Time Off for Union Business.
(a) Leave of absence without pay shall be granted upon request for the reasons set out below unless it would unduly interrupt the Employer's operations:
(1) to an elected or appointed representative of the Union to attend conventions of the Union and bodies to which the Union is affiliated, to a maximum of 21 days per occurrence;
(2) for elected or appointed representatives of the Union to attend to union business which requires them to leave their general work area;
(3) for employees who are representatives of the Union on a bargaining committee.
(b) Long-term leave of absence without pay shall be granted to employees designated by the Union to transact union business for specific periods of not less than 21 days unless this would unduly interrupt the operation of the department. Such requests shall be made in writing sufficiently in advance to minimize disruption of the department. Employees granted such leave of absence shall retain all rights and privileges accumulated prior to obtaining such leave. Seniority shall continue to accumulate during such leave and shall apply to such provisions as annual vacations, increments and promotions.
(c) When leave of absence without pay is granted pursuant to Part (a) or (b), the leave shall be given with pay and the Union shall reimburse the Employer for salary and benefit costs, including travel time incurred, within 60 days of receipt of the invoice. It is understood that employees granted leave of absence pursuant to this clause shall receive their current rates of pay while on leave of absence. Leave of absence granted under this clause shall include sufficient travel time. The pay and benefits received by the employee and reimbursed by the Union under this article shall be based on the number of hours to which the Union indicates, in writing, the employee is entitled. This provision does not apply to employees on extended leaves of absence who are employed by the Union on a full-time basis.
(d) Leave of absence with pay and without loss of seniority will be granted to an employee called to appear as a witness before an arbitration board, provided the dispute involved the Employer. On application, the Arbitration Board may determine summarily the amount of time required for the attendance of any witness.
(e) The Union shall provide the Employer with reasonable notice to minimize disruption of the operation and shall make every reasonable effort to give a minimum of 14 days’ notice prior to the commencement o...
Time Off for Union Business. Leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority will be granted:
Time Off for Union Business a) Without Pay
i) to an elected or appointed representative of the Union to attend conventions of the Union and bodies to which the Union is affiliated;
ii) for elected or appointed representatives of the Union to attend Union business which requires them to leave their premises of employment;
iii) for employees who are representatives of the Union or a bargaining committee to attend meetings of the Bargaining Committee.
Time Off for Union Business a) Without Pay Leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority will be granted:
i) to an elected or appointed representative of the Union to attend conventions of the Union and bodies to which the Union is affiliated;
ii) for elected or appointed representatives of the Union to attend Union business which requires them to leave their premises of employment;
iii) for employees who are representatives of the Union or a bargaining committee to attend meetings of the Bargaining Committee.
b) With Pay Leave of absence with pay and without loss of seniority will be granted:
i) to employees who are representatives of the Union on the Bargaining Committee to leave their employment to carry on negotiations with the Employer;
ii) to stewards, or their alternates, to perform their duties pursuant to Section 8.01;
iii) to employees called to appear as witnesses before an Arbitration Board. It is understood that employees granted leave of absence pursuant to this Article shall receive their current rate of pay while on leave of absence with pay. Leave of absence granted under this Article shall include sufficient travel time. The Employer agrees that any of the above leaves of absence shall not be unreasonably withheld. To facilitate the administration of paragraph (a) of this section, when leave without pay is granted, the leave shall be given with pay and the Union shall reimburse the Employer for the appropriate salary costs, including travel time, incurred.
Time Off for Union Business. Leave of absence without loss of seniority will be granted:
(a) Without Pay
(1) to an elected or appointed representative of the Union to attend conventions of the Union and bodies to which the Union is affiliated;
(2) to elected or appointed representatives of the Union to attend to union business which requires them to leave their premises of employment;
(3) to employees who are representatives of the Union on a bargaining committee, to attend meetings of the Bargaining Committee;
(4) to employees called by the Union to appear as witnesses before an arbitration board or any other Labour Relations body;
(5) to stewards to maintain all bulletin boards;
(6) to employees designated by the Union to sit as observers on interview panels;
(7) to the grievor to attend an arbitration board or any other Labour Relations body;
(8) Any employee required to attend a hearing who is scheduled to work night shift prior to the hearing will be granted that shift off without pay at the employee's request. Any employee required to attend a hearing for over three hours who is scheduled to work the evening shift the day of the hearing will be granted that shift off without pay at the employee's request.
Time Off for Union Business. 9.01 Subject to Clause 9.03, time off, without loss of regular earnings, will be provided to those Employees who have been designated by the Local as authorized Local representatives to conduct official Union business for time spent:
(a) meeting with representatives of the Employer, not to exceed two (2) of a committee of six (6) members, during the formal negotiating of a Collective Agreement;
(b) by a Union Xxxxxxx for the purposes of Employee support including investigating a complaint; in discussing written grievances as outlined in the grievance procedure; and providing representation at a formal disciplinary interview, duty to accommodate meeting, or return to work meeting. Time away from the Xxxxxxx’x workplace shall be done in accordance with Clause 22.12(a);
(c) attending the Employee Management Advisory Committee meetings, with Local representation of up to six (6) in number;
(d) meeting with the Employer at formal Safety Committee meetings during normal working hours, and for meetings of the Joint Work Site Health and Safety Committee;
(e) attending Employer initiated Employee Assistance Program meetings;
(f) attending the Employer orientation sessions for new Employees;
(g) participating in other Employer initiated meetings where the Employer deems that Local representation is required.
