Student Conduct. Students are required to adhere to School District and College policies, procedures, and regulations regarding facilities and equipment usage and both School District and College codes of student conduct as well as the Alamo Colleges District Student Responsibility for Success Policy. All disciplinary action, including suspension and dismissal from the College, shall be in conformity with the Codes of student conduct of the Parties. All Students will be provided access to the Alamo Colleges District eCatalog, Student Code of Conduct, Student Handbook, and Title IX / Clery Act materials in the same manner as all other students enrolled in the College. For additional information on the College student conduct policies, please refer to the College’s Catalog at xxxxx:// In the event of a conflict between the policies of School District and College, the Parties will collaborate to resolve any conflict. The School District and the College will inform one another of complaints against a Student. The party which receives a complaint of non-academic misconduct may investigate the complaint and reach a decision on responsibility for violations of the applicable student code of conduct, but must notify the other party of sanctions before they are issued. Students who are in violation of policies and codes of conduct will, where appropriate, return to the School District’s high school, if any, and will not be allowed to return to any College facility. The Parties will cooperate fully with each other in any investigation involving student misconduct or conduct that threatens or potentially threatens the safety of others and the college campus. The Parties will cooperate fully with each other as necessary in all matters pertaining to complaints, grievances and appeals regarding student conduct issues. The definition of “cooperation” includes providing access to students or other persons who may be witnesses or persons with knowledge of relevant facts. Students may be sanctioned the same as other post-secondary College students and may be subject to exclusion from the College campus and College properties. The Alamo Colleges District board policy F.4.5 states that Students who violate federal or state statutes, the Student Code of Conduct, Alamo Colleges District policy, or other applicable requirements related to alcohol and drug use shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Such disciplinary action m...
Student Conduct. P-TECH Students are required to adhere to School District and College policies, procedures, and regulations regarding facilities and equipment usage and both School District and College codes of student conduct as well as the Alamo Colleges District Student Responsibility for Success Policy. All disciplinary action, including suspension and dismissal from P-TECH, shall be in conformity with the Codes of student conduct of the Parties. All P-TECH Students will be provided access to the Alamo Colleges District eCatalog, Student Code of Conduct, Student Handbook, and Title IX / Clery Act materials in the same manner as all other students enrolled in the College. For additional information on the College student conduct policies, please refer to the College’s Course Catalog at xxxxx:// In the event of a conflict between the policies of School District and College, the Parties will collaborate to resolve any conflict. The School District and the College will inform one other of complaints against a P-TECH Student. The party which receives a complaint of non-academic misconduct may investigate the complaint and reach a decision on responsibility for violations of the applicable student code of conduct but must notify the other party of sanctions before they are issued. Students who are in violation of policies and codes of conduct will, where appropriate, return to the School District’s high school, if any, and will not be allowed to return to the P-TECH on the college campus. The Parties will cooperate fully with each other in any investigation involving student misconduct or conduct that threatens or potentially threatens the safety of others and the college campus, including the P-TECH buildings. The Parties will cooperate fully with each other as necessary in all matters pertaining to complaints, grievances and appeals regarding student conduct issues. The definition of “cooperation” includes providing access to students or other persons who may be witnesses or persons with knowledge of relevant facts, including location of event and relevant facts. P-TECH Students may be sanctioned the same as other College students and may be subject to exclusion from the college campus and college properties. The Alamo Colleges District board policy F.4.5 states that Students who violate federal or state statutes, the Student Code of Conduct, College District policy, or other applicable requirements related to alco...
Student Conduct. HMI has high expectations for student conduct and behavior. Upon arrival, students will participate in an orientation and will discuss the nature of the Program community, rules and standards of conduct and student responsibilities within the Program community. HMI discusses community rules, norms and expectations with students intermittently throughout the Program in various settings, and includes information on these subjects in pre-course and written materials. The student must agree to abide by the standards of conduct that support the goals of the Program. The success of the community depends upon the full and positive participation of all members. The following eight School Rules are expellable offenses: ● Plagiarizing, cheating, or lying ● Stealing ● Willful destruction of property ● Use or possession of alcohol or drugs ● Harassment, bullying, hateful or negative speech of any kind ● Being in “Unknown locations” ● Sexual activity, specifically intercourse ● Use or possession of tobacco products Parent/s authorize HMI, and/or parties it designates, to photograph, film, record and/or otherwise capture the student, parent/s or other family member/s name, image, voice, verbal or written statement/s (including quotations from conversations and correspondence), photograph and/or visual likeness (collectively “images”) and use those images in any media throughout the world, in perpetuity, including for broadcast, sale, reproduction or display on the internet (including the HMI website or other internet sites), or in motion pictures, audio or video recordings, HMI catalogues, marketing presentations and/or other form for any informational, promotional or educational purpose without compensation to student, parent/s or other family member/s. HMI owns these images and the student and parent/s waive any inspection or approval rights.
