Article 1 definition

Article 1 means Article 1 of the Joint Powers Act, commencing with Section 6500. “Article 2” means Article 2 of the Joint Powers Act, commencing with Section 6540. “Article 4” means Article 4 of the Joint Powers Act, commencing with Section 6584.
Article 1. The term of the Lease is hereby extended six (6) months commencing January 1, 1998 ("Commencement Date") and ending June 30, 1998.
Article 1. Definition: For purposes of this Contract, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly requires otherwise: (1) “Personal information handler” refers to organizations and individuals who decide on their own the purposes and methods of processing in the course of personal information processing activities and who provide personal information outside the People's Republic of China. (2) “Overseas recipient” refers to organizations and individuals outside the People's Republic of China who receive personal information from personal information handlers.

Examples of Article 1 in a sentence

  • Upon no less than ten (10) calendar days notice (unless otherwise agreed to by Registry Operator), ICANN may, as part of any contractual compliance audit, conduct site visits during regular business hours to assess compliance by Registry Operator with its representations and warranties contained in Article 1 of this Agreement and its covenants contained in Article 2 of this Agreement.

  • This provision shall, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 1, also apply to persons who are not residents of one or both of the Contracting States.

  • ICANN may from time to time (not to exceed twice per calendar year) conduct, or engage a third party to conduct, contractual compliance audits to assess compliance by Registry Operator with its representations and warranties contained in Article 1 of this Agreement and its covenants contained in Article 2 of this Agreement.

  • Notwithstanding Section 2.11(a), if Registry Operator is found not to be in compliance with its representations and warranties contained in Article 1 of this Agreement or its covenants contained in Article 2 of this Agreement in two consecutive audits conducted pursuant to this Section 2.11, ICANN may increase the number of such audits to one per calendar quarter.

  • Whenever used in this Agreement with initial capitalization, the following terms shall have the meanings specified in this Article 1.

More Definitions of Article 1

Article 1. Victims' means those who individually or collectively, have suffered harm including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their fundamental rights, through acts or omissions
Article 1. This agreement shall provide the requirements for smooth implementation of Hokkaido’s supply of goods in cooperation with Costco in the case that a large-scale disaster has occurred or is likely to occur in Hokkaido. (協力要請) 第2条 甲は、次に掲げる場合において、物資を必要とするときは、乙に対して乙の保有する物資の供給について協力を要請することができる。 (1)甲が災害対策本部を設置し、甲の地域に災害救助法が適用されるなど住民避難が大規模かつ長期間に及ぶことが予想されるとき。 (2)北海道内の被災市町村等から物資の供給要請があるとき。 (3)その他、物資の供給について、乙の支援が必要なとき。 (Request for Cooperation)
Article 1. Definitions” in the Severance Agreement is hereby amended as follows with the following definition being inserted in the applicable alphabetical order:
Article 1. The purpose of this agreement is to enable Partner A and Partner B to cooperate in advancing the Development Process of new artificial meat products by collaborating and contributing towards development of new products and technologies. Partner A and Partner B will discuss and confirm in writing the respective allotment of tasks as it relates to the development process(es) of any and all New Products/technologies. (Scope of Tasks)
Article 1. ): The entire fourth (4th) floor of the Building consisting of 18,172 rentable square feet of space (16,751 usable square feet) ("4TH FLOOR PREMISES") and 5,664 rentable square feet of space (4,873 usable square feet) located on the fifteenth (15th) floor of the Building ("15TH FLOOR PREMISES"), as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto; provided, however, that the actual number of usable square feet anti rentable square feet of the Premises shall be determined pursuant to the Final Space Plans and subject to verification pursuant to Section 1.2 of the Office Lease.
Article 1. Includes definitions in the Settlement Agreement that are not otherwise defined. • Article 2: Describes the purpose of the Settlement Agreement to resolve all claims between the Settling Parties. • Article 3: Sets forth the agreements of the Settling Parties as to payment and consideration and a mechanism for payment. Specifically: o This is a $528,000 black box settlement. o The payment obligation in the settlement is unconditional, final, irrevocable, and CAISO fully waives and/or releases its rights to any recovery or recoupment.
Article 1. All of PREMISES Taken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 2: Less Than Twenty-Five Percent (25%) of PREMISES Taken Article 3: Twenty-Five Percent (25%) or More of PREMISES Taken .