Police Officer. Employees upon the completion of the probationary period shall be classified as police officers and will be known as permanent employees. Their training and probationary periods shall then be counted for purposes of determining their entitlement to all fringe benefits, as well as their continuous service date in the event of layoff. The Association shall be the exclusive bargaining agent to address a new police class. This is to occur at some time between the 130th and 150th days of their employment while they are in attendance at the police academy, for the purpose of informing new employees of the existence of the Association and their functions as representatives of employees.
Police Officer. Lateral Hires. Initial placement on the wage schedule for Police Officers with prior law enforcement experience shall be made pursuant to Section 13.08. Thereafter, eligibility for subsequent step progression shall be as established in subparagraph (c), below.
Police Officer. Dispatcher I
Police Officer. The term Police Officer as used in this MOU shall refer to all positions and assignments covered by this MOU.
Police Officer. Total time in classification will be used for determining assignments for those items covered by seniority bid, i.e., vacation, days-off, and shift assignments, etc. Special assignments within the Police Officer classification shall not interrupt total seniority in classification.
Police Officer. A. Step A: Straight time rate at which a police officer shall be hired shall be as shown on the attached pay schedule. Lateral police officers may be hired at other than step A depending on previous length of service and experience. All provisions of this article, 17.2 shall apply accordingly.
B. Step B: Upon satisfactory completion of the first year's service, the straight time rate of pay for a lateral officer shall be as shown on the pay schedule. Upon satisfactory completion of the FTO period entry level officers will receive their first formal performance evaluation and the straight time rate of pay shall be as shown on the pay schedule. The date the officer successfully concludes the field training process will serve as the officer’s anniversary date for subsequent pay steps and annual evaluations.
C. Step C: Upon satisfactory completion of one year's service at Step B as evidenced by a performance evaluation with an overall rating of “Good Work” or above the straight time rate of pay shall be as shown on the pay schedule.
D. Step D: Upon satisfactory completion of one year’s service at Step C as evidenced by a performance evaluation with an overall rating of “Good Work” or above the straight time rate of pay shall be as shown on the pay schedule.
E. Step E: Upon satisfactory completion of one year’s service at Step D as evidenced by a performance evaluation with an overall rating of “Good Work” or above the straight time rate of pay shall be as shown on the pay schedule.
Police Officer. The "A" Step shall be the hire rate for Police Officer. A member shall be advanced by the City to the "B" Step effective on the anniversary of the member’s completion of one (1) year of service. Thereafter, advancement to Step "C", "D" and "E" shall occur by completion of succeeding years of service, such that a member shall be placed in "E" Step after completion of four (4) years of service. Step advancement shall be automatic from year to year, unless the Safety Director delays any step advancement for no more than a one (1) year period due to unsatisfactory service on the part of the member. Should any Step advancement be delayed, the member has the right to appeal the Safety Director's decision by filing a grievance directly with the Mayor at Step 4 of the Grievance Procedure within ten
Police Officer. Original appointments from employment lists for the classification of Police Officer shall be tentative and subject to a probationary period of two (2) years of actual service with the City of Berkeley. Lateral appointments shall be tentative and subject to a probationary period of eighteen (18) months of actual service with the City of Berkeley.
Police Officer. An Officer who is qualified in accordance with 7-32-4108, MCA, and remain employed after the end of his or her probationary period shall be deemed a “Police Officer”.
Police Officer. 1. Seniority for a Police Officer shall be based on the total length of time of continuous service with the City of Huntington Park.
a) This includes the twelve (12) months first served as a Police Officer Xxxxxxx and then the six (6) months as a Probationary Police Officer and the total time served shall not exceed eighteen (18) months. The original date of hire for the purpose of seniority in the class of Police Officer shall begin on the initial hire date of Police Officer Trainee.
b) An employee hired directly into the classification of Police Officer shall serve a twelve (12) month probationary period. The original date of hire for the purpose of seniority in the class of Police Officer shall begin on the initial hire date of the probationary period for Police Officer.
c) An employee hired directly as a Lateral Police Officer shall serve a twelve