THE STUDENT WILL. Adhere to school system’s policies on behavior and all school-based rules, including dress as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, and adhere to guidelines for attire and behavior as recommended by the community partner.
THE STUDENT WILL. 1. Adhere to these guidelines each time the device is used at home and school.
2. Charge their 1:1 device at home nightly and bring it to school each day with a full charge (classrooms do not have the capacity to charge devices during the day).
3. Use appropriate language in all communications avoiding profanity, obscenity and offensive or inflammatory speech. Cyber bullying, including personal attacks or threats toward anyone made while using either district owned or personally owned technology, is to be reported to responsible school personnel. Communication should be conducted in a responsible, ethical and polite manner.
4. Respect the Internet filtering and security measures included on all district devises and student accounts. All student 1:1 computing devices provided by the District are configured so that Internet content is filtered both when the student is at school and when on any other public or private network.
5. Use technology only for school-related purposes during the instructional day and at home while refraining from use related to personal, commercial, or political purposes.
6. Follow copyright laws and fair use guidelines. Students should only download music, video or other content which is related to classroom assignments and which students are authorized or legally permitted to use.
7. Understand that district technology, student files, and student activity may be viewed, monitored or archived by the district at any time. You must make your 1:1 device available for inspection if requested by any administrator or teacher.
THE STUDENT WILL. As a condition of accepting employment, endorse Work-Study paychecks to the University and apply earnings to his/her account so long as there is any unpaid balance or payment plan for NCU educational costs.
THE STUDENT WILL. Undertake to work independently under the guidance of the supervisor. This includes reading widely to ensure that the literature pertinent to his/her chosen topic has been identified and consulted.
THE STUDENT WILL establish a time-line with the supervisor (and supervisory committee) to complete all elements of the required program within the regulation time period;
THE STUDENT WILL. 1. In eighth grade, review the program with his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) and sign the contract indicating intent to participate in the A.
THE STUDENT WILL. Comply with all the rules of the Xxxxxxx School District code of conduct. - Work an average of 8-20 hours per week for semester credit. - Report to the training site promptly on scheduled times and days, as mutually arranged with the employer. - NOT report to the training site on days they have been absent from school. The school and the employer need to be notified by the beginning of second hour if the student will be absent. - Follow all the rules and regulations of the employer, treat this as a learning assignment, maintain confidentiality of company information, and continue to progress in skills and aptitudes on the job. - Maintain passing grades and have no outstanding disciplinary actions against them. - Be terminated from the program and will not receive credit if the student violates the rules of the program and/or is dropped from the program because the student quits or is terminated from the work site. - Consult with the coordinating teacher about problems that may affect the students’ work site, academic progress or program participation as quickly as possible to resolve difficulties.
THE STUDENT WILL. As a condition of accepting employment, endorse Work-Study paychecks to the University and apply earnings to his/her account so long as there is any unpaid balance or payment plan for Bushnell University educational costs.
THE STUDENT WILL. Behave in an effective, safe and reliable way. Inform the Programme Provider and the GO Centre of any personal factors, health concerns (including mental health) or disabilities that may require specific adjustment(s). Attend any briefing/induction sessions given by the GO Centre or Placement Provider and familiarise themselves with any information provided before the placement begins. Inform the GO Centre of their contact details for the duration of the placement. Follow the rules, practices and processes regarding health and safety of the Programme Provider, including any training and instruction that is required. Carry out the work specified under the appropriate supervision of nominated individuals of the Programme Provider (if applicable). Inform the Programme Provider of any concerns with regard to health and safety. Report any accidents or near misses to the Programme Provider and the GO Centre as soon as possible. Inform the GO Centre if any concerns with regard to Health and Safety that have been raised with the Programme Provider are not addressed. The student is expected to ensure that they have adequate insurance cover for any additional period abroad which is not part of their programme. Insurance to cover the duration of the summer programme will be provided via Cardiff University travel insurance.
THE STUDENT WILL. Try his or her best to be successful in reading and math. • Attend Title I Family Engagement Events for reading and math throughout the year. • Bring home class newsletters, play reading and math games with families, and participate in conversations with family. • Use links from the school webpage as a supplemental resource to increase reading and math skills. • Familiarize parents with the school webpage that houses links to websites for building reading and math skills. Events for reading and math throughout the year. • Look for the class newsletter each month and play reading and math games that evoke conversation and family interaction. • Visit the school webpage for links that promote reading and math skills. • By June 2023, students will show measurable progress in ELA as evidenced by a 3% growth in all earner categories as measured by the Georgia Milestone Assessment. • By June 2023, students will show measurable progress in Mathematics as evidenced by a 3% growth in all earner categories as measured by the Georgia Milestone Assessment. Title I Family Engagement Events can build partnerships in education! ACEC School-Parent Compact for Achievement es unacuerdo que los padres, estudiantes y maestros desarrollan juntos. Pactos efectivos: • Comparta estrategias con los padres que puedan utilizar en casa. • Centrarse en las habilidades de aprendizaje de los estudiantes • Explique cómo los padres y maestros trabajarán juntos para asegurarse de que todos los estudiantes alcancen los estándares de nivel de grado. • Describa cómo los maestros ayudarán a los estudiantes a desarrollar esas habilidades usando instrucción de alta calidad. ¡Aventuras de aprendizaje divertidas para la familia! » Ven y mira lo que tus estudiantes están aprendiendo en sus¡Aula de ELA! Aprenda cómo ayudar a su hijo a tener éxito con la lectura y la escritura. Revisado 05/03/2022 Venga y vea qué tipo de estrategias y » • Comparta estrategias que los padres pueden usar en casa. • Explique cómo los maestros y los padres se comunicarán sobre el progreso del estudiante. • Describa las oportunidades para que los padres se ofrezcan como voluntarios, observen y participen en el salón de clases. Los padres, estudiantes y el personal del Complejo de Escuelas Primarias del Condado xx Xxxxxxx (ACEC) desarrollaron este Acuerdo entre la escuela y los padres basado en el rendimiento. Los maestros sugirieron estrategias de aprendizaje en el hogar y los padres agregaron ideas para hacerlas más espec...