Normal Work Day. The normal work day shall be eight (8) hours and the normal work week shall be forty (40) hours, Monday through Friday, provided however that nothing herein shall be construed as guaranteeing any EMPLOYEE eight (8) hours of work per day or forty (40) hours per week. A single shift shall consist of eight (8) hours of continuous employment, except for unpaid lunch period, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Normal Work Day. 188. A normal work day is a tour of duty of eight (8) hours completed within not more than nine (9) hours. 189. If an alternative work day of either ten (10) or twelve (12) hours is, or has been, established by mutual agreement, the shift shall be considered normal for the affected employees.
Normal Work Day. The normal workday for employees covered by this Agreement shall consist of eight (8) hours and shall include a duty-free lunch period of thirty (30) minutes.
Normal Work Day. A normal work day shall consist of eight (8) hours’ work to be completed within eight and one-half (8½) consecutive hours, nine (9) hours’ work to be completed within nine and one-half (9½) consecutive hours, ten (10) hours’ work to be completed within ten and one-half (10½) consecutive hours or twelve (12) hours’ work to be completed within twelve and one-half (12½) consecutive hours. The normal work day may include scheduled shifts of less than eight (8) hours in duration when determined to be necessary for a particular clinical service.
Normal Work Day. The normal work day shall be 8 hours of paid time, consisting of 7- 3/4 consecutive hours of work, excluding and allowing for an additional 45 minute lunch period, of which 15 minutes is paid time.
Normal Work Day. The normal workday will consist of twelve (12) hours of work to be completed within twelve and one-half (12 1/2) consecutive hours.
Normal Work Day. Week - The normal working day for custodial and maintenance employees is considered to be eight (8) hours. The normal work week is five (5) days. Week definition: Sunday midnight to Sunday midnight.
Normal Work Day. The hours normally required for an employee to work any one-day or one shift.
Normal Work Day. Except in the case of necessary appearances in court and emergency special duty assignments, the normal day for a Command Officer will be eight hours. A Command Officer who is scheduled to work on a holiday will be paid time and one-half his regular rate and a Command Officer who is scheduled to be off work on a holiday and is then required to work on that holiday will be paid at double his regular rate. Command Officers assigned to a watch will be required to report for roll call fifteen minutes prior to their scheduled shift. Those Command Officers will continue to receive a lunch period at a time during the shift as approved by the supervising officer. If, due to an emergency, no lunch period can be scheduled, fifteen minutes of overtime pay will be granted.
Normal Work Day. The immediate supervisor will determine the normal work day according to the particular needs of the job site. One and one-half times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay shall be paid for all work performed in excess of forty (40) hours per week. Overtime shall not be allowed without the approval of the immediate supervisor.