Student Name. XXXX and XXX
Student Name. Grade: We have read the Xxxxxx Catholic Student/Parent Handbook and agree to comply with all school rules and regulations set forth. Furthermore, we have considered the implications of the standards set by Xxxxxx Catholic and agree to support the school in following and enforcing these rules and regulations. We understand Xxxxxx Catholic’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) pertaining to computers as printed in this handbook.
Student Name. Student DoB: ………… / ………… /………… You agree:-
Student Name. Two District 15 Students
Student Name. Current Math Course(s) & Mod Grades:
Student Name. As the parent/carer of the above student, I grant permission for my child to have access to use the internet, school email and other ICT facilities at school.
Student Name. Duration of Contract: August 1, 2018 ‐ July 31st, 2019 Please select the tuition payment option based on your student’s needs Addendum A: Standard Student Teacher Ratio Addendum B: Adjusted Student Teacher Ratio Addendum C: Add Additional Academic Hours Please see addendum D to calculate the cost of multiple students. By signing this contract, you are committing to pay the tuition amount listed above during the agreed upon time range. You understand the unique educational philosophy of Cedar Hill Preparatory Academy (CHPA) compared to “traditional” schools, and you have read and understand our educational philosophy as well as the Cedar Hill Preparatory Academy Handbook. Signature of Responsible Party / Guardian Print Name Witness Date
Student Name. Grade Level:
Student Name. Bands: Agreed
Student Name. Grade Teacher By signing this agreement, I am indicating whether my child will be allowed to borrow materials from Trousdale County Elementary School Library, understanding that I will be responsible to pay for damages and lost materials as described in the Library Contract. Parents, please check ONE box then sign below. Thank you.