Student Conduct. 2.1 The continued enrolment of the Student is dependent on their behaviour being in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and the School’s policies, rules and regulations, as amended from time to time, including those which form part of the Enrolment Agreement. Disciplinary action
2.2 Parent(s) agree to support the School in lawful disciplinary actions undertaken by the School which the School deems as appropriate to modify, address and/or deal with the Student’s behaviour and/or conduct.
2.3 The School reserves the right to discipline the Student, including for out of hours behaviour that may affect themselves, other students or staff or unduly damage the reputation or property of the School.
2.4 Student misconduct, bullying and harassment, breaches of the Student Code of Conduct and breaches of School Policies are subject to disciplinary action by the School in accordance with the School’s Behavioral Expectations Policy. Parent(s) / Guardian(s) are expected to read the Student Code of Conduct and the Behavioral Expectations Policy with their child to ensure awareness and understanding of the School’s expectations and to support the implementation of these rules and requirements. Search of Student’s Belongings
2.5 Where it is considered necessary, for example, where the Student Code of Conduct may have been breached, the School may authorise an appropriate School staff member to conduct a search of any of the Student’s private belongings that have been brought onto the School’s premises or to a School function or activity, including the Student’s school bag, electronic devices or locker, and may authorise a search of the Student’s person or direct that their pockets or clothing be emptied. Suspension and Expulsion
2.6 Where there are serious breaches of the Student Code of Conduct or School policy, a Student may be summarily suspended, pending a final decision regarding possible expulsion. A meeting with the Student and the Student’s Parent(s) will be convened as soon as is practicable to discuss the matter.
2.7 If suspended, the Student shall not enter upon any of the School’s grounds for any purpose during the period of suspension without the express permission of the Head or their delegate and shall be the sole responsibility of the Parent(s) during such period.
2.8 During any period of suspension, the Parent(s) will be required to continue paying all School Fees.
2.9 In the event that a Student is expelled from the School, the current term’s tui...
Student Conduct. All students, including dual credit students, may be subject to disciplinary action (which can range from verbal or written warning to suspension and expulsion from the College) because of their behavior on campus or in any college course. South Plains College reserves the right to remove students who do not adhere to the institutional code of conduct from their courses if a student’s actions warrant administrative involvement. Please see the Student Rights and Responsibilities & Student Conduct sections of the College’s Student Guide. The College’s Student guide can be found on the College website under “Online Publications.”
Student Conduct. A. The provisions of Sections 41301 and 41302 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations (Appendix A.), which relate to student conduct on campus, are applicable to the on-campus housing communities. Licensees not in compliance with University Housing Policies and and/or Title 5 regulations may be subject to University disciplinary action and/or eviction from the University Housing complex. Eviction due to disciplinary action can result in the Licensee owing the amount due under the full Fee Period of the license.
B. Parental/guardian notification will be made when a resident is at risk of having their housing license terminated due to violating the provisions of Section 41301 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations or University Housing Policies. No details about the violations will be shared with parent/guardian unless the licensee has signed a Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) release. This notification is made to ensure that a resident and their parent/guardian is aware of potential termination of the license agreement and the potential that the Licensee may owe the amount due under the full Fee Period of the license.
Student Conduct. 1. Dual credit students will be subject to MCC student conduct rules, policies and procedures as set forth in the MCC Highlander Guide (Student Handbook) while on the MCC campus and/or while in attendance at MCC classes. Students may also be subject to ISD student conduct policies as determined by the ISD.
2. Failure to comply with MCC conduct policies may result in dismissal of the student from MCC courses.
3. MCC and the partner ISD will cooperate in disciplinary issues to the extent possible. When not possible, each institution may impose separate student penalties according to its own policies and practices in matters related to discipline and academic integrity.
4. Disciplinary issues will be reported and addressed according to published college policy. ISD employees who are not also employed by MCC may contact the MCC Conduct Office or the High School Pathways office for guidance in reporting an issue.
5. The ISD will notify MCC of student behavioral issues that would impact a dual credit course, particularly in regards to matters concerning student safety. Please refer to section XXVIII Campus Assessment Response and Evaluation (C.A.R.E.)
Student Conduct. The provisions of Sections 41301 and 41302 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations, which relates to student conduct on campus, are applicable to the on-campus housing community. Residents not in compliance with Housing and Title 5 regulations may be subject to University disciplinary action and/or eviction from the housing complex. Eviction due to disciplinary action can result in the Licensee owing the amount due under the full fee period of the license.
Student Conduct a. Licensee agrees to comply with DHRE policies, regulations, and procedures included as part of this agreement, the Resident Handbook, and any subsequent amendments. Detailed policies can be found in the Resident Handbook.
Student Conduct. Please refer to Point Blank’s Student Disciplinary Procedure Policy and Student Charter.