Job Post Sample Clauses

Job Post. Transfers All vacant positions coming within the scope of Agreement, are required to be shall be posted for seven (7) days. The job posting shall state the job classification, rate of pay, and required qualifications for the job. An employee who wishes to apply for a position so posted shall do so on or before the closing date as advertised on the posting. In selections, promotions and appointments where the required qualifications, and of an applicant demonstrably exceed those of more senior applicants, that applicant may be awarded the position. Otherwise, the senior qualified applicant shall be awarded the position. Upon completion of a competition and a candidate has been offered and accepted a position, the Employer will then notify all other candidates, by letter, of the winner of the competition. Should any of the have any queries as to why they not receive the position, they may contact the Employer who then answer any questions regarding that particular performance. If an employee is transferred to a position outside the Bargaining Unit, he shall retain seniority accumulated up to the date of leaving the Unit, but will not accumulate further seniority. Such employee shall have the right to return to a position in the Bargaining Unit consistent with his seniority accumulated up to the date of transfer outside the unit. Article Performance Review and Employee Files When a formal review of an employee's performance is made, the employee concerned shall be given the opportunity to discuss, then sign the review form in question to that its contents have been read and understood. The employee shall also be given the opportunity to provide written comments to be attached to his performance appraisal and may use the grievance procedure in Article to correct any alleged factual inaccuracies in performance appraisal. The formal review of an employee's performance shall also incorporate an opportunity for the employee to state his career development goals. The Employer's representative who assesses an employee's performance must have observed the employee's performance for at least one-half of the period for which the employee's performance is evaluated or have input from another person who has so observed the employee. The Employer agrees not to introduce as evidence in the case of promotional opportunities or action any document from the fie of an employee, the existence of the employee was not made aware, by the provision of a copy thereof at the time of ...
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Job Post. When a permanent vacancy occurs or a new position is created inside the bargaining unit, the following procedure shall apply:
Job Post. Each job post purchased will remain valid and usable for the period indicated from the date of purchase. Once activated, job posts run for up to 30 days and constitute use of a job post. Each post relates to only one vacancy for one employer in one country, and cannot be substituted for or combined with another vacancy. Multiple vacancies advertised in the same job post will constitute a breach of these terms and will result in automatic deactivation of the job post without any compensation or refund. All job posts should be submitted in English and meet basic standards of clarity, specificity and presentation. Teachers Web Limited reserves the right to disapprove, suspend or edit a post if, in its opinion, the job post does not meet required standards of quality. Database Search Subject to compliance with each of the terms of this Agreement, Teachers Web Limited agrees to permit You to access the Teachers Web Limited CV database (the “CV Database”) via the Site for the purpose of viewing and/or downloading a single copy of available CVs solely for Your use. The CV Database is to be accessed and used solely by You. Upon Your successful registration for Database Search membership, You will be provided with a password that will permit You to access the CV Database. You may not provide Your password or otherwise permit access to the CV Database to any third party. You may search the database, view and download CVs one at a time and contact, one at a time and in accordance with the terms of this agreement, selected candidates up to the limit specified in the package purchased by You. You may not provide or distribute such CVs to any third party. Your password is confidential. You may not use the CV Database for any purpose other than as an employer seeking employees, including but not limited to using the information in the CV Database to sell or promote any products or services. You may not use the CV Database in any way which, in Teachers Web Limited’s reasonable judgment, adversely affects Teachers Web Limited’s business or business prospects, the performance or function of the Site or the CV Database or interferes with the ability of other members. You may not store CVs obtained from the Site in any database or other electronic storage for the purpose of offering them for re-sale to a third-party. Teachers Web Limited reserves the right to suspend or terminate, at its discretion, Your access to the Site if it suspects a breach of these terms and, if misuse...