9.02 Subject to Clause 9.03, time off, without pay, shall be provided to Union Members on the following basis:
(a) members elected as delegates to attend the Annual Convention of The Alberta Union of Provincial Employees;
(b) members designated as delegates representing the Union at Conventions of other Employee organizations;
(c) members designated to attend Union Seminars and Conferences. It is understood that, wherever possible such Seminars and Conferences will be held outside of normal working hours;
(d) members of the Union Executive Committee, to attend meetings;
(e) members of the Provincial Executive of the Union, to attend general meetings;
(f) members of the Provincial Executive Standing Committees of the Union to attend regular committee meetings;
(g) members of the Local 038 Bargaining Committee, not to exceed twelve (12) members, three days to prepare for negotiations before the formal negotiations begin;
(h) four (4) of six (6) members of the Local 038 Bargaining Committee, for time spent meeting with representatives of the Employer during the formal negotiation of a collective agreement and for Union preparatory meetings during these negotiations...
Time Off for Union Business. (a) Without pay - with reasonable written notice leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority will be granted:
(1) to an elected or appointed representative of the Union to attend conventions of the Union and bodies to which the Union is affiliated;
(2) for elected or appointed representatives of the Union to attend to union business which requires them to leave their general work area;
(3) for employees who are representatives of the Union on a bargaining committee to attend meetings of the Bargaining Committee;
(4) up to seven employees on a component bargaining committee to carry on negotiations with the Employer; however, the Components reserve the right to use up to three additional persons for technical information or advice, who shall also be covered by the provisions of this clause;
(5) to employees called by the Union to appear as witnesses before an arbitration board, the Labour Relations Board, or the Human Rights Tribunal;
(6) to employees designated to sit as an observer on a selection panel in accordance with Clause 12.1.
(b) With pay - leave of absence with basic pay and without loss of seniority will be granted to one employee per component (two employees where the component has 7,500 or more employee members) and to employees who are table officers of the BCGEU who are representatives of the Union on the Union's Main Bargaining Committee to carry on negotiations with the Employer.
(c) To facilitate the administration of this clause when leave without pay is granted, the leave shall be given with basic pay and the Union shall reimburse the Employer for salary and benefit costs, including travel time incurred. Leave of absence granted under this clause shall include sufficient travel time. The Union shall provide the Employer with reasonable notice prior to the commencement of leave under this clause. It is understood that employees granted leave of absence pursuant to this clause shall receive their current rates of pay while on leave of absence with pay. The Employer agrees that any of the above leaves of absence shall not be unreasonably withheld.
(d) The Employer shall grant, on request, leave of absence without pay:
(1) for employees selected for a full-time position with the Union for a period of one year;
(2) for an employee elected to the position of President or Treasurer of the B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union.
(3) for an employee elected to any body to which the Union is affiliated for a period of one yea...
Time Off for Union Business. (a) As operational requirements permit, leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority shall be granted:
(1) to an elected or appointed representative of the Union to attend conventions of the Union and bodies to which the Union is affiliated;
(2) for elected or appointed representatives of the Union to attend to union business which requires them to leave their general work area;
(3) for employees who are representatives of the Union on a bargaining committee to attend meetings of the Bargaining Committee;
(4) to employees called by the Union to appear as witnesses before an arbitration board or the Labour Relations Board;
(b) Leave of absence, without loss of pay and seniority, shall be granted to up to three employees who are elected to the Union Bargaining Committee while they are at formal meetings to carry on negotiations with the Employer. Overtime premiums will not be payable in relation to such leaves of absence.
(c) To facilitate the administration of this clause when leave without pay is granted, the leave shall be given with basic pay and the Union shall reimburse the Employer for salary and benefit costs, including travel time incurred. The Union shall provide the Employer with reasonable notice prior to the commencement of leave under this clause. It is understood that employees granted leave of absence pursuant to this clause shall receive their current rates of pay while on leave of absence with pay. The Employer agrees that any of the above leaves of absences shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Time Off for Union Business. 13.01 For the purposes of all “leave without pay” described under this Article, the Employer shall ensure that the Employee is paid their full salary, benefits, pension contributions and entitlements to annual increments, salary increases and continuous service. The Employer shall invoice these expenses and the Union shall pay within ninety days.
Time Off for Union Business. (a) Leave of absence without current pay and without loss of seniority, shall be granted by the Employer for:
(1) an elected or appointed union representative to attend conventions of the Union and bodies to which the Union is affiliated;
(2) an elected or appointed union representative to attend to union business which required them to leave their general work area;
(3) for employees who are representatives of the Union on the Bargaining Committee to attend meetings of the Committee;
(4) to an employee called by the Union to appear as a witness before an arbitration board.
(b) Leave of absence without loss of current pay or seniority shall be granted to union appointees who are attending and may require travel time to attend the Labour Management Committee.
(c) To facilitate the administration of union leaves without pay, the leave shall be given at current pay and the Union shall reimburse the Employer for salary and benefit costs.
(d) The Union shall provide the Employer with fourteen (14) calendar days' notice prior to the commencement of such leave. The Employer will not unreasonably withhold the granting of such leave where less than fourteen (14) calendar days' notice is given.