More Time Needed If the Engineer determines or reasonably anticipates that the work authorized in a work authorization cannot be completed before the specified completion date, the Engineer shall promptly notify the State. The State may, at its sole discretion, extend the work authorization period by execution of supplemental authorization, using the form attached hereto as Attachment D. F-2. Changes in Scope. Changes that would modify the scope of the work authorized in a work authorization must be enacted by a written supplemental work authorization. The Engineer must allow adequate time for the State to review and approve any request for a time extension prior to expiration of the work authorization. If the change in scope affects the amount payable under the work authorization, the Engineer shall prepare a revised work authorization budget for the State's approval.
Upload of Current W-9 Required Vendors are required by TIPS to upload a current, accurate W-9 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Tax Form for your entity. This form will be utilized by TIPS to properly identify your entity. You must confirm that you are responding to this solicitation under your legal entity name. Go now to your Supplier Profile in this eBid System and confirm that your profile reflects your "Legal Name" as it is listed on your W9.
Make-up Time An employee may elect, with the consent of the employer, to work make-up time under which the employee takes time off during ordinary hours, and works those hours at a later time, during the spread of ordinary hours provided in the Agreement.
Union Release Time Subject to the operational needs of the Department, the appointing authority may grant to elected officers or appointed representatives of the Union time off for union activities not to exceed ten days (80 hours per fiscal year) in the aggregate as provided below. Effective the start of the pay period following Council approval of this MOU, the maximum number of hours in a fiscal year shall be 360 in the aggregate. Management shall not grant release time to more than one employee at a time in a work unit (i.e. region) in the Department of Recreation and Parks, and no more than one employee per department for the Zoo and El Pueblo under this Article. A. The Union shall submit a written request for release of an employee to that employee’s Department Management, which shall include the balance of the aggregate hours of release time remaining in the fiscal year for the Unit as a whole, at least 21 calendar days prior to the effective release date, specifying the starting and ending dates of release. The Union shall provide a copy of said request to the City Administrative Officer. The employee shall fill out any necessary paperwork required by Management for his/her release. B. Employees shall be paid their current salary by the City while they are performing these duties for the Union. C. Employees shall retain all of their existing benefits, including, but not limited to medical, dental, deferred compensation plan, retirement benefits and seniority accrual in their civil service class. D. The Union shall reimburse the City for all salary and benefits costs incurred as a result of release time, including but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, compensated time off, retirement, short-term disability, life insurance, medical, dental and workers’ compensation. The benefits cost shall be based on the rates established by the City Administrative Officer as contained in the City Budget in effect during the period of release time, and the cost of other benefits approved by the Joint Labor-Management Benefits Committee that become effective during this period. E. Payment of any overtime worked while on release time shall be the responsibility of the Union. F. The Union shall make quarterly payments to the Controller of all reimbursable costs identified in Section D. above. G. Employees on release time shall submit weekly timesheets signed by the employee and the Union (Executive Director or his/her designee) to their respective Departmental Personnel Director specifying the number of hours worked and use of any sick leave, vacation time or compensated time off. H. Injuries incurred while on Union release time shall not qualify for IOD or workers’ compensation benefits. I. The employee must have passed probation in his/her current class to be eligible for release time. J. The Union shall indemnify, defend and hold the City and its officers and employees harmless against any and all claims, suits, demands or other forms of liability that might arise out of or result from any action taken by an employee in the service of the Union. K. The City Administrative Officer shall maintain a list of employees who have been approved for release time and the approved duration.
Show Up Time An employee who reports to work in the usual manner without having been notified that there is no work available and is sent home because of lack of work before having worked four (4) hours shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours pay at their prevailing hourly rate. The employee shall also receive their full accommodation allowance if and when applicable. Each employee must inform the Employer of a means of being contacted on short notice. If an attempt is made by the Employer at least two (2) hours before the employee’s shift commences by way of the contact information provided, in an effort to inform the employee of a lack of work, and the Employer is unable to do so, the employee will not be entitled to show up time.
Response Times Qubit bases its response times and the actions it takes to resolve problems on an assessment of the impact of the reported technical issue. The more serious the impact, the higher the assigned priority. For all support issues relating to Customer, Qubit will respond in accordance with Table 1: P1 1 hour 4 hours P2 1 hour 8 hours P3 4 hours 72 hours P4 1 business day Next or a later major release **The Priority Levels are defined in Section II(2) below.
RDDS update time Refers to the time measured from the reception of an EPP confirmation to a transform command on a domain name, host or contact, up until the servers of the RDDS services reflect the changes made.
Period of Notice Less than 1 year 1 week 1 year and less than 3 years 2 weeks 3 years and less than 5 years 3 weeks 5 years and over 4 weeks
Release Time a. Each mentor teacher shall be granted release time for direct mentoring activities. Release time shall be separate from any other release time covered under this agreement and shall be coordinated by the building administrator.
Paid Release Time Union stewards and officers will be granted a reasonable amount of time during their normal working hours to investigate and process grievances in accordance with Article 30,