KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY. If an employee is killed while performing the employee’s authorized, assigned job duties, the employee’s surviving spouse, or secondarily, the estate, shall be paid for one hundred percent (100%) of the value of the employee's accrued but unused sick leave, at the straight time rate in effect at the time of death. The amount so paid shall constitute payment in full for all accrued and unused sick leave credited to the employee.
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KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY. When a police officer is killed in the line of duty, the City of East Providence will pay for the normal and customary funeral expenses associated with such a death as approved by the Chief of Police in consultation with the IBPO president.
KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY. The Board and the College agree to defray any and all reasonable Funeral and Burial Expenses for any Campus Police Officer Killed in the Line of Duty. The Board and the College agree to provide the Officer's Spouse and minor Dependents, educational courses available at the College at no cost whatsoever. The Board and the College agree to provide the Officer's Spouse and minor Dependents one (1) twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) cash settlement total if a Campus Police Officer is killed in the line of duty.
KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY. The Employer shall defray all remaining reasonable funeral and burial expenses which are not paid from some other source for any bargaining unit member killed in the line of duty, to a maximum of $5,000.
KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY. The City agrees to comply with the terms of the Public Safety Employees Benefits Act ILCS 320/10, as amended from time to time. In addition, the City agrees to pay all reasonable funeral expenses for any police officer who is killed in the line of duty.
KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY. Effective July 1, 1999, survivors and eligible dependents of employees who are killed in the line of duty, or employees who die while on-duty and while actively engaged on the street in a field operation, or employees who die while on-duty as a result of a physical altercation, shall receive the gross weekly salary of the aforementioned employee (including any increases to the employee’s classification through the collective bargaining process) as though the deceased employee were still a current employee of the City. In the event the surviving spouse and/or dependent child/children, as the case may be, apply for and receive weekly benefits under Connecticut General Statute 31-306, said benefits shall be set off against the gross weekly salary as set forth above; provided that any Federal and/or state income tax withholding will be applied only to the difference between the gross weekly salary and the weekly benefit under Connecticut General Statute 31-306. This benefit shall be provided for the life of the surviving spouse, until such time as the spouse dies or remarries. In the case of a dependent child/children being the sole survivor(s), this benefit shall be provided until they reach age nineteen (19) or if a bona-fide student until age twenty-four (24). The receipt of this benefit (i.e. gross weekly salary) does not create an employment contract or employment relationship between the recipient/recipients and the City of Hartford.
KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY. The City of Madison Heights shall assume the full cost of hospitalization insurance for a spouse and any other minor children under the age of 18 of a non-probationary employee (i.e. not a new employee as described in Article 1, Section 2 and 4 of the contract) killed in the line of duty. An employee killed in the line of duty shall mean one who dies as a direct result of an accident while engaged in the performance of his/her duties. The hospitalization insurance shall be the least expensive City plan available as of the time of the employee’s death; however, the surviving spouse may, at his/her option, pay the full cost of the difference between the least expensive and more expensive plans in order to receive the more expensive plan. The City’s obligation to provider hospitalization insurance for the spouse and minor children under age 18 as provided herein shall terminate upon the earliest of the following conditions:
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KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY. The City of Madison Heights shall assume the full cost of hospitalization insurance for a spouse and any other minor children under the age of 18 of a non-probationary employee (i.e. not a new employee as described in Article 1, Section 2 and 4 of the contract) killed in the line of duty. An employee killed in the line of duty shall mean one who dies as a direct result of an accident while engaged in the performance of his/her duties. The hospitalization insurance shall be the least expensive City plan available as of the time of the employee’s death. The City’s obligation to provide hospitalization insurance for the spouse and minor children under age 18 as provided herein shall terminate upon the earliest of the following conditions:


  • COUNTY NOT OBLIGATED TO THIRD PARTIES County shall not be obligated or liable hereunder to any party other than Contractor.

  • Illness in the Immediate Family ‌ An employee may use up to one-half of his or her annual sick leave allocation in any calendar year in the event of illness or a spouse, child, parent, or domestic partner. At the City's request the employee will provide satisfactory evidence of the facts justifying such absence.

  • RESIDENCY RIGHTS NEITHER SHARABLE NOR TRANSFERABLE BY RESIDENTS Residence accommodations, including bedroom space, shared common areas (such as living rooms and bathrooms) and shared community facilities (such as floor community rooms and laundries) may only be occupied by the resident to whom the room is assigned. Residence accommodations shall not be shared with any other individual not officially assigned to that residence by UCF DHRL, and may not be sublet, assigned, or in any way transferred by the Student.

  • PROVISIONAL AGREEMENT RESULTING FROM INTERINSTITUTIONAL NEGOTIATIONS Subject: Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Pan- European Personal Pension Product (PEPP) (COM(2017)0343 – C8-0219/2017 – 2017/0143(COD)) The interinstitutional negotiations on the aforementioned proposal for a regulation have led to a compromise. In accordance with Rule 69f(4) of the Rules of Procedure, the provisional agreement, reproduced below, is submitted as a whole to the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs for decision by way of a single vote. AG\1177088EN.docx PE634.848v01-00 EN United in diversity EN REGULATION (EU) 2019/... OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of ... on a pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP) (Text with EEA relevance) THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 114 thereof, Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission, After transmission of the draft legislative act to the national parliaments, Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee1, Acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure2,

  • Traveling Teachers 1. Each traveling teacher shall be given a minimum of fifteen (15) minutes to travel from one building to another. The fifteen (15) minutes shall come from the total student contact time of the traveling teacher.

  • Assistance by COUNTY STAFF 1.3.1. COUNTY shall assign an appropriate staff member to work with A-E in connection with the work of this CONTRACT. Said staff member's duties will consist of the giving of advice and consultations, assisting A-E in negotiations with other public agencies and private parties, miscellaneous items which in the judgment of A-E or COUNTY's staff warrant attention, and all other duties as may be described in Attachment A.

  • Engagement of the TAM Representative Outside of Red Hat Standard Business Hours If you have purchased Premium Red Hat Software Subscriptions, you will receive 24x7 Support for Severity 1 and 2 issues through Red Hat’s 24x7 Production Support teams and not necessarily from your assigned TAM representative. Red Hat’s 24x7 Production Support team will be responsible for addressing issues, but will consult with your TAM representative, as your TAM representative is available, for advice and to gain a better understanding of your infrastructure, environment and specific needs. If you have purchased multiple TAM Service Subscriptions in each of Red Hat’s primary Support Regions, you will receive the benefit of extended TAM Service coverage hours, but you should follow the same process and contact the Red Hat 24x7 support numbers at xxxxx://

  • File Management and Record Retention relating to CRF Eligible Persons or Households Grantee must maintain a separate file for every applicant, Eligible Person, or Household, regardless of whether the request was approved or denied.

  • Teaching Staff Assigned to More Than One Building Each Educator who is assigned to more than one building will be evaluated by the appropriate administrator where the individual is assigned most of the time. The principal of each building in which the Educator serves must review and sign the evaluation, and may add written comments. In cases where there is no predominate assignment, the superintendent will determine who the primary evaluator will be.

  • Sole purpose of the Concessionaire The Concessionaire having been set up for the sole purpose of exercising the rights and observing and performing its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement, the Concessionaire or any of its subsidiaries shall not, except with the previous written consent of the Authority, be or become directly or indirectly engaged, concerned or interested in any business other than as envisaged herein.

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