Related to Job Post

  • JOB POSTING Where a permanent vacancy occurs in a classification within the bargaining unit or a new position within the bargaining unit is established by the Hospital, such vacancy shall be posted for a period of seven (7) consecutive calendar days. Applications for such vacancy shall be made in writing within the seven (7) day period referred to herein. Where the end of the seven (7) days falls on a weekend, or a holiday (as defined in Article L.18.1), the posting will close on the first business day following. The postings shall stipulate the job title, department, campus, status, number of vacancies, shift rotation where applicable, classification, rate of pay, normal requirements of the position, work location where applicable as determined by the Employer (unit, work area, sector), and normal hours of work. A copy of the job description for the position shall be made available for review by an interested applicant by the Human Resources Department upon request. A copy of all job postings shall be emailed to the local Union office the day prior to the initial posting of the position. It is understood that the hours of work on the job posting is for information purposes only. The Hospital agrees that it shall post permanent vacant positions within thirty (30) calendar days of the position becoming vacant, unless the Hospital provides the Union notice under Article 9.08 of its intention to eliminate the position. In matters of promotion and staff transfer appointment shall be made of the senior applicant able to meet the normal requirements of the job. Successful employees need not be considered for other vacancies within a six (6) month period unless an opportunity arises which allows the employee to change his or her permanent status. The name of the successful applicant will be posted on the bulletin boards for a period of seven (7) calendar days. Where there are no successful applicants from within this bargaining unit for vacant positions referred to in this Article, employees in other CUPE bargaining units at the Hospital will be selected in accordance with the criteria for selection above, prior to considering persons who are not member of CUPE bargaining units at the Hospital. The employees eligible for consideration shall be limited to those employees who have applied for the position in accordance with this Article, and selection shall be made in accordance with this Article. The successful applicant shall be allowed a trial period of up to thirty (30) days, during which the Hospital will determine if the employee can satisfactorily perform the job. Within this period the employee may voluntarily return, or be returned by the Hospital to the position formerly occupied, without loss of seniority. The vacancy resulting from the posting may be filled on a temporary basis until the trial period is completed. A list of vacancies filled in the preceding month under this Article and the names of the successful applicants will be posted, with a copy provided to the Union.

  • Job Postings The employee may apply for a job posting at either home based on their seniority at the designated employer. The vacancy will be filled in accordance with Article 9 of the collective agreement. Where seniority is the deciding factor the most senior candidate will be selected regardless of which home her/his seniority was accumulated.

  • Queue Position The order of a valid Interconnection Application, relative to all other pending valid Interconnection Applications, that is established based upon the date- and time- of receipt of the complete Interconnection Application as described in Section 4.7 of the Overview ProcessError! Reference source not found.. Reasonable Efforts – With respect to an action required to be attempted or taken by a Party under these procedures, efforts that are timely and consistent with Good Utility Practice and are otherwise substantially equivalent to those a Party would use to protect its own interests. Reference Point of Applicability – The location, either the Point of Common Coupling or the Point of DER Connection, where the interconnection and interoperability performance requirements specified in IEEE 1547 apply. With mutual agreement, the Area EPS Operator and Customer may determine a point between the Point of Common Coupling and Point of DER Connection. See Minnesota Technical Requirements for more information. Simplified Process – The procedure for evaluating an Interconnection Application for a certified inverter-based DER no larger than 20 kW that uses the screens described in the Interconnection Process – Simplified Process document. The Simplified Process includes simplified procedures.

  • Job Search The Employer should assist surplus staff to find alternative employment by allowing them a reasonable amount of time off work to attend job interviews without loss of pay. This is subject to the Employer being notified of the time and location of the interview before the employee is released to attend it.

