completion of twenty (20) years service, an employee may reserve up to two (2) weeks of vacation per year, not to exceed ten (10) weeks, to be paid out upon retirement.
17.06 Any employee of the Employer who was hired prior to March 1, 1997, and earned vacation time from being employed by the State of Ohio or any other political subdivision of the State of Ohio and who has become employed by the Employer within ten (10) years from his termination from such other public employer, shall be allowed to transfer his length of full-time service credit to his length of full-time service credit with the Employer.
17.07 An employee may use one-half (1/2) of his vacation time in single day (eight hour) increments, up to a maximum of ten (10) days. The remainder shall be used in increments of not less than five (5) days, unless otherwise approved. An employee must request use of single vacation days at least 24 hours in advance.
17.08 For all vacation requests made during the first quarter of the calendar year, rank, then seniority will govern. After that time, vacations will be sched...
VACATIONS. During the Term, the Executive shall be entitled to four weeks of vacation per calendar year, to be taken at such times and intervals as shall be determined by the Executive, subject to the reasonable business needs of the Company. The Executive may not accumulate or carry over from one calendar year to another any unused, accrued vacation time. The Executive shall not be entitled to compensation for vacation time not taken.
VACATIONS. 13.01 All employees who are regularly scheduled seventy-five (75) hours on a bi- weekly basis shall receive vacations with pay based on length of full-time continuous service as follows:
(a) Employees who have completed less than one (1) year of full time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home) shall be entitled to a vacation on the basis of 1.25 days for each completed month of service with pay in the amount of six percent (6%) of gross earnings.
(b) Employees who have completed one (1) or more years of full-time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home) shall be entitled to an annual vacation of three (3) weeks at their current rate.
(c) Employees who have completed three (3) or more years of full-time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home) shall be entitled to an annual vacation of four (4) weeks at their current rate.
(d) Employees who have completed fifteen (15) or more years of full-time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home) shall be entitled to an annual vacation of five (5) weeks at their current rate.
(e) Employees who have completed twenty-three (23) years or more of full- time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home) shall be entitled to an annual vacation of six (6) weeks at their current rate.
(f) Effective July 1, 2012, employees who have completed twenty-five (25) years or more of full-time continuous service (as of the date and methods for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Home) shall be entitled to an annual vacation of seven (7) weeks' at their current pay. If an employee who is regularly scheduled seventy-five (75) hours on a bi-weekly basis, works less than 1500 hours in the vacation year, she shall receive vacation pay as a percentage of gross earnings in accordance with Article 13.02 below.
13.02 All employees who are regularly scheduled less than seventy-five (75) hours on a bi-weekly basis, shall be entitled to vacation pay based upon the applicable percentage of their gross earnings provided in accordance with the vacation entitlement for employees who are scheduled seventy-five (75) hours on a bi- weekly basis on the following basis: 3 week entitlement – 6% 4 week entitlement – 8%...
VACATIONS. During the Term, the Executive shall be entitled to accrue paid vacation in accordance with the Company’s applicable policy.
VACATIONS. During the Term, the Executive shall be entitled to the number of vacation days in each fiscal year, and to compensation in respect of earned but unused vacation days, determined in accordance with the Corporation’s vacation program. The Executive shall also be entitled to all paid holidays given by the Corporation to its employees.