OEM Sample Clauses

OEM. For OEM equipment, repair turnaround times are set by the OEM supplier. Aviat Networks close working relationship with OEM suppliers assures the best possible turnaround time. These times will be communicated to Customer at time of RMA issuance.
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OEM. OEM means the Original Equipment Manufacturer, including any other company involved in the manufacture and production of the Covered Asset.
OEM. Original Equipment Manufacturer; a company that manufactures products it has designed from purchased components and sells those products under the company’s brand name.
OEM. The specification for the non-customized version is “TextBridge Pro OEM Spec. V 1.2” The customizations are described below. Functional Requirements TextBridge Pro 8.0 will be able to save to the following flavors of PDF: • PDF/Image Only • PDF/Image & Text • PDF/Normal, highly suspect words • PDF/Normal, no word images • PDF/Normal, suspect word images
OEM. OEM shall defend, indemnify and hold SSI, and SSI’s officers, directors, and employees and agents harmless against any and all third party claims against SSI, including, without limitation, claims of infringement or misappropriation of intellectual property rights, arising from: (a) the OEM Products or services provided by OEM in conjunction with the OEM Products excluding the Product, or (b) OEM’s additions or changes to the Products, or use of the Products in combination with other materials not furnished by SSI or with systems, products or components not reasonably anticipated to be used with the Product or part thereof; and OEM shall pay in all such cases the costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees, finally awarded against SSI, provided that SSI: (i) timely notifies OEM of the claim, and (ii) gives OEM a copy of each communication relating to the claim, and (iii) gives OEM the authority, information, and assistance, at OEM’s expense, reasonably necessary to defend or settle the proceeding.
OEM. For purposes of this Agreement, OEM shall be the following organization at the designated address: Organization Name: Deltek Organized Under the laws of: Virginia Headquarters Address: 8280 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx 000 XxXxxx, XX 00000 Phone: (703) 000-0000 FAX: (703) 000-0000 -------------- --------------
OEM. “OEM” means original equipment manufacturer.
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OEM a. OEM shall ensure that its subgrantees understand and acknowledge conditions and potential requirements that may be placed upon Undertakings as a result of Section 106 consultation and the provisions of this Agreement. b. OEM will notify the subgrantee that a permit is required when LPC notifies FEMA that an Undertaking is subject to further LPC review. c. OEM will participate in an initial scoping meeting for the Disaster Declaration. d. OEM shall ensure that subgrantees understand that failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement and any project-specific conditions could jeopardize FEMA funding. e. OEM will notify FEMA as soon as possible of any proposed change to the approved scope of work and direct the subgrantee not to implement the changes to the proposed scope of work until any additional review required by this Agreement is complete. f. OEM shall ensure that its subgrantees are made aware that in the event of an unexpected discovery involving an Undertaking that has affected a previously unidentified historic property, human remains, or affected a known historic property in an unanticipated manner, the subgrantee will comply with Stipulation III.B, Unexpected Discoveries. g. OEM shall ensure that in its subgrant agreements, any scope of work involving ground disturbance, and resultant contracts to execute said work, provide for the protection of and notification protocols for unexpected discoveries of cultural material and human remains. h. If the Tribe assumes the role of Grantee for projects on Tribal lands, it will assume the same responsibilities as outlined in Stipulation I.B.3 of this Agreement, Roles and Responsibilities of the Signatories. C. Tribal Consultation 1. For Tribes that have assumed the responsibilities of the SHPO through appointment of a Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO) per Section 101 of the NHPA, FEMA shall consult with the THPO in lieu of the SHPO for undertakings occurring on or affecting tribal lands. 2. Where no Tribal-specific consultation agreements or protocols are in place, FEMA shall consult with affected Tribe(s) in accordance with 36 CFR Part 800. In determining who the affected Tribe(s) may be, FEMA will first establish that an Undertaking has the potential to affect historic properties with religious or cultural importance. FEMA may consult with the SHPO, affected Tribe(s), any State Tribal Agency, and access the National Park Service (NPS) Native American Consultation Database to identify Tri...
OEM. Jediným spôsobom nákupu operačného systému (OS) Windows v plnej verzií pre akademických zákazníkov je kúpiť OS spolu s hardvérom. Ide o nákup OEM systému. OEM – Microsoft Original Equipment Manufacturer - xx xxxxx so špeciálnou licenciou určený hardvérovým výrobcom. OEM licencia podmieňuje ďalší predaj OEM softvéru iba s novým počítačom. Na OEM softvér dostane kupujúci licenciu, t. j. žiaden počítač nesmie byť zakúpený bez neho, inak sa porušuje licenčná politika spoločnosti Microsoft, ak sa na ňom chcú prevádzkovať produkty tejto spoločnosti. Ide o trvalé licencie viazané na hardvér. OEM sa nesmie preniesť na nové PC, vyraďuje sa spolu s xxxxxxxxx. Microsoft Campus Agreement Campus Agreement pre VŠ v SR bol podpísaný 16. 6. 2006. Zmluva platí od 1. xxxx 2006 do 30. xxxx 2009. Podpísalo ju Ministerstvo školstva a spoločnosť Microsoft, má prívlastok národná. Zmluva je platná pre všetky verejné vysoké školy na Slovensku a nachádza sa na Ministerstve školstva k nahliadnutiu (na vyžiadanie u pani Ing. Xxxxxxxxx, bude publikovaná na webe). Financie sú vyčlenené na MŠ SR na 3 roky, prvá časť splátky je už uhradená. Campus Agreement je multilicenčný program pre vyššie a vysoké školy. Ide o netrvalé licencie – prenájom. V roku 2009 budeme mať tri možnosti: - Obnovenie zmluvy na ďalšie obdobie. - Odstránenie/odinštalovanie produktov z PC. - Odkúpenie licencií, tzn. získanie trvalých licencií. Primárne produkty Desktop Professional, ktoré sú predmetom zmluvy sú: - Upgrade Windows na najnovšie verzie. - Office Professional. - Core CAL (Windows Server CAL, Exchange Server CAL, SPS CAL, SMS CAL). Upgrade xx xxxx vždy najnovších verzií softvéru v ľubovoľnej jazykovej mutácii. Xxxxxxx xx možné používať aj staršie verzie (downgrade). Práva na nové verzie zjednodušujú nadobúdací proces a skracujú cyklus obchodných procesov, takže sa nielenže ušetrí za nadobudnutie nových verzií, ale okamžite sa môžu využiť výhody najnovšej technológie (Office System 2007, Windows Vista).
OEM you may integrate the Software in one of your software products (the “Product”). The “Product” name must be specified at the moment of the purchase. You will have a perpetual, royalty free, license to distribute the Software as integrating part of the “Product”. License fees may be different depending on the license model.
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