  • JOB In the event new jobs are created or vacancies occur within the bargaining unit, the Company will post such new jobs or vacancies for a period of three (3) working days, in order to allow bargaining unit employees to apply. Each posting will list the qualifications and the number needed. Immediately upon makingthe initial award, the name of the employee awarded the job will be posted and given to the Union. Employees will be notified by a posted notice, if a bid is cancelled. Employees interested in these vacancies, may sign the posted bid sheets. Only employees who meet the qualifications will be eligible to bid. Skills and abilities being satisfactory, the most senior employee biddingwill be awarded the bid. If no one bids, the Company, may at its discretion, fill the vacancy with a new hire or least senior production technician. The fact that an employee is considered a for a particular position, will not automatically qualify that person for the position if it's posted for bid. An employee who is on medical leave of absence is not eligible to bid on a posting. A successful bidder will be placed in the new classificationwithin two weeks after having been awarded the bid. Employees bidding on a higher paying position will not be paid the higher rate until they qualify for and accept the new position and then they will be paid back to the date they were awarded the bid. Employees may not bid for a job posting any more frequently than every five months. Employees can bid from a temporary posting to a full-time posting but, in no case will any employee be allowed to bid from one temporary bid to another temporary bid. Once placed in the new classification, the employee will have ten days to demonstrate the ability to perform satisfactorily. This can be extended or waived by mutual agreement. If the employee wishes to waive the ten days such employee will be required to fill out the I waiver form. In case the employee is not retained in the job by the Company, or the employee voluntarily elects to give up their rights to the job, providing it is within the first ten days, the employee will be returned to his former classificationand shift, seniority permitting. It is understood that no employee is allowed to give up their rights to any job bid more than times per calendar year. As an exception, where a bid is accepted within the classification, but involves a shift change, the employee can only elect to give up their bid providing it is within the first five (5) days. Once four (4) employees have been given opportunities to qualify for any one vacancy, the job will be re-posted. The rate of pay for an employee transferring under this section will be at the same step of progression for the new classification as he is being paid for the classification he is transferring from. The Union will be given copies of all bids and applicants and bid awards. The company agrees to post any positions that new hires are placed in, so seniority employees can apply. These jobs will be posted one week after hire. New Jobs If the Company elects to create a new classification it will inform the bargainingcommittee in writing setting forth the classificationand the rate of pay. The union shall have five working days to dispute the rate of pay assigned to the classification. If at the expiration of the five working days no formal dispute has been filed, the rate established shall be permanent. If the rate initially established is changed as a result of the Union filing a dispute, the new rate agreed upon shall be applied retroactively to the date it was initially established. The newly created classification shall be posted for bid no later than thirty calendar days after the date the Union was given its written notification. Temporary Assignments It is understoodand agreed between the parties that employees may be temporarily assigned to classifications other than their own due to the varying of customer schedules and needs, as well as absenteeism, vacations, leaves of absences or the like. When such temporary assignments are made, the employee involved will be paid the rate of pay for his own position or the position to which he is being temporarily assigned, whichever is higher, for the length of the temporary assignment. The Company agrees to annually canvass employees to determine which employees are interested in temporary assignments, and when possible, make temporary assignment opportunities available to them. The company will train two (2) people per year, by shift, by seniority. If requested, the Company will supply the Union a copy of the list of who is trained and for what position. In case of temporary assignments of more than one week, the assignment will first be offered to the senior qualified employees in the classification from which the transfer is being made. If no one volunteers to cover the Saturday from the other the employee in the temporary assignment will be required to fill the vacancy. It is also understood that no one temporary assignment will last longer than thirty calendar days without the mutual consent of the parties. The Company will create a Temporary Assignment Board, stating the starting and ending dates of current temporary assignments in the plant. It will be the Supervisors' responsibility to monitor the board. The board will be located at a mutually agreed upon location. The parties agree that this section will not be used to circumvent the Job Posting procedure. The Company will continue the practice of posting positions on a temporary basis for those jobs vacated by employees who are going off for a known period of thirty (30) days or more. Transfers Outside of BargainingUnit to the effective date of this agreement, employees who have been appointed or selected for a supervisory position, or for any position not subject to the provisions of this agreement, will not be covered by the provisions of this agreement. However, if any employee on a seniority list, covered by this agreement, is temporarily transferred or appointed to a supervisory position outside of the bargaining unit by the Company, and then is transferred back to a position which is covered by this agreement, the employee will return only with the seniority earned while in the bargaining unit. The returning employee has no rights to their previous job or shift. For every employee temporarily transferred out of the bargaining unit, the Company agrees to recall or hire an employee for an equal period of time as the transferring employee. Temporary Shift Trades The Company will allow employees to apply for voluntary shift trades within their own classification. If approved, employees become the lowest seniority on the shift, within the classification they have switched to. No shift trade will be unreasonably denied. The length of the temporary shift trade may vary depending on the individual circumstances. ARTICLE

  • Job Description The Employer agrees to draw up job descriptions for all positions for which the Union is bargaining agent. These descriptions shall be presented and discussed with the Union and shall become the recognized job descriptions unless the Union presents written objection within thirty (30) calendar days.

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