Job Classification means an arrangement of tasks in an establishment or industry into a limited series of jobs or occupations, rated in terms of skill, responsibility, experience, training, and similar considerations, usually for wage setting purposes. This term, or job class, refers to a single cluster of jobs of approximately equal “worth.”
Job Classification means an employee's job for which there is a wage rate listed in the Wage Section of this Collective Agreement.
Job Classification means the job title, salary level, employment status and months worked in a position covered by this Collective Agreement.
Examples of Job Classification in a sentence
Job Classification An employee will attain permanent status in a job classification upon their successful completion of a probationary, trial service, or transition review period.
More Definitions of Job Classification
Job Classification means your occupation at the time you quit work;
Job Classification means an individual position or group of positions with a single job title.
Job Classification means a specific job function.
Job Classification means the position which the employee holds as identified in the wage chart in Article 13, i.e. Captain, Waiter, Busperson etc.
Job Classification means one or more positions sufficiently similar in kind and level of duties and responsibilities that they may be grouped under the same title, pay plan, pay grade, and other elements included in the classification plan.
Job Classification means those of the 2010 Standard Occupational Classification System of the U. S. Department of Labor.
Job Classification means the specific or particular job classification or title used to denote the actual job function of a position within the bargaining unit.