Straight Time Rate. Where the basic workweek is 37 1/2 hours, the first 2 1/2 hours of overtime will be compensated as follows:
a. Non-exempt employees shall be entitled to overtime pay at straight time.
b. Exempt employees shall, at the discretion of the Employer, be paid overtime at straight time or given compensatory time off.
Straight Time Rate. The hourly rate from “Schedule A” assigned to the particular classification held by the employee.
Straight Time Rate. 1. Regular rural carriers – The annual salary for a 40-hour evaluated route (Table One) divided by 2,080, for substitute rural carriers and those carriers appointed as rural carrier associates prior to November 21, 2010.
2. Regular rural carriers – The annual salary for a 40-hour evaluated route (Table Two) divided by 2,080, for those carriers appointed as rural carrier associates on or after November 21, 2010.
3. Part-time flexible rural carriers appointed as rural car- rier associates prior to November 21, 2010, substitute and auxiliary carriers – The annual salary for a 40-hour evaluated route (Table One) divided by 2,000.
4. Part-time flexible rural carriers appointed as rural car- rier associates on or after November 21, 2010 – The annual salary for a 40-hour evaluated route (Table Two) divided by 2,000.
5. Rural carrier associates and rural carrier relief employ- ees on the rolls prior to August 24, 1991 — See RCA/ RCR Schedules (Table Three) on page 173.
6. Rural carrier associates hired from August 24, 1991 through August 10, 2012 — See RCA/RCR Schedules (Table Three) on page 173.
7. Rural carrier associates hired on or after August 11, 2012 – See RCA/ARC Wage Rates (Table Four) on page 173.
Straight Time Rate of Pay shall mean the hourly rate as shown on the attached pay scale without any wage “augments”.
Straight Time Rate. 9.25.1 StraightTime Rate is the basic rate plus premiums or differentials when applicable.
Straight Time Rate. 1. Regular rural carrier —The annual salary for a 40- hour evaluated route divided by 2,080.
2. Part-time flexible rural carriers, substitute and auxil- iary carriers —The annual salary for a 40-hour eval- uated route divided by 2,000.
3. Rural carrier associates and rural carrier relief employees on the rolls prior to August 24, 1991— See RCA/RCR Schedules on page 76.
4. Rural carrier associates hired beginning August 24, 1991 — See RCA/RCR Schedules on page 76.
Straight Time Rate. Except as otherwise specified in this Agreement, an employee shall be paid the straight time rate of pay for his designated job classification for all time for which the employee is entitled to compensation pursuant to a provision of this Agreement. The straight time rate of pay for each job classification is specified in Appendix I attached hereto and considered in all respects to be a part of this Agreement.
Straight Time Rate. The employee's basic rate of pay plus effective premiums and/or differentials, but excluding premiums or differentials which equal one-half the basic rate of pay.
Straight Time Rate. The hourly rate established by the Joint Arbitration Board for the respective job classification.
Straight Time Rate. 1. Regular rural carriers – The annual salary for a 40-hour evaluated route (Table One) divided by 2,080, for sub- stitute rural carriers and those carriers appointed as rural carrier associates prior to November 21, 2010.
2. Regular rural carriers – The annual salary for a 40-hour evaluated route (Table Two) divided by 2,080, for those carriers appointed as rural carrier associates on or after November 21, 2010.
3. Part-time flexible rural carriers appointed as rural car- rier associates prior to November 21, 2010, substitute rural carriers – The annual salary for a 40-hour evalu- ated route (Table One) divided by 1,992.